The US Gov has now suspended certain payments in an effort to maintain cash flow, maintaining interest payments and SS payments included. I am listening to more politicians saying SS payments will not be touched. Hahaha!

I think Fink the WEF fascist totally understand the age of the ROI is over. There is no place to hide enormous sums of money from what is now occurring. The US Gov having the most money of all of them!

Payments from all sources might be over here soon, I don't know. The old saying is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Hahaha (ala Vincent Price)!

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This year will have a lot of "discovery", I think...

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A phrase I heard recently sums all of this up neatly: "Fact Chokers".

We need to start using the term Fact Choker everywhere to refer to this class of Official Liars. If there's one thing tyrants cannot bear it is satire.

Happy Friday!

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It looks like a lot of people have caught-on. The WEF is worried about this.

The WEF is a bit late. That cat is out of the bag.

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And it ain't no kitty-cat

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Some positive recent events: both the WEF and Bill Gates disabled comments on their Twitter channels. Gee, I wonder why?

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Thanks for the link to "The Roll Of The Expert". I've been scrolling through the site "Propaganda In Focus" lots of interesting articles there. I've read through this one:

https://propagandainfocus.com/how-did-the-skripal-novichok-attack-kill-dawn-sturgess/ Remember the Skripals? It ain't over! But it has been memory holed for most. I wonder where the Skripals are at this moment? I've wondered that from time to time since they went missing.

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The last cryptic video from Yulia Skripal seemed to have been recorded inside a NATO base in the UK, as I recall. They got disappeared. That whole thing appears to have been an operation to tar Russia, using UK stocks of an early Soviet-era chemical weapon (poison), Novichok, which the UK had on hand, having synthesized, itself. Sergei Skripal, a double-agent, had already served his time in Russia, and had already been released. He bore a label, but if they had wanted him dead, they could have eliminated him quietly long before he went to the UK.

I am sure their lives suck these days, if they yet live.

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Are you aware of Mathew Crawford's publicized concerns with how Steve Kirsch operates his vaccine committees and Substack? While this latest post (https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/such-an-easy-test-of-veracity) made more public and open Mathew's concerns, he's been hinting and discussing, in his comments and on the main Substack posting, about problems with how Kirsch participates in communities resisting vaccinations.

My sense about Kirsch had been forming for a while, and finally crystallized a few months ago when I read some behind the scenes emails from one of Kirsch's targets (so to speak). Despite my not agreeing with how Christine Massey interprets her own FOIA results (ultimately, there are no such things as viruses and specifically a SARS-Cov-2 virome), for me it was illustrative to see how Kirsch and other people associated with him operate to silence, suppress and humiliate dissenting voices while wanting to maneuver themselves into positions of influence in the communities resisting larger government and corporate operations. I cancelled my subscription and never went back to Kirsch's Substack, because I don't need that static in my limited time online.

Of course, I am who I am, and you are free and clear to have your own perspective, which I very much appreciate and do not regard as static at all.

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Thanks Polemos. I personally see Kirsch and Malone as positives, and their adversaries within the truth movement also as positives. Getting sidetracked and sniping does not help us get to the truth. There are going to be different approaches and methods, but these folks, who are at odds with each other are not killing millions of people in an effort to completely imprison and control planetary life, humans animals and plants.

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Okay, but Mathew is stating quite openly that people are attempting to harm him, are threatening his life, and have acted already to do violence to himself and his family. While he hasn't linked these things to Kirsch specifically, he is saying that enough people in the public community —who are positioned already for making millions of dollars in business and medical opportunities their behind-the-scenes maneuvers have made possible, once the tide turns in their favor, through the work of billionaires who have remained occulted from the audiences of those in the public community— are aware of these attempts and actions against Mathew, but say nothing, do nothing, and renege on promises made to him that they'd act on the damning and critical information he's uncovered.

So, it's already far beyond sidetracking and sniping. There is a truth that's actively being suppressed with its the messenger systematically blanked.

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I'm not well informed on these specifics, not informed at all. I will comment that threatening somebody, while posing as an agent of somebody else, is often effective at turning those people against each other. That is only general knowledge. I don't know this situation. I post most of the high-points of what I find.

Imposed divide-and-rule divisions interest me. They are an act of war.

Personality squabbles are just unfortunate, as I see it.

It can be hard to know what's what, until you see a lot of it.

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These are all fair points, and I appreciate your candor.

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Did you watch the video posted on the Rumble channel "Rounding The Earth" with both Mathew Cawthorn and Steve Kirsch? To me, Mathew sounded like a whiny baby who hasn't gotten his way. Steve has offered to help Mathew, but Mathew expects everyone to do a ton of research in order to understand his stats and numbers. Mathew is so intimate with his data but not everyone else is and it's difficult to understand. I got the impression that Mathew is just jealous because Steve has a larger audience and won't just republish his stories, verbatim, or pay for for lawyers and security. Steve told him -symmarize it, make it simple for people to understand, send me something, I'll repost it! Then Mathew complains he's "snowed in", just too busy with other stuff? Even now, people simply don't have time or are too lazy (or blue-pilled disinterested) to delve into all the backstories of Mathew's research to understand whatever point Mathew is trying to get across. I commented this to Mathew on that video, that "all I saw were a bunch of arrows, question marks and circles on his graphs - what does all that mean?" He responded that I needed read all his previous work and I'd understand it. 😏 If you want to be an investigative journalist, you have to know how to get to the point quickly or people (naturally) lose interest. That's not Steve Kirsch's fault.

Read the comments. I'm not the only on unimpressed with the way Mathew was acting. My comment is the 4th main one.


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You watched a video and got an impression, but you don't know what the man's last name is. If you are not interested enough to be accurate on that kind of detail, what amount of weight do you want me to give to your capacity to observe and conclude on things demanding more critical attention? I'm not being altogether snarky here: I'm being serious, too. If you are inaccurate about something as easily verifiable as that, what else are you inaccurate about, in your own self-assessment? If you were engaging with someone who is getting such easy things wrong, would that make you more or less trusting of their ability to get more difficult things right? And, if that person then adds that they find it difficult to follow more complex things that aren't easily summarized or made quickly accessible for them, would that make them even more or less trustworthy?

What is missing from your description are the numerous times Steve has blown Mathew off, and Mathew is not the only person who notices Steve's habit of promising something but then failing to follow through. Other habits and behaviors of his demonstrate compromised principles. But, here's one thing, notice what happens at 16 minutes in the video you linked. Steve starts asking about the DMED data, asking if there's a "signal" showing an increase in adverse events ("lots of things that ... uh, showing that the vaccine intervention is harmful"), and when Mathew says "Yes," Steve acts surprised, saying that this is news to him. But, as Mathew points out, he has been saying this *for months now* in the meetings and personal conversations with him, and Steve acts as though this is "just this second" the first he's heard of this? Notice also that Mathew's comment about being snowed in around the nineteen minute mark (is this the reference you're making?) regards being avalanched, snowed in by the nonsense *from others*: they have been telling him one thing about what they want and need from him, what to do with the data, and how they want to focus their own time (on Thomas Renz, who is clearly grifting and committing fraud and disinterested in actually litigating for a "devastating" outcome for medical freedom), rather than helping Mathew in the ways they had initially said they were going to.

He wasn't saying that *he himself* is just too busy with other stuff to make his case, he is saying that the people who were supposedly on the side of coordinating with him to make this data and this analysis available to the public in a format that informs and persuades and motivates instead focused their time on counterproductive activities, such as supporting a propaganda piece that clearly mixes falsehoods and inaccuracies with facts exactly the way limited hangouts and counterintelligence operations do in order to poison the well. They are busying themselves with nonsense and doing what they can to get in his way to suppress the data he's trying to get out there that shows, in a more accurate and more constructive way, the falsehoods and fraud committed to support the Emergency Authorization Use. The reason why this is vastly important: if people go with Thomas Renz and give him support because they see he is receiving much more attention and if people go with Died Suddenly because it has more views and give it support because they see it reaches people, then the litigation built upon the fraudulent evidence provided by Renz and Died Suddenly rather than accurate and precise data will amount to a victory for the government, for the DoD, for pharmacorps, and for the advertising and lobbying arms and intelligence outfits linking together all these corrupt institutions, and that victory will be what will seal the narrative on their behalf. "See, they already went to court about all this, and the antivaxxers lied and had nothing but lies and fraud to go on!"

So, again, if you're inaccurate about what Mathew is talking about when he says he's "snowed in", what do you really want me to do with your offered perspective? It's not enough to say "Well, we just have a difference of opinion" when one's opinion is formed from inaccurate and imprecise observations. We all have to do better at paying attention.

As for reading the comments to that video, I do not have a Rumble account so I don't have access to those comments. Still, perhaps it is true what he wrote: if you have the time to watch a Rumble video, then take some time and read through other of Mathew's posts about the DMED data. It is, nevertheless, true: the more you go through the explanation and the detail, the more it will start to make sense. I admit that I've been reading Mathew's Substack for some time, having been a paid subscriber nearly since the beginning when he started. So, I have had more time in the past to read and digest, and I don't really expect for someone who approaches complex issues with casual interest to grasp that there are different layers of deception taking place with the data. Yet this is true for a lot of things: constant and continuous contact with a concept helps the mind to begin appreciate the manifold perspectives needed to understand it. You agree with this, right? Spending an hour on a topic doesn't give you nearly as much understanding as spending 1000 hours, and spending 10000 hours surely gives even more experience and understanding, right?

Sure, having some background with numbers, databases, statistics helps, but you're going to benefit naturally from reading over the several posts he's given to the topic far more than expecting it to come fully formed in an hour-and-a-half video that itself is not entirely about that topic.

I mean, again, be frank with yourself. Suppose you have given a topic 1000 hours of research and study. You have posted several times on that topic, working out how you have come to certain conclusions which you have come to understand demonstrate not only fraud committed by the people who originally put out the data but also fraud on the part of people using that data to say the first people are committing fraud —with the second group ostensibly being people who claimed to be on your side, but upon being revealed as frauds, now act to isolate, marginalize, and bad-mouth you behind your back. When someone unknown to you, in a casual comment on a video you're in, wants this topic explained to you, are you going to take the time to go through and re-enact all of this background for that one commentor, or are you going to direct them to the published posts you have already made available precisely for people, who have the time and the intention, to work through and bring to their own understanding? If it takes several days each to write and compose several posts that help someone to work at their own pace through them, would you stop what you are doing to respond to that online comment, or would you tell them that you've already made that information available to them and they can help themselves to it?

What would you do?

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I appreciate that you DO put a lot of time and effort and rigor into your work, before forming opinions, and that you do a lot of work to present it. Your background as a Librarian is notable, and you serve it well, Polemos.

I remain personally unable to know what is going on. there is a lot of fog-of-war.

I seek shared purpose in getting accurate and actionable information out to people, who are under very real, physical and psychological attack, in this new form of warfare.

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My background also includes teaching philosophy, logic, ethics and serving as a cop dealing with the high and the low, the cruel and the sincere, so shades of thinking fast and slow. All anyone has to do to get past fog is listen, open and move; listen, open and move; slowly and then with confidence, and then with conviction. "Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast."

So, it's okay to take time to learn, get it right, double-checking your double-check until it's habit become nature become intuition. Some people take advantage of trust networks, whether to create marks or to become a victim, because they do not yet understand how karma is also our choices to make choices.

Body language tells me a lot, and people inhabit their words with as much immersion and care.

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Honestly, I quit reading your very lengthy comment when you dismissed my comment solely because I didnt write Mathew's last name correctly and then proceeded to turn it into a personal attack. I'm glad you're SO perfect as to never make any mistakes in your online life. Defend and believe who you want, others will do the same, 'k?

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You demonstrate the point.

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well said...probably afraid...I'm borrowing from Dave Barry here....his "penis will fall off".

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Watch out for "Disaster Capitalism", which is pretty much what the "medical" "profession" is all about anyway.

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Great article like always.

Question: Have you ever looked into the possibilities of self programmable Nanotechnology?



The Harvard Wyss Foundation is connected to the WEF & Klaus Schwab via Hansjörg Wyss (now Chelsea owner) and through Escher Wyss... they are lifelong family friends.

Now I write for a long time about NEURAL LACE BCI which is exactly that.

And from what I have seen so far this is the reason why there are so many unexplained deaths.

The Idea and what they openly talk about is to connect the Human Race to the IOB.

For this NEURAL LACE is necessary and it is inside those VXX shots.

Basically what I am saying, and I do this all along, is that we are forced to work with things illogical and ideologically detrimental to the existence of the human race.

And we can change this.

We don't need top follow orders.

We need to stand up be counted and think for ourselves.

Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit!


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It's self assembling. Stuff that small needs to be self-assembling, because you can't build an assembly machine small enough. Stuff like antennas seems to allow the self-assembling machines to be energized by radio-waves in our ambient space. Supposedly those things stop assembling inside a Faraday Shield.

If these things can be grown in human nervous systems, then some kind of AI could learn to use that interface inside of a human. I don't want to be in that experiment.

Determine right and wrong yourself, Brother, and be true to your conscience. A time of undesired consequences appears to already be breaking upon those who just followed evil orders.

Never be that.

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Spot on.

One thing about the human machine that everyone ignores is the fact that we are a bio-electrical hybrid that transforms bio mass and kinetic energy into electrical currents.

Our thoughts are electrical currents and our feelings are magnetic fields created by thoughts which are electrical currents.

Our Brain is an infinite computer.

I did a lecture on this and am very well knowing since I research this.

Electric currents polarize those nanoparticles so they can assemble.

But it is the unknowing masses we must educate about the nature of themselves.

The "Elites" know this and use it against us.

The highest form of Intelligence is the intelligence of feelings.

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The implication with JikkyLeaks is the medicine were fundamentally good, but there were manufacturing issues at scale. I don't buy it. And I would look into who JikkyLeaks is.

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I'm not sure that "fundamentally good" is implied by this information.

"Known bad" is implied, since the killer-batches were not given to Pfizer employees.

Pfizer employees might have been given saline batches.

I did not see any analysis of what was in the batches given to Pfizer employees.

We are led to ASSUME that they were similar to what was given study-participants, but Pfizer already knew those to be bad-enough in terms of side effects and deaths.

Why not saline?

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Saline crossed my mind too. But you could read it both ways.

We are in a position now, where the Virus portion of the crime is being unwound. The financial crimes are being ignored of course; these were the real crimes. The deaths and injuries cannot be hidden anymore. An acceptable narrative needs to be constructed around history now. And not a narrative that will fool you or I, but a narrative that is palatable to 60%. To read the tea leaves you need to put on your social-engineer/social-psychology hat, see: Gustave Le Bone, Wilfred Trotter, the new guy Mr. Mass Formation… (but there’s really not much new). There will be scape goats and blame, see the staged confrontation of Bourla at Davos. What is the “best” possible narrative they could achieve? We moved too fast, mistakes were made, the medicines are sound, but they were produced poorly and too quickly, we know more now than we did then, etc, etc, etc. Will it work, maybe? They need to slowly feel this out, gauge reactions, shift approaches etc. A major political shift will also go a long ways; which is what the Twitter situation is about. Reset the professional wrestling match villains and heroes. Who really knows, gossiping serfs are we.

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I think "they" lost control of the dominant narrative around the "Pandemic", and the replacement Ukraine-War narrative is very unhealthy, chewing up a lot of boys, old men, and depleting expensive military equipment, just to keep the zombie-lie on TV.

The wave they don't want to face is the end of the $US as global reserve currency, coming just as everybody quits believing propaganda... It doesn't have to be everybody, anyway. I think that upwards of 1/3 of people are onto the game, and that wave of awareness is spreading, because it is "an idea whose time has come", yet again. It's like 1968 again.

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Great observation Dr. John! I think a few broad-minded people in each community with some personal skills and preparedness will be pivotal in leading the next wave. I already communicated this to several LEO's and military encouraging their participation in standing ground with the people when the trouble starts. I wirk in peoples houses so I learn and share from the heart on energy and social issues. I hear that vax injuries are being diagnosed as long covid with antibody tests but people are aware and relieved to talk about their concerns. Hope for the best!

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Everybody has had COVID by now, so it's easy to say "we see you had COVID, so this is 'long COVID'".

It's good to get people to discuss the scenario, and which side they will stand with.

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"For Her Own Good" : Two Centuries of Experts' Advice to Women.

Lots of real "fact checking" in there. Not good results at all. Look whose facts don't hold water? No wonder they pay so much for insurance.

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I've always found Art Berman to be neutral with a pretty good grasp of the facts.

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no such thing as a"neutral" or "objective" subject speaking.

The person speaking is positioned in time , place, economics, status, etc. The person speaking is positioned in their native geographical space, their body, not a neutral reality whatever.

See Donna Harraway. This idea of pronouncements from nowhere and everywhere at once is not allowed, that's the "god trick". There's no such statements coming from the mouths of persons.

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For some reason, I've been extremely interested in how all these psychological manipulations (propaganda) are SO successful, especiallyon people who you'd think "were smarter than that".

I think my interest stems from my personal question, "Why didn't *I* fall for all it?". Prior to 2020, I totally believed in the whole "vaccination is a good thing" tripe. It's a deep, dark rabbit hole trying to manipulate others into submission or cooperation. Oh, the research and observations they've done for decades on us, the guinea pigs!

Thanks for the "Propaganda in Focus" link. Lots of good stuff there. Without all the brain twistings, this whole "plandemic" would've never got off the ground.

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ever think about television? Try ' Four Reason For The Elimination of Television", Jerry Mander, and his later book, "In The Absence of The Sacred. "

What if you tried to tell them their "bought land" was all stolen through genocide?

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Yeah, I've looked at the whole Hollywoid/CIA industry of "entertainment" re: predictive programming, "patriotic" propaganda, subliminal messaging. The role that Sigmund Freud and his nephew, Edward Bernays played in the psychological manipulations of people to be the almighty consumers of today.


I'm watching the documentary "The Century of the Self" right now.

I'm part Choctaw Cherokee...so I've been down the "stolen land/genocide" rabbit hole, too.

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