Thank You, Dr. Nguyen. That is all practical preparation for death.
Death should be our companion throughout life, perhaps.
I had an epiphany about 20 years ago, riding my bike home at night, that we are all dead, always, but we are also sometimes alive, which is very distracting.
:). Okay not explicit. A cruel view is a new parasite is the human embryo unplanned, unforseen, thus "unwanted" which can or ought then "expediently" be ended like a parasite, . As a cruel perception the "parasite" can be terminated by treatment with varying degrees of risk until delivery. This view of an embryo, the new human, our replacement --our child-is OUR right to life exterminated. Situational expedience triumphs. Like a loud voice vote whose recorder states loudest voices were in favor though there was only one voice speaking saying DEATH.
I think I get it, but there are other perspectives.
I have a perspective that we are all, always "dead", or of spirit-nature, but that we are also occasionally "alive" with a body, and it is VERY DISTRACTIBG.
I’m reading Geshe Rabten Echoes of Voidnes. He begins analyzing the Heart Sutra then Chandrakirti’s Guide to the Middle Way and in the final section he outlines the methods -section called Mahamudra-for having the living experience. Stephen Batchelor translated.
Dr. Day,
I love your curated news, which can be depressing at times. So I hope to write little snippets to cheer everyone up. Hope to share it with you.
Thank You, Dr. Nguyen. That is all practical preparation for death.
Death should be our companion throughout life, perhaps.
I had an epiphany about 20 years ago, riding my bike home at night, that we are all dead, always, but we are also sometimes alive, which is very distracting.
Philosophically Yours,
'we are all dead' is an interesting concept. It reminded me of this story
We are all always "dead", but sometimes we are also alive, and it is very distracting (from our spiritual existence).
Spirits having a physical experience, as some pose it.
Dr. John, if I owe you a thousand dollars, I have a problem. If I owe you a million dollars, you have a problem.
It is different if you can print money.
So in the end all said and done ain't no crime to be a parasite with a right to life unless aborted. Then no crime only expedience.
Gotta' clarify the mixed metaphors a bit for me.
Not sure what I'm getting into here...
:). Okay not explicit. A cruel view is a new parasite is the human embryo unplanned, unforseen, thus "unwanted" which can or ought then "expediently" be ended like a parasite, . As a cruel perception the "parasite" can be terminated by treatment with varying degrees of risk until delivery. This view of an embryo, the new human, our replacement --our child-is OUR right to life exterminated. Situational expedience triumphs. Like a loud voice vote whose recorder states loudest voices were in favor though there was only one voice speaking saying DEATH.
I think I get it, but there are other perspectives.
I have a perspective that we are all, always "dead", or of spirit-nature, but that we are also occasionally "alive" with a body, and it is VERY DISTRACTIBG.
I’m reading Geshe Rabten Echoes of Voidnes. He begins analyzing the Heart Sutra then Chandrakirti’s Guide to the Middle Way and in the final section he outlines the methods -section called Mahamudra-for having the living experience. Stephen Batchelor translated.