Hi John, you are simply amazing!

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Thanks Frank, I think.

Bedtime for Bonzo, now.

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I will question the intentionality of the mounting death wave caused by globalist policies. I'll use this spectrum to give a sense of why I feel this way:

a) a psycho/socio-path says "I don't care who gets hurt"

b) a toxic narcissist says "I hope nobody gets hurt"(but follows their crazy stupid self-serving scheme anyway)

The latter need to blow smoke up their ass to believe they're the Good Guys. Narcissists need self-sustaining beliefs. I believe we're dealing here more with weak weaselly narcissists than strong ruthless socio/psycho-paths.

Oh, I agree that deliberate culling is desirable to many of them, or at least acceptable, but also note that culling will happen, period, (as we both know), and the concept of large-population death is implicit in concepts like global warming, their pet problem.. So yes, it's logical to assume that many of them expect culling to happen, either naturally or politically guided, and believe that they must assist the process, guide it in some at least superficially humane fashion.

But never underestimate, I say, the evil power of weak-willed people with a sense of privileged entitlement wed to duty (the aristocratic mindset). Just as the average bloke doesn't want to hear or believe that covid vakzinations are at best useless and at worst quite lethal, I suspect that many of the global elitists don't want to hear or believe that their grand schemes are not only functionally very evil but also bound to fail to preserve anyone's good fortunes or protect anyone from harm including themselves.

Why are these people so crazy? Putting aside the congenital psychopaths, they're that way because they got seriously fucked up (like Trump, for example) as a child, and are inherently weak and lost in their core.

Something like the myriad toxic narcissists who struggle to achieve or are given power being the low-grade but omni-present infection that weakens things enough for pathogens, that the body would normally fight successfully, to grow strong and make a body mortally ill.

Modern society has a pathetic political immune system and the patient is starting to turn critical.

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It's a big tent, with room for narcissists like Trudeau, senile con-men like Biden, completely abstracted intellects like Kissinger, presumably intelligent, selfish, well networked and deeply veiled interests like Rockefellers and Rothschilds, etc.

There are power struggles throughout, which makes it even harder, because everybody has some other explanation for all the events than "power struggle", let alone indicate who is struggling how hard with whom, and who's ready to deal, or change alliances.

I mainly assume that the narcissists in political office, like Trudeau, are expendible, or reusable in other positions, but doing the bidding of others.

Trump is funny, because he was playing this one game where he bluffed running for president, but he got elected, then had to do stuff with it, and there were these guys helping him, and he grew into the role, but he still has a lot of secrets to keep.

Interesting historical figure. I'm kind of rooting for him to live long enough to die naturally.

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"Trump is funny, because he was playing this one game where he bluffed running for president, but he got elected, "

I think he was kind of forced to win the election. He went straight arrow the last week or three before Nov. 4. WHo would have forced him? No idea. I just know his behavior was as you describe: a man who just wanted to prove he was a contender. Being president terrified him, I'm sure.

I don't see Trump as a "bad man" altho he's done much harm and is a blatant cheat. I think he's a very sick man and I wish him well also.

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Maybe Trump and Kissinger are somewhat redeeming themselves late in life.

Stranger things have happened.

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Just as you've (correctly) said I was cutting, say, Bill Gates too much slack, I think that Kissinger is as nasty as they get. fwiw, here's what someone on the net said about Kissinger:

"To call him a psychopath is ridiculously silly and insulting.

"I have known Henry Kissinger for nearly three score years, I’ve profiled him for the New York Times, and I was a long-time personal friend of the man who “discovered” Kissinger when K was a young U.S. Army private in Germany.

Kissinger, from my viewpoint, is surely a flawed man. He lies to save his own skin and to cover up previous lies; he is desperately anxious and insecure about both life and love; he will sell out long-honored principles for power; and he covets what money will buy.

"Nonetheless, he more accurately sees and can extrapolate the themes and melodies of world history than almost any living mind with any real influence in America.

"You may call him a psychopathic killer because of his positions and actions in Asia and elsewhere, as both presidential advisor and Secretary of State (where he was known by some as “the brakeman on the train”). You may call him nuts for noticing that MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is a reality. And maybe he was daft for selling the message that China is an important nation with quite a few people in it. And of course there is more.

"Kissinger is getting dreadfully old, and perhaps suffering some regrets, but he is not now and never was any more vicious a death dealer than the leaders of any other threatened country that survives threat and is willing to wage war."

I find that familiarity with evil breeds not contempt but equivocation.

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Very interesting read of Kissinger. Sort of a brilliant and socially-insecure man with narcissistic traits. Obsessive-compulsive enough to remember all those lies and track them and adjust his stories accordingly.

That requires a vast ability to hold and manipulate huge multivariant sets like a teeming beehive.

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I hate to say it but I see the same traits in Putin. A ruthless cold that is pragmatic in a mathematical sort of way like a chess player or accountant. Understanding the realities and 'rules' of the games is too horrific for me to get involved. Jesus didn't advocate for watering the desert but for leaving it. Kissinger was wanting to water only HIS desert which was already doing fine - insecurity indeed

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I hate to say it John but I like it more when you are not doctoring. Great synthesis, great detective work. I hope you got to see the video on TAE re my old vegetable garden business in Melbourne - you would approve.

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I do approve, Oxymoron, wholeheartedly.

I just saw it and left you a reply, just before you left this reply, i suspect. I'm sorry about your friend. I have friends who are doing "Resolution Gardens" and doing quite well with that kind of business model. they tried to doe CSA for a year and a half, worked so hard, and lost $8k before putting all their business effort into doing gardens for others.

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