IMHO, the "Post Truth Era" began on 11/22/1963, and was pushed over the cliff on 9/11/2001.

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Fair enough, but it has not yet hit bottom.

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Agree. Lots of examples of truth distortion abound. The USD. The Rule of Law. Public "Health". Climate Change (arson). And on and on...

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Years ago a friend insisted drones would be used for good things like to deliver medicine. I laughed and said really? He and his nurse wife and 2 beautiful kids are all jabbed up, and we don't talk anymore.

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I saw the item about the floods in Greece, first I'd heard of it, and the most disturbing ramifications spelled out therein.

Glad you r able to do these reposts and such as work is keeping me mostly too tired to do more than. The next day's work, then repeat rinsed....

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Oak seedlings: may you find truffles :-))

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I think it's too hot here.


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Maybe not, Dr. Day :-)) Truffles are not a northern thing. Europe's truffles are from the Med: Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, Spain, Italy, France, etc. So why not Yoakum ?!

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I never investigated it deply. This says you are right, but I have never heard of truffles being found in Texas. https://www.sabatinotruffles.com/blogs/trufflepedia/what-land-can-grow-truffles#:~:text=Truffles%20prefer%20to%20grow%20in,to%20support%20successful%20truffle%20growth.

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WiFi can see you.......it can touch you also. Lectures about it in reverse recognition schooling.

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Thanks for the coverage on Greece. Oh they have been so injured for so long by US interference- eg Olympics bankrupting them w US interested debt mongers as the debt-drug dealers. Anything the US does involving other countries must be assumed to serve narrow special interests and the devil. That assumption needs to be presumed in public hearings with the onus on legislators to prove their innocence. Proper use of a Napoleonic Code in public policy and we might consider crowd sourcing the debate settlements! Never mind Real Housewives -- let’s see some Real Legislators and Special interests reality tv with prizes for discovering the hidden payoffs. Truly, Dr John -- we need new thinking and public engagement around economic systems that work for everyone. With his many problems and unknown dimensions, one thing about The Donald was his pragmatic approach and successful and historical record breaking interventions with raising the workers wages before C19 insanity. While the conservatives are the freedom people for caucusing, I’m afraid they are unable to understand what FDR did. Levin is good on the Bill of Rights but cherry picks regarding the varieties of skullduggery in the 2 parties prior to the zombie demonRats arrival on the scene. I’m old enough to remember Reagan and his take on the ‘immoral’ boycott by Cesar Chavez and his complicity w emergent globalists in destroying American steel and auto, which were the highest paid blue collar jobs in the country. The machinists were sadly destroyed shortly after. Never hear a word about that from Levin but he’s excited to have amassed some kind of case about FDR. Probably there was a lot to find -- but it doesn’t nullify his contributions. Like a bad prosecutor, the conservative picks a target and then makes a case. I’m afraid we need a new model to make a compact -- one that supports merit and risk but also appreciates the efforts of all of labor and those who strive from the bottom. How will we get there? There has to be some pragmatic ideology and a long study evidence review program that the public is exposed to. Probably only 10-15 percent of folks will really engage, but we need something of a modern update that throws out all the grifters and caps personal profiteering within a capital appreciating marketplace. I don’t know if you look at Matt Gaetz from Florida, but I think the Congressman has a start with single topic bills that can be read and voted on separately. Continue to be the resilient luminous beings that you and Jenny are. 💜

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Thank You.

Who could "sign a social contract" these days?

"Our" elites are "not agreement capable", as the saying goes.

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DrJohn - I suppose in this miraculous universe there could be a wave of transformation and I also suppose that after our Escape from LA days at the other extreme, we are going to have to set something up. To your point, I totally agree — but I think the System is beyond ordinary repair because trying to kill and maim 80% of the planet and hoard all their resources is a game redefiner. What they did in Maui took J6 torture to a new level in the full light of day. There is room for mystery and miracle because of the quantum discoveries but I think the elites and dark alchemists pushed to shut it all down before the knowledge became widespread. My eyes glaze over when I hear Dr Nass on the WHO topic — as glorious and good as she is — because there is no more social compact or foundation for agreement left morally or sensibly — so I agree w you. But I do love to see the economic thinkers you put forward because we are going to need a model if many survive.

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Thank you for your thoughts and concern.

Worry is sort of like prayer, but wastes life-energy, instead of using it to benefit.

We should study and work, and embody the intentions we have to help make a better world.

(Not preaching, just my prompt reaction.)

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I accept the wisdom and how beautifully you say it — I need to keep it in the forefront — it’s a place where you, the Quantum and magnetic mind thinkers, Buddha and JC all agree — but the truth is paradoxical— worry is built in to avoid catastrophic shock and gird the loins — was it Eve’s worry in the Garden that brought ruin or her lack of it? I take the great kindness of your response to 💜 as a point of synchronicity I’m watching a documentary on Jones Town while messaging back - lol

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Ugh, Jonestown.


(Don't drink the Kool-Aid!)

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Holy cow re the "WiFi can see you" ! Chalk another one up for Ethernet.

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