I was attending at childrens hospital late 80s-97 and there was a clear decrease in Haemophilis meningitis following H. flu vaccine introduction. Also I attended two SIDS resuscitation efforts that were memorable in that they both had routine shots 2-3 days before their death. One successful case was at 5:30am in one month old premie mom doing cpr as taught by nicu crew and was the day after her first hepB shot. Mom was night watching and likely saved her life as in near sids.
Are there any plans to do further research on the childhood schedule and possible adverse events associated with it? In the answer to this question, we will come to know if vaccine adverse effects are likely by accident or by intention. It’s not easy to consider yet eugenics is a real thing and 99% of us loath the thought.
A Midwestern Doctor's work is excellent, and when I read this carefully last night, reflecting on my experiences as a parent, and family practitioner, graduating med school in 1986, I knew that I really just needed to present this alone today.
I pared it way down, but it is worth reading carefully for people like us.
That article you link to, John, is truly shocking, but it doesn't surprise me. I've seen first hand how controlled medical practicioners are, quite what a top-down mafia their profession is. Discussing vaccines in the UK is almost as impossible as in the USA.
The thing I've said for over 20 years is this: given that idiosyncratic drug reactions are serious/lethal adverse reactions for small molecule drugs amongst a very small percentage of treated patients, why couldn't a similarly small subpopulation be susceptible to serious/lethal adverse reactions to vaccines?
Many small molecule drugs were withdrawn from market as a result of IDRs, but not a single vaccine has been. Indeed, I learned about IDRs when I was sent from the UK to DC to help a CEO of a start up whose mission was to take withdrawn medicines and to try and make mimetics which didn't possess the characteristics leading to IDRs.
Thank You, Rhys. This one article was just what I needed to put up today. My much-condensed version is still quite long, but this is the "9/11-of-Pediatrics".
I watched a couple of videos by a pediatrician, Canadian, I think, who spoke out against vaccination. His views were that many babies/toddlers had suffered strokes, causing mild facial changes, height of eyebrows, slightly droopy eyelid, symetry of lips, just tiny differences. He died very suddenly too and I'm sorry I can't remember his name.
I wonder if you could provide the source for the assertion that "mass graves have been identified" for the first recipients of the DPT vaccine.
I want to point out to readers some confusion appears in this article.
I practiced family medicine for 33 years, and want to point out that the DPT injuries, including seizures, was modified to contain acellular Pertussis antigen, so currently infants are being given DTaP. The P is not indicative of Polio, in this case. I acknowledge that the CDC recommends concurrent administration of TDaP and iPV (injectable Polio Vaccine. Now that distinction probably doesn't make that much difference, as your mortality statistics show.
SIDS is, of course, devastating to the families and their doctors. One of the sad consequences is in the fear it creates for parents that it could happen again, and sometimes does! These deaths also have been sometimes considered suspicious,as due to hidden neglect or abuse, creating immense anguish and guilt in the mothers. The wave of SIDS I witnessed as a resident in the mid-1980s spawned an industry of home baby monitors and bed alarms.
I do think that some vaccines have been beneficial in reducing some serious illnesses. I personally recall the introduction of Prevnar (for Pneumococcus, and HIB ({Hemophilus influenza B) vaccines cut infant hospital actions due to those forms of bacterial pneumonia and meningitis, as well as a decrease in serious hearing loss from otitis (though bottle-fed babies did less well than breast-fed babies, indicating a mechanical basis for middle ear fluid).
Do look to the original AMD article, which I merely excerpted here, for all links and references.
The graphs and other information are more than 10X what I excerpted.
I graduated med school in 1986, so you were a little ahead of me, but we had the same formative experiences. Being concerned about vaccine-harms was still mainstream medicine in the 1980s.
(We delayed vaccination of our children until after a year of age, which was a common and openly offered option in those days, as you will recall.)
I wonder that, too. It would be safe all around not too, but tetanus is a thing in the world. H. Influenzae-B vaccine is pretty well tolerated, and reduced childhood pathology from that disease, but HIB never did hit breast-fed babies of non-smokers very hard, either.
I recall thinking at the time how can an organization say they’re science based then aggressively punish a credentialed doctor for simply questioning outcomes?
Isn’t the evolution of knowledge the essence of science? Seems to me not being allowed to question things is more akin to the dark ages.
Nonetheless I was in the minority as my coworkers were aghast at the mere suggestion that vaccines were perhaps not as safe or effective as previously thought. Minds closed.
Little did I know what would be in store for us a few years later.
The irony is I never much questioned vaccination as I’ve had all the requisite shots as have my wife and child until we were barbecued as “anti-vaxxers” simply for standing our ground against one shot.
Now we question them all. I think we are still in the minority though, unfortunately.
I like you. You’re good people. The kind the world needs more of. Stay the course.
These events of late just highlight how we’ve all been led. I’ve fallen for it too. But I’m doing my best to see it and question it much to the chagrin of my contemporaries.
I had a friend, a family doc I knew for 30yrs. We’d do things together. Watched our kids grow up. Go to lunch and chat a couple times a month.
Then covid hit. He was destabilized. I was not. I saw the plan from the beginning. The folly of masking, the cruelty of lockdowns, the deliberate fear mongering. Everything from our betters all flouting rules for thee to the financial incentives given to hospitals.
I saw the nefariousness unfolding and hated all of it. The effect it was having on kids made me sick to my stomach. The purveyors didn’t care.
Anyway, he couldn’t see it partly because he was a big Trump supporter and since Trump declared Covid a national emergency it had to be true, right?
To be clear I liked Trump too and was glad when Hillary lost but I don’t love any politician to the point of blindness and Trump dropped the ball hard and is still bragging about it.
I believe in the adage voting for president always comes down to voting for the shinier turd. Nothing highlights that more than what we’ve got coming up.
Anyway, long story short my long-time friend no longer speaks to me.
I’ve never been into hero worship but Ron Paul comes close. I’ve read his books. The media smeared him as a tottering old pacifist fool with outdated ideas when nothing could be farther from the truth. It is obvious our presidents are pre-selected with no input on our parts required except to follow the perceptions laid out for us and believe we are thinking independently.
Once again. If my holistic veterinarians specifically advocate AGAINST multiple vaccines in one shot, why don't doctors? They do not even seem familiar with the concept of vaccinosis. I adopted a kitten dumped on our road then adopted a shelter kitten for them to play together. The shelter kitten who had been given every poison known to low-quality vets (and most shelter vets are the worst) suffered paralysis at AGE THREE, and we had to euthanize her. The dumped kitten is now almost 14 years old (old for a cat) and though she sleeps most of the time she seems quite healthy (I don't take critters to the vet after a certain age; it's too traumatic even when the vet is very gentle and kind. My last old cat clearly had kidney issues and I only gave him food he wanted to eat which was everything veterinarians advise again such as uncured ham, uncured bacon, sausage, bits of beef -- he lived for years because he knew better than someone who only had textbook knowledge what he needed).
If I haven't already put you to sleep, I'll relate my experience with that damnable DTaP. I only wanted a tetanus shot because I live in the country and the people who lived here last century threw all their junk out the windows, including rusty nails. My doctor is not very knowledgeable about vaccines, repeating all the propaganda, and I was as usual highly traumatized at the time. I took the shot and had an enormous allergic reaction and I'm an adult. How can those tiny bodies manage to detox these monstrous vaccines? I prefer my holistic veterinarians' compromise: One shot at a time, and my current vet hands out informational sheets detailing the pluses and minuses of each vaccine. How many doctors -- HAHAHAHAHA! -- do that?
I was attending at childrens hospital late 80s-97 and there was a clear decrease in Haemophilis meningitis following H. flu vaccine introduction. Also I attended two SIDS resuscitation efforts that were memorable in that they both had routine shots 2-3 days before their death. One successful case was at 5:30am in one month old premie mom doing cpr as taught by nicu crew and was the day after her first hepB shot. Mom was night watching and likely saved her life as in near sids.
Are there any plans to do further research on the childhood schedule and possible adverse events associated with it? In the answer to this question, we will come to know if vaccine adverse effects are likely by accident or by intention. It’s not easy to consider yet eugenics is a real thing and 99% of us loath the thought.
A Midwestern Doctor's work is excellent, and when I read this carefully last night, reflecting on my experiences as a parent, and family practitioner, graduating med school in 1986, I knew that I really just needed to present this alone today.
I pared it way down, but it is worth reading carefully for people like us.
That article you link to, John, is truly shocking, but it doesn't surprise me. I've seen first hand how controlled medical practicioners are, quite what a top-down mafia their profession is. Discussing vaccines in the UK is almost as impossible as in the USA.
The thing I've said for over 20 years is this: given that idiosyncratic drug reactions are serious/lethal adverse reactions for small molecule drugs amongst a very small percentage of treated patients, why couldn't a similarly small subpopulation be susceptible to serious/lethal adverse reactions to vaccines?
Many small molecule drugs were withdrawn from market as a result of IDRs, but not a single vaccine has been. Indeed, I learned about IDRs when I was sent from the UK to DC to help a CEO of a start up whose mission was to take withdrawn medicines and to try and make mimetics which didn't possess the characteristics leading to IDRs.
Thank You, Rhys. This one article was just what I needed to put up today. My much-condensed version is still quite long, but this is the "9/11-of-Pediatrics".
More people need to speak out about injuries and deaths in the infant and child vaccine schedule. Thank-you for your post.
I watched a couple of videos by a pediatrician, Canadian, I think, who spoke out against vaccination. His views were that many babies/toddlers had suffered strokes, causing mild facial changes, height of eyebrows, slightly droopy eyelid, symetry of lips, just tiny differences. He died very suddenly too and I'm sorry I can't remember his name.
That sort of mini-stroke injury from vaccination is addressed in the article. The full article is long and packed with clear information.
I wonder if you could provide the source for the assertion that "mass graves have been identified" for the first recipients of the DPT vaccine.
I want to point out to readers some confusion appears in this article.
I practiced family medicine for 33 years, and want to point out that the DPT injuries, including seizures, was modified to contain acellular Pertussis antigen, so currently infants are being given DTaP. The P is not indicative of Polio, in this case. I acknowledge that the CDC recommends concurrent administration of TDaP and iPV (injectable Polio Vaccine. Now that distinction probably doesn't make that much difference, as your mortality statistics show.
SIDS is, of course, devastating to the families and their doctors. One of the sad consequences is in the fear it creates for parents that it could happen again, and sometimes does! These deaths also have been sometimes considered suspicious,as due to hidden neglect or abuse, creating immense anguish and guilt in the mothers. The wave of SIDS I witnessed as a resident in the mid-1980s spawned an industry of home baby monitors and bed alarms.
I do think that some vaccines have been beneficial in reducing some serious illnesses. I personally recall the introduction of Prevnar (for Pneumococcus, and HIB ({Hemophilus influenza B) vaccines cut infant hospital actions due to those forms of bacterial pneumonia and meningitis, as well as a decrease in serious hearing loss from otitis (though bottle-fed babies did less well than breast-fed babies, indicating a mechanical basis for middle ear fluid).
Do look to the original AMD article, which I merely excerpted here, for all links and references.
The graphs and other information are more than 10X what I excerpted.
I graduated med school in 1986, so you were a little ahead of me, but we had the same formative experiences. Being concerned about vaccine-harms was still mainstream medicine in the 1980s.
(We delayed vaccination of our children until after a year of age, which was a common and openly offered option in those days, as you will recall.)
I'm wondering if you'd vaccinate your children today?
I wonder that, too. It would be safe all around not too, but tetanus is a thing in the world. H. Influenzae-B vaccine is pretty well tolerated, and reduced childhood pathology from that disease, but HIB never did hit breast-fed babies of non-smokers very hard, either.
Control group: Amish
I worked at The Cleveland Clinic when this happened:
I recall thinking at the time how can an organization say they’re science based then aggressively punish a credentialed doctor for simply questioning outcomes?
Isn’t the evolution of knowledge the essence of science? Seems to me not being allowed to question things is more akin to the dark ages.
Nonetheless I was in the minority as my coworkers were aghast at the mere suggestion that vaccines were perhaps not as safe or effective as previously thought. Minds closed.
Little did I know what would be in store for us a few years later.
The irony is I never much questioned vaccination as I’ve had all the requisite shots as have my wife and child until we were barbecued as “anti-vaxxers” simply for standing our ground against one shot.
Now we question them all. I think we are still in the minority though, unfortunately.
It may be a survival test. Rumor is that Queen Elizabeth died of turbo-cancer after vaccination, that King Chuck III has it, and now Princess Kate.
Princess Anne's health appears to be good, and she's the best of the whole lot, as I understand it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBGgjTqshvI
Thanks for subscribing. I hope to be of use to you.
I like you. You’re good people. The kind the world needs more of. Stay the course.
These events of late just highlight how we’ve all been led. I’ve fallen for it too. But I’m doing my best to see it and question it much to the chagrin of my contemporaries.
I had a friend, a family doc I knew for 30yrs. We’d do things together. Watched our kids grow up. Go to lunch and chat a couple times a month.
Then covid hit. He was destabilized. I was not. I saw the plan from the beginning. The folly of masking, the cruelty of lockdowns, the deliberate fear mongering. Everything from our betters all flouting rules for thee to the financial incentives given to hospitals.
I saw the nefariousness unfolding and hated all of it. The effect it was having on kids made me sick to my stomach. The purveyors didn’t care.
Anyway, he couldn’t see it partly because he was a big Trump supporter and since Trump declared Covid a national emergency it had to be true, right?
To be clear I liked Trump too and was glad when Hillary lost but I don’t love any politician to the point of blindness and Trump dropped the ball hard and is still bragging about it.
I believe in the adage voting for president always comes down to voting for the shinier turd. Nothing highlights that more than what we’ve got coming up.
Anyway, long story short my long-time friend no longer speaks to me.
Another casualty of Covid.
I have been voting for presidents since 1976 and have not "picked a winner" yet.
I always vote for who seems to be the best person, like Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, and so on.
I’ve never been into hero worship but Ron Paul comes close. I’ve read his books. The media smeared him as a tottering old pacifist fool with outdated ideas when nothing could be farther from the truth. It is obvious our presidents are pre-selected with no input on our parts required except to follow the perceptions laid out for us and believe we are thinking independently.
Once again. If my holistic veterinarians specifically advocate AGAINST multiple vaccines in one shot, why don't doctors? They do not even seem familiar with the concept of vaccinosis. I adopted a kitten dumped on our road then adopted a shelter kitten for them to play together. The shelter kitten who had been given every poison known to low-quality vets (and most shelter vets are the worst) suffered paralysis at AGE THREE, and we had to euthanize her. The dumped kitten is now almost 14 years old (old for a cat) and though she sleeps most of the time she seems quite healthy (I don't take critters to the vet after a certain age; it's too traumatic even when the vet is very gentle and kind. My last old cat clearly had kidney issues and I only gave him food he wanted to eat which was everything veterinarians advise again such as uncured ham, uncured bacon, sausage, bits of beef -- he lived for years because he knew better than someone who only had textbook knowledge what he needed).
If I haven't already put you to sleep, I'll relate my experience with that damnable DTaP. I only wanted a tetanus shot because I live in the country and the people who lived here last century threw all their junk out the windows, including rusty nails. My doctor is not very knowledgeable about vaccines, repeating all the propaganda, and I was as usual highly traumatized at the time. I took the shot and had an enormous allergic reaction and I'm an adult. How can those tiny bodies manage to detox these monstrous vaccines? I prefer my holistic veterinarians' compromise: One shot at a time, and my current vet hands out informational sheets detailing the pluses and minuses of each vaccine. How many doctors -- HAHAHAHAHA! -- do that?
Indoctrination and rewards system...
Well YOU are not killing that baby! Rest is the best
I Like Babies.