"The White House is prepared to roll out a plan that will make Saudi Arabia a Japan-style ally in exchange for new official ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv". How is that going so far for the people of Japan? Weather warfare, election interference, radioactive everything, the list goes on and on. So if the intent is to destroy their people, that may be an attractive offer to the House of Saud.

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It is hard to know what the baseline assumptions about reality actually are for various global elites, isn't it?

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True. What stands out to me is that the deals made by gov

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Government's, don't have the well being of their citizens at heart

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Some people in governments do want to do the right thing, though.

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That's true. They're in a tuff spot.

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It's a desperate move, as Saudis have intimated that they may join BRICS.

Perhaps what should be printed is what the terms the Saudis are after would be, rather than making out that the USA gets to say 'take it or leave it!'?

I certainly wouldn't accept having Saudi diplomatic policy decided by the Hegemon, indeed, I would suggest that the first part of any deal is Israel being required to be financially independent.

See how that would go down with prostitutes like Blinken, Sullivan and Nuland, eh??

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The US is supposed to enforce Israeli compliance with the new Security Council ceasefire resolution.

We shall see how that goes.

Impossible, I think. It looks like another trigger to jettison the Zionist project, but there have already been so many...

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Enforcement of UN Resolutions is probably where the whole UN concept comes up against realpolitik.

If a big powerful nation doesn't want a resolution enforced, then it usually doesn't happen.

It's a lot easier to throw Israel out of the UN than it would be to enforce an Israeli compliance with UN resolutions, I would venture to suggest?

And even then, if Security Council members get a veto on expulsion, then no-one will ever get expelled....there will always be one who puts power politics before doing what is right....

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Nonchalance? No. Glee. This Administration exists solely for destruction. Doesn't matter who pays them, they are in it, with it and for it and that is what matters. The price we grumbling pay for permitting business as usual is never high enough to bar a purchase every two and four and eight years to public office for the rebranded same old. We are assured by experts on the notion that Uncle Sugar is everyones Sugar Daddy. I believe this Administration does want the total collapse of the USA by every option their think tanks suggest is a benefit for the Empire of Das Kapital. Shorten this Empire to Mammonry and the stark truth is that famous naked lunch at fork end. I am certain there is not a political solution possible. Tyranny is never voted out of power. A spiritual solution is possible but Americans dislike silence and want a loud voice of command instead of a still small voice. Waiting for the master's voice when you are the master and have a voice is preposterous. Presposterous enough to permit Bid flu after Covid.

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Listen while you do other things, and when you receive guidance, act upon it.


"A spiritual solution is possible but Americans dislike silence and want a loud voice of command instead of a still small voice."

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I'm finally learning why I always feel uncomfortable with American attitudes, whilst being fully in tune with original American ideals.

My visceral, instinctive response to a 'loud voice of command' is 'Who the ******' hell are you??!!'

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I’m recalling the joke but not the author about the minister who speaks to the Congregation and stated “God says and I agree.”☀️

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To actually believe anything coming out of Gaza , especially numbers of fatalities , is just foolhardy. And if someone kidnaps my child and holds them hostage, I’m going to go in and do whatever I have to do to get them back. You forfeit your right to safety when you take away an innocents freedom.

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Murdering 200 to "save" 4, and killing 3 other hostages in the process?

Are "you" going in?

"Innocents"? Only Israeli soldiers are now held hostage.

We all have our human responses, and we may be manipulated by them.

When we are manipulated, we are made to work against our own interests.

What is happening in Palestine/Israel, and the "captured" US, evidences that.

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I suppose to say that I don’t rely on anything coming from the UN is convenient - but I don’t . The land they are living on was the Ottoman Empire until WW1 - how exactly do we reestablish the Ottoman Empire ? We don’t .

I don’t anyone to die and it’s all a tragedy - but this idea that somehow Hamas are the good guys is just wrong .

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I don't want to choose a side to support against the evidence of their actions.

We can support decency and truth better by just being on the "side" of decency and peace, I think.

The division of the Ottoman Empire by the British Empire seemed to include a lot of arrangement of countries in such a way as to include people who would squabble, rather than act together, which strengthened the imperial hand, an old trick, I hear.

This probably reached an apogee of sorts with Israel/Palestine...

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Again, you get your numbers from Hamas. That’s a problem for me. My husband is a retired U.S. army officer and so no, I’m not ok with killing soldiers because they are soldiers. Are you saying all the Americans are home, because they are not. And Hamas civilians hide hostages and that’s why they die. THAT is why they die, because they are complicit in what is happening.

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Murdering 270 then. That's the latest number.

I grew up on USMC and USN bases during Vietnam, except when Dad was in Vietnam, when we lived near my Mom's parents.

Who did all the killing? I believe it was the Israeli army killing Israeli soldier hostages and mostly Palestinian civilians, right? US/Israeli dual-citizen soldiers are an unusual category of "American", you may acknowledge.

The UN says this operation looks like another war crime, right?

I'm just seeking truth, peace and humanity here. It's not ok for one side or the other side to kill a lot of innocents, or to deny a people their property and human rights for generations. There is still international law, even when it is ignored.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. Excuses won't "fix" that My Lady.

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Any explanation why the mossad didn't intervene for Five Hours the attack of HAMAS?

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I thought the IDF, notably the monitors of the electronic fencing around Gaza, were stood-down for 7 hours, and some monitors complained about it at the time. :-o

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Wow, so chemtrails moved around by numerous mobile HAARP trucks are wreaking havoc and dumping nanobots similar to the self-assembling ones injected into hundreds of millions of people which turn blood cells to junk and circulatory systems to full-body fibrin clots, but there's no need to worry about any of that because within a year full-blown nuclear and biological war will be unleashed reducing human population by half, in order to roll in global totalitarian technocracy. Yeah, thanks for the update.

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You've melded a lot into that sentence. The meld is not quite factual.

You are welcome.

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Great compendium of articles. Here is another you may find a bit black pill and Day Tapes....


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Thank You, Paul. I have read that, and find myself in broad agreement, but uncertain of many specific points and assertions.

I left a comment with 2 links for the further consideration of the author, expanding on some aspects of his narrative. I have posted them here in the recent past.

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Hmm. I found this substack rather naive and scaremongery, though perhaps the authors are genuinely fearful. All this was forecast in the Protocols and as for Satanism, the Sabbateans got that ball rolling in the modern era - and Freemasonry was a downstream project to harness the energies of other dishonourable, opportunistic people, this time gentiles. A correction: jews did NOT invent monotheism and, little known fact, religious jews worship many gods and are thus polytheistic.

IMHO this 'news' is out as testified by the many articles on Dr. Day's blog and "they" are in the position of the Great & Powerful Oz after Toto pulled the curtain back. "They" are already being fought on all fronts by people of much greater intelligence and we only need join these battles each to the best of our abilities.

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Thank You, Eleni.


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