As I noted in that post, the very high energy wave-particles that come through are not all stopped by metal roofs. Lead works and caves work, but who has those things?
For new construction, you can shield with more common materials.
2' of cement will reduce gamma rays and alpha particles to 1/1000 passthrough. Neutrinos you say? Good luck shielding against those without some kind of hypothetical super high powered active electromagnetic device, they go through pretty much everything.
That much cement is still going to be expensive, but interestingly, 3' of packed dirt also has the same shielding effectiveness. Bury that new construction, put a garden on top, win/win. Modern comfy cave house.
One major issue with the theory of evolution getting a major life threatening flood, climate, and radiation disruption, is the major extinction events not aligning with 12000 year cycles mentioned in those videos. The last major previous loss of mammalian megafauna species seems much more likely to be the result of humans becoming successful hunters and spreading across the earth, while *not really knowing what they are doing with their new found technology*.
There's the chance that the technologically dependent human world would suffer a Major collective hard drive wipe, and the corresponding loss of capacity to survive due to our extreme dependence on technology to support current population levels. It is difficult to imagine the surviving megafauna on earth today would have had the ability to survive previous regular major latitude/longitude axial shifts as described in the videos at all. So their continued existence (giraffes, elephants, rhinos, tigers, etc) seems to indicate that a regular 12000 year interval climate/ radiation bomb is not really possible or logical, since there aren't enough caverns that could accommodate them or allow them to continue to eat, reproduce, and survive. A loss of the Van Allen belts might thrust humans back to the bronze age unwillingly, but that's a very different problem, and I don't see why it would impact the ozone layer either which is another shield against radiation. Nuclear war is a different and significantly more likely scenario at this point.
I can't figure out how to survive a 90 degree axial-rotation shift, myself...
Shields are much decreased, but nobody is publishing up-to-date magnetic field strength as far as I can tell. It gets very low when poles flip, we are told...
Well that's kind of my point, that if the pole/axis shift was very lethal radiation wise, there would probably be more fossil record supporting that, because that phenomena would affect all forms of life. I think this would likely be a semi regular extinction event if it happened in 12000 year intervals. In particular, it would probably have culled most large land mammals, since their size and need for calories means they don't have many real options for shelter. It appears most species of large land mammals have survived for the most part minus the megafauna that was more likely hunted to death by our human ancestors. I do think the pole shift theory seems to be the best explanation for the many great flood narratives in numerous creation stories. I guess I'm not too worried about radiation, and if the sun rises somewhere it's not supposed to wouldn't that be an amazing moment to be alive, conscious and sentient.
The 90 degree pole shift is like trying to turn a (gyroscopic) spinning bicycle wheel from the hubs by 90 degrees. It does not want to happen. Our planet has a dense nickel-iron core, then surface layers over it, all of which would behave differently to whatever force would be acting to change the rotational direction, like solar magnetism change.
It would be a very big deal, and hard to figure out as a surface life-form.
I really appreciate you doing this blog. Just wanted to let you know, I've been reading for about a year now and I've seen you build your other house, have awesome gardens, and stand your ground on the vaccine losing your job in the process. That's it, you have remarkable integrity and you've connected me with more sources I trust. Thank you and keep up the good work!!!
I watch Suspicious Observers!! Scary sometimes! I hope I'm long gone. Thanks again for all you do.
You are welcome.
I'd like to have better information, but it is not being made public.
As I noted in that post, the very high energy wave-particles that come through are not all stopped by metal roofs. Lead works and caves work, but who has those things?
For new construction, you can shield with more common materials.
2' of cement will reduce gamma rays and alpha particles to 1/1000 passthrough. Neutrinos you say? Good luck shielding against those without some kind of hypothetical super high powered active electromagnetic device, they go through pretty much everything.
That much cement is still going to be expensive, but interestingly, 3' of packed dirt also has the same shielding effectiveness. Bury that new construction, put a garden on top, win/win. Modern comfy cave house.
There's an excellent chart and explanation here:
Lead sheet comes in rolls, but I already have my sheet metal roof up.
Iconsidered this, but the gamma rays'll get me and my wife as things now stand.
One major issue with the theory of evolution getting a major life threatening flood, climate, and radiation disruption, is the major extinction events not aligning with 12000 year cycles mentioned in those videos. The last major previous loss of mammalian megafauna species seems much more likely to be the result of humans becoming successful hunters and spreading across the earth, while *not really knowing what they are doing with their new found technology*.
There's the chance that the technologically dependent human world would suffer a Major collective hard drive wipe, and the corresponding loss of capacity to survive due to our extreme dependence on technology to support current population levels. It is difficult to imagine the surviving megafauna on earth today would have had the ability to survive previous regular major latitude/longitude axial shifts as described in the videos at all. So their continued existence (giraffes, elephants, rhinos, tigers, etc) seems to indicate that a regular 12000 year interval climate/ radiation bomb is not really possible or logical, since there aren't enough caverns that could accommodate them or allow them to continue to eat, reproduce, and survive. A loss of the Van Allen belts might thrust humans back to the bronze age unwillingly, but that's a very different problem, and I don't see why it would impact the ozone layer either which is another shield against radiation. Nuclear war is a different and significantly more likely scenario at this point.
I can't figure out how to survive a 90 degree axial-rotation shift, myself...
Shields are much decreased, but nobody is publishing up-to-date magnetic field strength as far as I can tell. It gets very low when poles flip, we are told...
Well that's kind of my point, that if the pole/axis shift was very lethal radiation wise, there would probably be more fossil record supporting that, because that phenomena would affect all forms of life. I think this would likely be a semi regular extinction event if it happened in 12000 year intervals. In particular, it would probably have culled most large land mammals, since their size and need for calories means they don't have many real options for shelter. It appears most species of large land mammals have survived for the most part minus the megafauna that was more likely hunted to death by our human ancestors. I do think the pole shift theory seems to be the best explanation for the many great flood narratives in numerous creation stories. I guess I'm not too worried about radiation, and if the sun rises somewhere it's not supposed to wouldn't that be an amazing moment to be alive, conscious and sentient.
The 90 degree pole shift is like trying to turn a (gyroscopic) spinning bicycle wheel from the hubs by 90 degrees. It does not want to happen. Our planet has a dense nickel-iron core, then surface layers over it, all of which would behave differently to whatever force would be acting to change the rotational direction, like solar magnetism change.
It would be a very big deal, and hard to figure out as a surface life-form.
(Yes, I intended to generally agree.)
I really appreciate you doing this blog. Just wanted to let you know, I've been reading for about a year now and I've seen you build your other house, have awesome gardens, and stand your ground on the vaccine losing your job in the process. That's it, you have remarkable integrity and you've connected me with more sources I trust. Thank you and keep up the good work!!!
Thank you for the kind words.
I am always happy to hear that m efforts are useful to somebody