I'm not much good at math, but i'm wondering

has someone worked out how much the US

government gave (so far) to the Israeli government

to kill a Palestinian child ?

That is: The BILLIONS given divided by the number

of children slaughtered is "How Many THOUSANDS

of $US dollars per kill ?"

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Maybe AI can answer that one.

Maybe different AIs will answer differently.

Different programming...


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Let's go back to Delphi and listen to the Bronze Age answer which could be regarding the Ukraine. Prior to his invasion, Croesus asked the Oracle of Delphi for advice. The Oracle suggested vaguely that, "if King Croesus crosses the Halys River, a great empire will be destroyed."

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Rock Man (from The Point): "You see what ya wanna see, and you hear what you wanna hear."


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Just scrolling through your choices today and in light of the last 4 years, Dr. Day, one can only conclude that dementia-ridden "Biden" and his neocon administration were all direct appointees of AIPAC/Israel. The administration's bypassing of US law , its contempt for the US constitution, the immiseration of the US populace, the lack of interest in investing in its infrastructure, the vast illegal migration paid for by tax dollars...all makes sense in this light, ie the USA being run by inimical outside interests. Add on the un-accoiunted-for unprecedentedly HUGE transfers of US tax dollars to Israel and Ukraine (on top of weaponry) and one can only conclude that this is outright theft ["money laundering"].

While their contempt for the intelligence of American voters has been obvious from the start, what has become clear is the limited IQ of the perpetrators themselves. It does not take high IQ to run a mafia, only intimidation of its members. Who do they think they are fooling with their stunts (Blinken's MacDonalds and pizza choices, guitar playing being the latest)? Can they not hear themselves when saying "to the last Ukrainian"? That nobody recognises their tired regime change routines? Their assassinations? ["Rise Up and Kill", a bestseller.] Their terrorism, both direct and via proxies? [Menachem Begin: "WE invented terrorism"]

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"The USA being run by inimical outside interests."


Yes, and I can't be sure what cognitive model(s) of the world they are using.

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Dr. John: jealous of your veggies. My wife’s running group is helping put on the 5k at the Yoakum Tomato Fest June 1. Hope to see/meet you there.

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I picked a large, irregularly shaped and multicolored tomato today, but have not weighed it yet. It won't last that long, and they did not have a biggest tomato contest last year.

You can look for the t-shirt in this picture. I had some made in 2019 and gave them away, but I have a couple to wear.

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