Dear God.. No Words!! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

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You are welcome.

I hope we can make something good of this world.

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great round'em'up post as usual....

funny, when i read "Italy is having trouble getting Russian gas through Austria for some reason," it just popped to mind that the "some reason" is showing Meloni it's best to toe the line, or else... ;)

"Eef thingz go in zee zifficult dirrection, i haav spoken about Hungary and Poland, vee haav tools" - Von der Lier

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You are not the only person who has had this thought...

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I would like to see Germany offer to repair the Nordstream pipelines. That would sure send the cockroaches running (in Washington DC).

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Would it be permitted?

I think Germany would put some efforts to repair...

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Russia yesterday announced that it plans to repair NS1 and 2. Of course it can be attacked again, but so can, for example, the vast undersea cable carrying 90% of electronic trafic between USA and Europe. Just a thought :-))

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Russia may want to attack the actual criminal-masterminds and their "interests", and after the November 8 midterm elections, and rather invisibly... Neoliberal financial-capitalism is sort of the broad enemy, and is retching, trying not to vomit blood right now.


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"Saltwater will corrode the pipes" - I don't believe that they don't have the tech to seal the pipes and blow out the water. A competent engineering team can restore those pipes from a localized point of damage. If not, tell me why not!

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An argument has been put forth in Germany to repair the pipes to stop the environmentally harmful methane release. This is a very modest argument, not pro-Russian politically, and it is urgent. We should follow that overture.

I suspect it will be blocked. If it is merely delayed, it becomes moot.

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because we're not pushing buttons here. actually getting the engineers, and the equipment, and the resources, and the plan, and the pumps, and then deflood, all in a winter sea, even with political will (which there is not), would be at best a 6 months op, just clicking a mouse two times does dot cut it.

meanwhile, clock ticks, salt bites.... those pipes are good as gone....

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Thank you John for all your hard work and effort. It is truly appreciated.

CBDC relies on 100% reliable electricity, satellites and internet.....and we've already been warned / threatened that at least here in Europe we won't have internet and electricity will be cut - so much for fridges but hey, food keeps well outside in winter on Europe's apartment balconies. Meanwhile Russia has the world's only satellite neutralising weapon which really might be a very good thing for us!

ps I firmly "the Plan" is doomed to fail but not before "they" cause a world of havoc. Its no holds barred now...Strange to think that Anglo-America has proudly come out of the closet as the world's enemies.

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This just in: P-8 Poseidon, specialized oceanic torpedo-bomber left the US, was refueled over Germany, loitered over Nordstream pipelines at the went BOOM, then flew back to the US.


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Arrrrrgh!🏴‍☠️ Letters of Marque and Reprisal.


Mercenaries and merchants…..

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"Privateers" = British pirates who attacked only Spanish vessels...

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