'No, I mean that Democracy even in its purest form can be argued to make no sense for a modern world which has outgrown the scope for which the system was originally intended.​ '

Democracy seems to work OK at local levels where I live in the UK. Councillors are responsible, they don't waste money, they provide the services they are tasked to provide. Funnily enough, voting in local elections is way lower than in national elections.

Democracy at national level struggles because the rich and powerful seek to buy it. It only takes a few bad apples accepting $1bn over 4 years to make the honest struggle to remain elected. AIPAC has completely corrupted US democracy at a national level yet no politician will stop the criminality.

However, what is the alternative? You have a dictator, who miraculously won't be corrupt, won't be bought? Yeah right, let's look around the world for examples of honest dictators, shall we? And then make a list of dishonest ones. I'm sure if you could open up the private details of Swiss banking you would uncover the extent to which dishonest dictators have stolen from their people and transferred the stolen money outside the country.....

The problem democracy has right now is 'free capital movement'. So long as money can shift across borders without popular consent, then all the true power exists within the owners of that capital. Economies can be crashed to order, simply by holders of capital organising 'capital flight'. They make these threats all the time to extract/extort promises of further riches. 99% of those doing the extorting have no further need for capital, but they do it out of habit. Because they can. Not because it's right.

Closed systems are amenable to democracy.

Open ones are more amenable to financial oligarchy.

Thing is: Plato taught everyone thousands of years ago that democracy is usually followed by tyranny.

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You think like Simplicius.

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In this era of DNA testing, it can be proven beyond all doubt that the dead body is NOT Michael Crooks if the DNA bears little resemblance to the DNA of his two parents, both of whom remain alive.

Presumably the body was cremated before such rudimentary sample collections could be made??

Whether the body can be proven to be Maxwell Yearick depends on whether MYs parents are still alive, whether he has any siblings still alive etc etc.

Conspiracy theories can be tested very quickly these days, but one suspects that the very last thing that the authorities want to do is actually pursue the truth......

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Jul 22Liked by John Day MD

Unless...... Mathew is really Maxwell's illegitimate son. That would be a nice twist to this tale.

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Genetic relatedness is all based upon probabilities, and we assume that scenario to be a low probability, right?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by John Day MD

I doubt we will be getting a full analysis of the two young men's genomes, but I'd agree the scenario that they are father and son or siblings looks unlikely. Still, there is a slight resemblance between them in some of the profile photos.

Or is it that we are contending that profile photos of Mathew that resemble Maxwell are actually profile photos of Maxwell.

Is it still official that one is dead and the other is missing?

Could young Mathew be an invention, as some people insist the Sandy Hook killer and his victims were?

Please excuse me. I am all questions and no answers here. But at the same time, I am I'm assuming that the dead shooter was a patsy who was not expected to hit the target, and that there is egg on the face of the professional hitman, who was expected to kill Trump.

Some people are pushing the story that the entire assassination attempt was fake, and even that nobody died at the rally. But you and I are in Team Real Hit, right?

It's been an exciting week. This assassination riddle is certainly something to ponder while mowing the lawn.

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Two patsies is not "excessive", right?

The essential was Trump dying before the convention.

The cake-icing was iconic photos of Trumps brains getting blown out, shattering "hope".

Oops, "missed by that much" as Maxwell Smart would say.

I would like to consider that the "professional hitman" inside the open second story window, which fired so very rapidly, might have been a robot. It's just a thought.

Getting an AR-15 out, especially the kind that disassembles into 2 parts, would be easier than getting a robot out, I presume. I also presume that the barrels and ammo were as similar as they could be made to be.

Ballistics and casing analysis must be heavily managed, but there were presumably some bullets found in people. The ones that did not come from a certain gun, hopefully the gun lying on the roof, cannot be acknowledged. The brass must also be only from that gun, which is 3:5, per most counts.

"Somebody took the rest", I guess. "Birds flew away with it, because it was shiny"?

I do actually hold some reasonable hope that this can be used as the basis of a deep-state housecleaning, since the more-evil wing of the deep-state has failed so abjectly to kill Trump, which they really needed to do.

Some months remain, but it will be very difficult, and global elites and US deep-state members of a nationalist ethos may decide that it's time to eject the evil clowns at every level, enough of them to change the corporate-culture to "nationalist".

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by John Day MD

Thank you, John.

No, I guess two patsies are better than one. Adds to the general confusion, making the case harder to crack.

At the same time, for a hit of this kind, keeping the number of conspirators who are executing the plan as small as possible is an important consideration.

We are at the dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution—the age of the internet and remote control on steroids. Companies are making machines for use in fully automated factories, machines that are controlled via the Internet and have no physical control panels at all. It's possible to buy a lawn mower or a tractor that you can operate while seated at a computer in your office. So I'm sure the Deep State can get their hands on an AR-1 5 or something similar that could be fired remotely, making it an effective robot weapon. So the potential would-be assassin need not be anywhere near the action.

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With 2 patsies, one can walk around on the stage completely calm and clueless.

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Jul 23Liked by John Day MD

For an analysis of the photo showing a bullet whizzing by Trump, see this: https://peteryim.substack.com/p/the-magic-bullet.

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I looked at that. He said "the trail is too long, whereas this other one is shorter".

Humidity would matter. That's inconclusive.

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Jul 23Liked by John Day MD

I agree. Measuring the length of the trail is inconclusive.

What is interesting about the photo is how tightly it is bound to the question of whether the attempted assassination was a hoax. The inferences go both ways. If the photo is a fraud it is strong evidence of a hoax. If real it almost proves that the attempt was genuine. On the other hand if the attempt was a hoax then the photo is a fraud, but if not a hoax it’s strong evidence that the photo is not a fraud.

If you have not been following Kevin Barrett’s take on all this it’s worth doing so. His take has been evolving and the comments at the second link are particularly pertinent:



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I can't keep up lately. There is so much to read, and I still have a life, too.

I think that photographer, who never goes to Trump rallies, was sent there by the NYT to get the shot of Trump's brains blowing out, and would have, but they didn't blow out.

He's the same guy who took the 9/11 picture of Bush reading a book to kids and looking surprised when the guy whispered in his ear about the second tower.

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Jul 24Liked by John Day MD

Well I don’t have a life, and I can’t keep up either, though I try day and night. I’m joking about not having a life though - does scrambling around the coulees, swimming in reservoirs with kids, and encountering deer, porcupines, coyotes and snakes - garters, bulls and rattlers - count as having a life?

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Sounds like an Open Convention to me.

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Yes, and the rumor persists that Killary will get onto the Democratic ticket, too.

I thought about the Electoral College on my bike ride. Trump and Kennedy are on pretty good terms, by all appearances. They talk about vaccines and autism, for instance.

If RFK Jr can win any state(s), he should be able to openly negotiate some arrangement for himself and Shanahan in a Trump admin.

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The real veracity in this post is the John & Johny shot that closes the show.

GBY both

Slog xx

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