"I would always put "Biden" in quotation marks, myself."

Everyone should do the same.

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The discussion about the modern PMC touches many truisms, many of which I have had personal experience of throughout my life. 'Ambitious' family members seeking to control or destroy me, making obedience to them the only basis for being allowed to 'have a career'. When they are either ignorant, malignant or both, that is no basis for 'having a career', it is the basis for being a slave.

I have worked in organisations pretty much solely occupied by 'highly trained professionals' and there was no sense of cameraderie whatsoever, merely a hyper-virulent dog-eat-dog culture where money was everything, subservience was everything and the schizophrenia of going on about what moral people they were whilst putting colleagues under 24/7 electronic surveillance was the last word in justifying brutal violence toward women (which I did not engage in).

One thing the analysis should consider is 'highly trained professionals' being recruited by the security services for 'fast track promotion'. Anyone who has observed those who 'rise incredibly quickly' learns that they do so not because they are superior, but because they joined a secretive sect that fixes appointments in return for behaving disgustingly toward others. The quickest way to see societies destroyed is to promote psychopaths via recruitment into mind-controlling death cults. It has been happening in the UK and the USA for decades, if not centuries.

The 'traditional middle class' occupations of medicine, accountancy, the law and, more recently, management consultancy are now all being hollowed out by AI, ICT and, in the case of the law, rampant corruption. At the same time, the UK NHS is becoming ever more inefficient, with the inability to arrange a simple GP appointment becoming a matter of national scandal. 40 years ago, you rang the surgery, the secretary arranged you an appointment there and then and you saw a doctor within a week (a day if it were urgent). Nowadays, you have to log in to a computer, fill out a standard form online and hope that your answers justify you being deigned suitable for an appointment. Often, 7 days later, someone phones you up to ask further questions and you are lucky to get an appointment within a fortnight. Progress has most certainly not been occurring. Not to mention GPs now refusing to do home visits yet demanding exorbitant salaries on 9-5 hours. Oh, and refusing to take blood in surgeries, sending you off to a distinct site a few weeks later just to do the most routine thing any competent doctor has to do in their practical lives.

One thing the middle classes can never be any good at is improvisation, since forced obedience over many years turns them all into procedure-following dullards. So 'talent in the middle classes' should involve total lack of creativity, total lack of initiative and sneaking on anyone and everyone who displays such appalling traits. You see this manifesting itself when the middle classes judge a house for sale not on what they could turn it into, but whether someone else's now-for-sale-house is set up already for them. What a load of absolutely pathetic nonsense, eh?

The other place this nonsense spills over into is in community organisations, where do-gooding busybodies try and instil conformity and obedience on anyone who might wish to join. This has the effect of creating an organisation of dullard, uninspiring, uncreative busybodies pretty incapable of adding any value anywhere but the most pathetic minor issues which get turned into issues of great importance. Except occasionally, when creative people tell them to go take a hike and this may turn into virulence and occasionally violence, with self-righteous rule-followers displaying their lack of common sense to all around. It creates a culture of silent disagreement and introversion.....since if cogent argument doesn't lead to change, rather leads to virulent attacks on the cogent arguer(s), why bother engaging with the organisation in the first place?

My personal view on the PMC is that they have been artificially created by billionaire 'rulers' to serve the selfish interests of the 'rulers'. All the green nonsense was created by rulers, not by the PMC. All the demand for 'credentials and qualifications' were created by rulers, the better to control the PMC and the middle classes. Wars are created by rulers, the better to make money in the arms trade, in the post-war-reconstruction racket and in loaning governments money.

Uncreative people become successful by being experts at grinding down the creative, after all.....

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Good life-experience insights, Rhys:

Emmanuel Macron comes promptly to mind here:

"Anyone who has observed those who 'rise incredibly quickly' learns that they do so not because they are superior, but because they joined a secretive sect that fixes appointments in return for behaving disgustingly toward others."

PMC role is to "Propagate Capitalist Culture" [COMPLIANCE culture, say I]:

"My personal view on the PMC is that they have been artificially created by billionaire 'rulers' to serve the selfish interests of the 'rulers'. All the green nonsense was created by rulers, not by the PMC. All the demand for 'credentials and qualifications' were created by rulers, the better to control the PMC and the middle classes. Wars are created by rulers, the better to make money in the arms trade, in the post-war-reconstruction racket and in loaning governments money."

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What we have is a system of systematic fraud... corruption Bureaucracy.

A system that suffocated the Individual by celebrating mediocrity perversions and failure.

Otherwise how come someone like me who has real solutions is not even considered?

They say "Rule Based Society"... where the rule and rule followers are promoted and Free thinkers not.

In a rule based Society it is more important to follow the rules with the outcome that the outcome don't matter and the sloths and slobs rule over the intelligence.

Medicine: Your specialty.

I seen people come to China learn Tai Qi and be cured of the disease the west has no answer for.

Tai Qi itself is Medicine.

There is a Tea for every disease.

However in a rule based society based on rules and profit... to cure a disease is unwanted.

And this is exactly the problem.

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This is a very late phase of monopoly capitalist bureaucratic structure. the structure is gross and ponderous, dysfunctional, wasteful of resources, and will fail in the western empire when resources from the rest of the world are curtailed, as the empire progresses from crumble to collapse (IMHO).

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I'm going to summarize some of these points as best I can: the bureaucratic midwits have become compliance enforcers for their overlords. How could you have a soul as such a meaningless capitalist cog? Israel is in the fuck around and find out stage of things, methinks. They're stripmining everything they can. It's becoming best to live free until the midwit/enforcer class kicks you off the land...

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Thanks and Right-on, Sister Amy.

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Maybe an unvaccinated deplorable, but a damned fine gardener.

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Amen sister. Checking all boxes!




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Aw Shucks Maam!


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Lots here to unpack and comment on. First, the PMC is an excellent way to look into this phenomenon. And we have a few decades development since Ehrenreich wrote about it. Have you read John Ralston Saul's Voltaire's Bastards. He said pretty much the same thing in the early 90s, just a bit more pedantic/highbrow. I remember watching docs in private practice finally get clipped by corporate docs sometime 30 years ago or less. You knew it was over then but for the final sweep up. Bill Frist in Tennesee and United Health(sic)careMany people have commented on the fact that the number of administrators at Yale outnumber profs. I think is was Naomi Wolf, not Klein. Isn't that funny?! It is all around us. Have you ever read Paul Starr's The Social Transformation of American Medicine, 1850-1950. Shutting down "alternative" medicine, Flexner Report/Rockefellar reducing number of med schools to drive up prices, etc. The book is really important because it is SOCIOLOGY, which is a forgotten lense these days. It captures beautifully the way power is expressed thru economic, political, cultural forces. We are social animals and we do things to make our brains happy that we are in social conformity. We love to make mandates if it tells us we are in compliance and connection to others we want to be with. Money and power corrupt in marvelously subtle, and not so subtle, ways Unfortunately for Ehrenreich, she died of cancer recently and gladly forgot the implications of her own astuteness. She was all in on big medicine directed as an abuse on people in need by horrible administrators. Here's the antidote to all that - Van Morrison, our non compliant hero, singing with Tom Jones, I Ain't Feeling It Anymore!!


Thank you for all you do!

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Thank you, Sam. I have not read those publications you note. I have been watching all of this myself, making observations, and saw this essay on Naked Capitalism, which really seemed to crystallize so much of what is happening.

This class has found a niche, which it has already oversaturated, at the expense of the productive-economy ecosystem. It is a form of control-fraud, since it controls the lower levels and reports to the upper levels that it is serving them very well, and could do better-still with a few more experts.

This creates the compliance-economy-of-lies, as it were. This must collapse, but how will that happen. PMCs do protect their positions... I keep seeing a monetary collapse leading to (real) economy restructuring at some lower level of complexity.

That will be horrific, I presume.

God, it may have been decades since I saw Tom Jones on a screen. He looks like he's enjoying himself and singing for fun, not big bucks here.

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Just finished this one... goes into the same vault...

Lawmakers are Law Breakers


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"The only forces that have acted are non state forces of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. Everyone else is reasonably fearful of getting involved in a hot war with Israel given the vast destructive force that Tel Aviv commands, not to mention its nuclear arsenal..."

Actually, I would suggest it is the vast destructive force that the US commands, that it puts fully at Israel's disposal (although the nuclear arsenal is definitely a huge deterrent).

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I look forward to a parting of the ways between "Israel" and the current administrative state in DC. Israel wants Americans to die for the Zionist project. Anything less and the Zionist project fails.

Americans dying in a war with Iran will only delay the collapse of the Zionist project.

This becomes "existential" for the US and clearly for the Zionist project. One has what it takes to go another 250 years; the other does not.

Somebody must be practical, even if remaining dishonest about it.

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" (I would always put "Biden" in quotation marks, myself)"

Well said. Likewise.

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Feb 24, 2024
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Good comment. Prelude to systemic collapse when the money quits coming from the empire.

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