Apr 17Liked by John Day MD

Incredible researched reporting in this phenomenal essay. The extrapolation of it's messaging makes clear a convincing argument ; the world powers are jockeying for positions in light of a alternative agenda. That which, doesn't necessarily include the best interests of their "people". That which is the apparent false narrative co-sponsors; the international media complex.

Renewables; solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and Hydrogen alternatives are speculations to net zero economy? Let's examine as to why such an absurdly ignorant statement would even cross lips of genuine leadership.

In one sshort sentence, we can disclose to the public what the matter really is. Centralized power distribution. To the untrained individual power to run our lives has been monopolized by the energy management oligarchs. We assumed that the transitioning to clean energy is the burden of the electric companies. Running power outwards to your business and homes. This psychological phenomenon is as ingrained in the mindset of the consumer as the predisposition to a genetic disease.

And as such we can now develop alternative treatments that virtually eliminates the cause.

Decentralized direct solar power connection to a home, for example. This simple modification virtually eliminated the argument that we needed perpetual connectivity to a power grid. Depending on a specific environment, we can supplement low-to-no solar energy from sunlight with wind, hydroelectric generators, and in most cases, biodegradable and recyclable battery powdered electricity storage. This concept alone can eliminate the needs of the mega power stations and transmission distribution systems.

We can go a step further to establish another fact. But I've probably entered the realm of "long winded commenting" at this point.🙏

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Apr 17Liked by John Day MD

“America, on the other hand, has bought and paid for Ukraine.You're not a friend. You're not an ally. You're a tool being used by the United States

It's really sad, pathetic even how whole nations buy into a false narrative. They don't ask the hard questions from the get-go. Their politicians and especially their media utterly fail them. Ukraine is just

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Tennessee, here I come!

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Apr 17Liked by John Day MD

It's all worse than "the swamp", scraping the bottom of the cesspool is more like it, as always the info and the observations are much appreciated.

Cheers John and peace to you and yours.

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