My experience of farmers in the UK does suggest that small farmers can not only survive, but thrive and prosper by simply not using supermarkets as retail channels. They use their own farm shops, local farmers markets and butchers and marketing hubs run as SMEs.

You can also source vegetable box schemes direct from horticulturalists/market gardeners.

I can't speak for the USA, but I strongly urge all readers to be active in seeking out 'ethical farmers' who focus on quality over quantity, as close to where you live as is climatically feasible.

The supermarket channel is poor for small farmers, so avoid using it.

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What you describe has largely been "made illegal" through regulations in the US, to serve the large corporate interests and prevent people from having "choices" from non-club-members.


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"Childhood Vaccine Injury - 6 month old Liam Archer Osterhout died the same day he received the Hep B, Tdap, Rotovirus, polio and pneumococcal vaccines​."

I deeply appreciate my now-retired holistic veterinarian. He taught me to NEVER EVER take or give more than one vaccine at a time. First you wait to see if there are any bad effects -- called vaccinosis -- then you wait to give another vaccine. The kitten dumped on our road is now 14 years old and Uncle Lee was her veterinarian as compared to the kitten we adopted from the shelter who DIED AT AGE THREE. I try never to adopt from shelters because their care is so low-grade, but we did adopt an "unadoptable" beagle/whippet mix last year who is do very well on NO DRUGS (the shelter was drugging her), a quality diet, and endless petting. The only decent veterinarian I have ever met at a shelter was at Bide-A-Wee in NYC in the 1980s; he truly cared for the animals.

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I'm sick and tired of quotes of "polls" that say Biden is within a couple of points of Trump. I call Bull Shit. Polls are propaganda that are used to manufacture consensus/narrative. If they create a narrative that the race is "close", then CHEATING can be explained away. The same liars tell us that Biden got 70M votes in 2020. Of course, he did, just not from 70M voters...

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Thing is... people oppose the Idea of Tyranny... while actively supporting Tyranny.

Censorship in any way or form is tyranny.

Freedom is responsibility.

Tyranny = Government in any form or shape.

Currently they are threatening us with WW3.

And it is a tyranny by stealth lies and deception.

You see I am raving on about my technology for a while.

One thing I kept secret is that it is also the most advanced weapon ever created with the ability to wipe out America within 15 bminutes.

My technology would takeoff vertically from anywhere carrying 1000 independent Hypersonic Glide Warheads accelerate to mach 30 and release its payload.

1000 independent Hypersonic Glide Warheads.

Hitting 1000 targets simultaneously.

Within 15 minutes of deployment.

So if there is a real tyrant out there... show me the money.


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Steady now, Mate...


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Copied to you. Fritz, I love your posts as much as I love John's. Just because you have this knowledge does not mean you should use it, and by the sounds of it, you cannot anyway. It sounds vengeful, not good. Anyways keep up the good work. I read it all.

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My friend for 20 years I been trying to tell the world how advanced my technology is...

Quite frankly I had enough...

Enough of name calling... poverty... and ridicule.

So far I have held back.

I still got a few secrets up my sleeve...

This weapon is the ultimate weapon...

And it is based on my technology which is the most advanced in this world.

As we speak NATO is putting long range missiles into Germany.

Why do you think they do it?


So be it.

Iran and Russia... I sell to you.

My weapon nobody can defend against!

Continental wipe out in 15 min.

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I'm kinda' short on cash and US customs won't even let ivermectin through these days. ;-(

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My Friend... this isn't about you or me... (well it is about me)...

If we can wipe out a continent in 15 minutes... as we can with this weapon of mine...

This weapon renders all other weapons obsolete... meaningless.... history.

So people should know what they are dealing with when engaging in confrontation.

If we can wipe out America in 15 minutes... don't you think that should make people stop and think?

Everyone should know that I can produce this weapon and that I sell it to Russia and Iran.

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Patience, Human.

Universal Consciousness sees past our horizons.


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Yeah... but... the CIA watches me on Substack.

As do all the others...

So come and get me....

Faggot Intelligence Service...

Something must break now....

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Blimey Fritz, you painting a target on your back?

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As a matter of fact... I do... come and get me I say...

And I mean it...

I rather work with Iran Russia or Terrorists than I ever support any of the scum in western politics.

And everyone should do the same.

The only way to expose tyranny is to provoke them into a corner.

That is what I do.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And they don't seem to understand any of our concerns... so I decided frontal confrontation.

Try me...

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Let's not "try", ok?

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Fritz, I love your posts as much as I love John's. Just because you have this knowledge does not mean you should use it, and by the sounds of it, you cannot anyway. It sounds vengeful, not good. Anyways keep up the good work. I read it all.

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On contrary... I try to show people the stupidity of theis actions and the stupidity of our leaders by presenting a viable future of their ambitions ...

Want war ... i give you some... and more.

Yes they ruined me stopped me... but hey... I sell now to the enemy.

That is... if the enemy and the enemy are the same faces... what do you do?

I expose them through my doings... all I can do... all I will do.

You and John are smart enough to understand this

My provocation isn't aimed at you.

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Understand. Is good to vent

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