Bardi has pointed out the obvious, which is that all natural resources decline and become increasingly expensive to exploit...The law of dimishing returns applies to everything...The other proble, with fracking, which has caused investors, including me, to lose hundreds of bilions, is that it produces light crude which can't make diesel fuel....The world runs of diesel...Gasoline had no market until the internal combustion energy showed up for autos.....

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J.D. Rockefeller made Henry Ford an "offer he could not refuse", that Ford cars would run on gasoline, or not-at-all.

Burning gasoline is an important part of the natural-order in Texas.


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I didn't know that! But ICEs pretty much have to run on high energy fuels, and gasoline was the obvious choice, and very cheap at the time....Ford's major breakthrough was the engine block....

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If I am less fooled over time, I'll be quite a scholar by the time I'll get killed. :)

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Cold Fusion is the technology for getting the power of a hydrogen bomb without the enormous temperatures that physicists assumed would be necessary. These temperatures are only obtainable inside a fission bomb, so thermonuclear bombs use uranium (atom bombs) as a trigger. For this reason, there is no such thing as a "small hydrogen bomb".

A cold fusion bomb is very probably possible, according to my own research. Israel is a leader in the open literature of cold fusion, and we might guess that the IDF has more technology than they are disclosing.

Cold fusion has a very low radiation signature, so it does not leave the telltale fallout by which a small nuclear weapon would be detected. But cold fusion is nuclear energy, and a cold fusion bomb is a nuclear weapon.

A very sudden, bright white flash may indicate a cold fusion bomb. I have speculated that the Beirut harbor explosion 4 years ago was a cold fusion bomb. The recent blasts in south Lebanon may also be cold fusion technology.


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Nationalist Interests vs. Internationalist Interests seems unlikely. Shades of difference given how abstract the ownership structure has become. The shared vision of late Capitalist growth binds the fasces together. Fund managers BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street do not technically own a majority share of the U.S. stock market. Their funds dominate the passive ETF and mutual fund markets, however, giving the three companies a potentially concerning amount of voting power and control over how U.S. companies operate.


Giannozzo Pucci in Barbadillo emagazine says "The real cause of the loss of limits in the growth of populations in disadvantaged and exploited countries, the only ones where the population is really growing, is the de-ruralization, the subtraction of land from farmers to cultivate it industrially and in general the subtraction of natural resources from the populations so that they no longer have an autonomous economy and culture. The typical model is the cutting of the Amazon forest for money from timber and/or large livestock farms or monocultures, chasing away the Indians who, by living there, have kept it alive for millennia.

It is the industrial economy of plundering the riches of the earth, to transform them into money, the real cause of the devastating damage, of over-consumption and over-population.

Culture, thoughts and habits, which arise from having a direct relationship with natural limits, are essential to an economy based on ecology. Let's take energy: as long as we depend on energy producers who are different from us or far away, the growth of consumption tends to be unstoppable. If, on the other hand, as family or neighborhood communities, we produce the energy we need and control its limits, we will try to limit ourselves, because the relative economy ceases to be only monetary.

The peoples, who have lived off the products of their own labor on their own land, have all developed their own ways of birth control. The fact is that none of the indigenous or peasant populations have ever had problems of overpopulation. Moreover, according to FAO data, 70% of the world's food products come from peasant and artisanal agriculture, not from polluting technological/industrial agriculture.

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