The headlines should have read:

"The 7 0ctober Massacre (TM) of unarmed, innocent Israeli civilians by the IDF"...

It wasnt a military incursion by Palestinian forces with intentions of slaughtering

'unarmed, innocent, Israeli civilians'. It was the chaotic, panicked response by the

superior IDF, infactuated by its own delusional hubris wot slaughtered Israelis...

Israel was shocked and horrified by the example of what the Hannibal Directive

actually means in practice...

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And another thing:

There is an unsourced report that at the last minute Palestinian drones noticed

the gathering at the Nova Rave party, and some forces were redirected to it...

This implies that the Ravers were an actual target of Palestinian savagery...

The Palestinians had decided to take the fight to Israel. The targets of their

military campaign were the destruction of of Israeli military posts, and capture

of military personnel...The presence of the Ravers may have been a surprise,

but the Rave appears they were located between the Palestinian forces and an

Israel military base, the actual Palestinian target...

Ravers got shot up by the IDF in its chaotic, panicked response, a turkey shoot

of anyone heading towards the breaches in the Gazan Prison Walls...

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Hamas military aims were reportedly to hit Israeli Occupation bases and to take both military and civilian hostages for negotiated exchanges.

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i question the use of cement paving slabs bordering your garden...not natural...try straw matting ?

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I keep trying things. What works in one setting does not work in another setting. I do no-till after initial bed preparation, and have a hell of a time excluding carpet-grass runners from the garden, despite 4" edging and black plastic sheets under the cement pavers.

In my Austin garden, in a privacy-fenced back yard, I am able to apply yearly truckloads of shredded cedar, along with pulling weeds when I see them, to keep passable and non-invasive walkways around the garden.

"How does your garden grow?"

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Jphn - I've used woodchip for paths for four years and yes, you get a few weeds growing through, but it also creates wonderful fertility for the neighbouring beds as it rots down into humus.

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That mostly works for me in Austin, but not for the Yoakum garden.

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I'm stuck in a bedsit, with two pots of herbs on my wee porch...

a luxury, i know !

I'm dreading the 15 minute cities. with their shared loos, and

no room to grow even herbs...

I've been 75 years waiting for The Revolution, and still hang on...

It's Just around the Corner - i keep telling myself...

Ova anout !

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I doubt anything harmful leaches out from cement pavers. I like their use. I once had a garden with walkways that had been dug down 14” and filled with mulch. A huge sponge to retain water and a growth medium for abundant mycelium in the root zone of my vegetables. My next garden will have that again.

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And another thing:

What sort of ammo did the IDF use during 'The 7 0ctober Massacre'(TM) ?

It took over a month for the Israelis to mention that 200 of the '1400 unarmed,

innocent, Israeli citizens '(TM) were actually Palestinian fighters - because their

bodies had been burnt beyond recognition...What sort of ammo burns bodies

beyond recognition ? (Seems all they found of the 12 vyear old girl was a few

bones...Some Ammo !!)

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Rockets from attack choppers, I assumed, and the cars had gasoline in them...

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Nov 26, 2023Edited
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I never heard or saw anything to suggest napalm or white phosphorous munitions were used.

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Nov 26, 2023Edited
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Nov 26, 2023
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Tracer rounds hitting gas tanks?

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