Gardasil is just another fraud that kills young girls...A small part of the depopulation scheme that our Government seems obsessed with...
Trump on the ME is just one homage to Israel after another...Where are all the jews to occupy these territories it wants to rule? Many have left this war zone already...
Doctorow is a bit wrong...At this stage, Russia can't be satisfied with the Donbas, it has to take Odessa and reduce the Ukraine to a harmless stump...
Ukraine not only leads the world in involuntary organ harvesting, it is also a center of child sex trafficking, as Amnesty has pointed out...Just plain evil..Good riddance....
Russia won't go all the way to Odessa. She'll go to the borders of the breakaway republics and perhaps take a bit more but I think that's it. "Ukraine" may very well collapse into a revolution or coup pretty soon. There are reports of significant desertions.
Nah I think Russia will end up taking all of Ukraine. Ukraine will collapse and Russia will cakewalk through the rest of the country like Al Nusra in Syria. The Hidden Hand needs Russia to secure the old Soviet nuclear power plants in Western Ukraine. Ukraine isn't up to the job.
Bothers me to see the word Jew should be Hebrews. There was no letter J in the alphabet, until the 12th or 13th century...and the people who lived 2000 years ago were of the Hebrew monotheistic faith in Yerusalem. The Messiah, chosen or anointed one, was originally descended from Syrians who were not Hebrews. Check Genesis 29...The Patriarch of the 12 Tribes of Israel was Yacob who was told to change his name to Israel. His first wife was Leah...Leah was the daughter of Laban, a Syrian who believed in the God of Nahoor. She and Yacob had six sons. Now the Hebrews said it was the mother, who determined the religious ancestry of the children. One of Leah's six sons was Yudah...and the Mesiah was descended from he would not be considered Hebrew and his ancestry was Syrian through his mother's side. Interesting, what one finds in reading the bible. Also, Shakespeare was the first, I believe, to use the word Jew in his Merchant of Venice. It is curious how the use of words come into being; and even most people who call themselves Jews....are unaware that the word should be Hebrews.
Well, could just as well called them Israelis..The ruling Aschkenazi apparently are heavily Khazarian and majority European...some may not have any Hebrew blood at all...
True! Who knows the truth? My father used to say, "Your lucky to know who your own father is.!" In English history, I read about the king who was away fighting a battle..and an heir to the throne was conceived! In the past many did not even know how children were conceived.
In the past , people had little idea how the body worked. In Victorian Times this subject was not discussed in certain segments of society. When I was growing up, my mother never told me anything...I remember a nursery school teacher told me things that weren't in books, which gave information about how the body works...I was 11 at the time. . I also looked in books, when I babysat.a little boy whose father was a doctor, when I was 12.. I looked at one of the books, which had information and a sketch of what the internal organs of the body looked like. I loved to read and learn. No one in my family ever gave me any information...They didn't discuss those things.
When the Creator made mankind, there should have been a manual on how to care for our bodies. However, we were given what we needed and mankind survived for thousands of years without doctors, hospitals, drugs and supermarkets.
China already runs or somehow controls the ports of Manzanillo and Altamiro in Mexico with already a railway between the two saving a weeks passage anyway, so why bother with all this noise over the Panama Canal? Likewise with Greenland, if all this oil is supposed to be there why isn’t, for example Maersk of Denmark, already exploiting it? Who knows,,,
Likewise with Ukraine, the Galicians have been used by various states in Europe to cause grief for Russia for over a hundred years why would any sort of ‘ceasefire’ change that. The money power wants another war with Russia, for lots of reasons, so I guess they can wait a few more years.
As for the never ending saga of Israel, do none of Trumps Israel obsessed picks with there nonsense from this book of Joseph not realise why Britain agreed to give them bits of Palestine when they hadn’t even beaten the ottomans by then? To get there banker friends in New York to persuade a very neutral America to join the war on Britains side, or WW1 would have been mercifully over in 1916 .
I much prefer Trump to the old crook he replaced but in my humble opinion, he really should MAGA and try and be neutral about the outside world for a while.
I love Mrs. Trump's film noire heroine look, though. She looked like she had just walked into Phillip Marlowe's office in 1930s San Francisco. Beautiful.
Regarding your first-referenced article - one by ‘Tylers’: … if it’s really all true what Russians (Putin) mean by saying such stuff, it reinforces my firm belief that Putin ( plus some significant numbers of other Russian insiders, too ) continues to dream of Russia joining and finally ( … finally!), becoming an active part of the Western club’s, and equal partner.
And so, Trump’s becoming POTUS, … once again, became - just perhaps - yet one more faint chance for the opportunity for Russia, for such event to materialize.
After all, … considering US presidential history, election of Trump-type of character can be categorize as: 1. a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes pretty well nothing ( except causing chaos! ), and 2. one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless, in the end ( except causing chaos - but Im repeating myself, sorry )
And so, for Russia, … Why not to roll dice one more time?
Putin and Rusia actually suppressed and controlled their oligarchs during the early to mid-00s. They reversed the economy of the 1990s, which was put in place by US and EU oligarchs and "Chicago school" morons. Russians starved and its resources were stolen. Putin, like most Russians (including my wife), had to watch that US backed shit and their criminal oligarchs literally impoverish and starve their friends.
Most Americans are EASY prey for propaganda and lies and still think Russia is either the poor, criminal, crime syndicate Russia of the 1990s or is (LOL) communist. Russia is a very modern, prosperous mixed economy with a healthier social safety net and better worker protections than the US. The improvement in quality of life for all Russians during the last 20 years almost cannot be overstated. Russians will never again allow the US or UK to have ANY significant influence over Russian life. During the last decade, it might be true that life is better for Russians than it has been at any time in Russian history, with the possible exception of the 1950s through the 1970s.
Yes, I did not miss those events. Putin may have reined-in oligarchs, and he did punish a few who were outliers, and clearly harming Russian interests.
One of the most illuminating things about Putin is that he never took bribes in St. Petersburg, in a position where it was the norm.
Yeltsin knew and finally did the right thing.
I see Putin as a principled nationalist, with a deep understanding of history, and his place in it. His parents lost 2 sons before him and barely survived WW-2.
There are lots of reasons for lots of people to dislike him and to idolize him, but none of them seem to motivate me. I'm interested in him. I do see the natural game-theory benefits of US-Russian cooperation and alignment, but the US is not free to act as a nation, in its national interests, to whatever degree that might ever be possible.
Putin's Russia is still highly restrained in so many ways not visible to most of us in the west, but Putin has proven himself worthy of broad support in Russia. Still, he has to make so many deals for each political decision to move forward, as I read.
But, … but one does not need Putin-telepathy! Putin, indeed, wanted to join West. Actually insisted, for example, on Russia joining NATO. That is according to a former Secretary General of this, I call, ‘infamous’ transatlantic alliance.
George Robertson, once Britain’s Labour Defence Secretary, who also led NATO between 1999 and 2003, publicly stated - on the the record - that Putin made it clear at their very first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of Western Europe, period.
“They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous West that Russia was out of at the time”, Robinson said.
Robinson also said - recalling an early meeting with Putin, … when Putin just became Russian President in 2000, “Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join NATO?’” But at that point, Robertson apparently responded with, “Well, we don’t invite people to join NATO, they apply to join NATO!”
The Russia-in-NATO negotiations, or at least question, was raised by Putin repeatedly with multiple US Presidents, as Putin has related. He studied the west quite deeply when he was in the KGB. I think he was testing the intentions of the "west".
Russia wants no part of a "confederacy" with the "west". To think so is to be ignorant of Russian history. Russia wants to be respected and equal in the eyes of any western European or American upstart. Russia has fended off threats from the west and east for 500 years. This threat will fade, too.
The Group of Seven (G7) was an unofficial forum which brought together the heads of the richest industrialized countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada starting in 1976. The G8, meeting for the first time in 1997, was formed with the addition of Russia. In addition, the President of the European Commission has been formally included in summits since 1981. The summits were not meant to be linked formally with wider international institutions; and in fact, a mild rebellion against the stiff formality of other international meetings was a part of the genesis of cooperation between France's president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and West Germany's chancellor Helmut Schmidt as they conceived the initial summit of the Group of Six (G6) in 1975.
The G8 summits during the 21st-century have inspired widespread debates, protests and demonstrations; and the two- or three-day event becomes more than the sum of its parts, elevating the participants, the issues and the venue as focal points for activist pressure.”
Anyway, … been there, watched the whole phlunkin’ circus. Was inconvenienced grossly by very tight security After all, is only ~80 km as a crow flies from my home!
Btw, … the whole phlunkin’ circus is repeating itself this year:
Jets, tanks and bears: The last time the G7 came to Alberta, it was in the shadow of 9/11
Kananaskis to be locked down as world leaders visit June 15-17
You'll see.... There is no trust there. Russia needs absolutely nothing from "the west". I've studied Russia for half a century. I'm married to a Russian and I've been there many times.
Russia undoubtedly needed saving by the West after the collapse of the USSR. And it was saved by the merchant bankers. Had they not been willing to be saved there would be no Russia today. There might also be no civilization today.
Russia is a proud member of the merchant banking system. The ruble is not a Russian currency. It is a private currency. Read the Bank of Russia's website from cover to cover and it reads exactly the same as the Federal Reserve's website.
After the Soviet collapse it was a textbook case of " if you can't beat 'em join 'em."
You do understand what structural collapse is don't you? The USSR structurally collapsed. If it didn't have global markets to collapse into then Russia wouldn't exist anymore. If the USSR had been all of civilization then there would be no civilization today. Which is what the whole world is facing now.
Snow in Yoakum. Man, that's rare. We just got a dusting and bitter cold up here just south of Dallas. My Mom has semi-tropical plants all over her backyard, but she has a couple of people to help her take care of plants, etc. She kept a vegetable garden behind the house for a while, but deer essentially ate it up. You might see one or two more freezes but that's it.
The picture is the Austin garden, but Yoakum got even more, I think, and colder, too.
When we had the bad heat and drought in 2023, the deer finally invaded my Yoakum garden. I belatedly put up an electric wire about 18" off the ground all around it, which seems to work well. I keep it in mind and have not yet touched it live.
We have had 2 freezes and one of them was to 18F, lower than what climate zone 9 "should" get, but we have had one very hard freeze per winter for 4 winters now...
Surprised you didn't include the zerohedge article(or another from elsewhere) on the Chinese open source AI, John. If it bears fruit, that topic is looking like a major update from the Hidden Hand: China making a major contribution to the coming, populist tsunami of national socialisms.
AI is a financial bubble that is also helping to maintain energy demand. Open sourcing AI for Collapse is really a nice touch by the Hidden Hand.
Not exactly what you were expecting was it, John? :)
Gardasil is just another fraud that kills young girls...A small part of the depopulation scheme that our Government seems obsessed with...
Trump on the ME is just one homage to Israel after another...Where are all the jews to occupy these territories it wants to rule? Many have left this war zone already...
Doctorow is a bit wrong...At this stage, Russia can't be satisfied with the Donbas, it has to take Odessa and reduce the Ukraine to a harmless stump...
Ukraine not only leads the world in involuntary organ harvesting, it is also a center of child sex trafficking, as Amnesty has pointed out...Just plain evil..Good riddance....
Russia won't go all the way to Odessa. She'll go to the borders of the breakaway republics and perhaps take a bit more but I think that's it. "Ukraine" may very well collapse into a revolution or coup pretty soon. There are reports of significant desertions.
Nah I think Russia will end up taking all of Ukraine. Ukraine will collapse and Russia will cakewalk through the rest of the country like Al Nusra in Syria. The Hidden Hand needs Russia to secure the old Soviet nuclear power plants in Western Ukraine. Ukraine isn't up to the job.
Maybe. I should no longer forecast things. I'm old enough to know better.
War is always confusing... Sun Tzu or something
Hopefully you're older than me then. :)
You have a year on me, or so. I was in kindergarten on 11/22/63, when we got sent home at lunch time for no reason at all.
Thank goodness for that. Now I need to know how old you were when you became old enough to know better.
Bothers me to see the word Jew should be Hebrews. There was no letter J in the alphabet, until the 12th or 13th century...and the people who lived 2000 years ago were of the Hebrew monotheistic faith in Yerusalem. The Messiah, chosen or anointed one, was originally descended from Syrians who were not Hebrews. Check Genesis 29...The Patriarch of the 12 Tribes of Israel was Yacob who was told to change his name to Israel. His first wife was Leah...Leah was the daughter of Laban, a Syrian who believed in the God of Nahoor. She and Yacob had six sons. Now the Hebrews said it was the mother, who determined the religious ancestry of the children. One of Leah's six sons was Yudah...and the Mesiah was descended from he would not be considered Hebrew and his ancestry was Syrian through his mother's side. Interesting, what one finds in reading the bible. Also, Shakespeare was the first, I believe, to use the word Jew in his Merchant of Venice. It is curious how the use of words come into being; and even most people who call themselves Jews....are unaware that the word should be Hebrews.
Well, could just as well called them Israelis..The ruling Aschkenazi apparently are heavily Khazarian and majority European...some may not have any Hebrew blood at all...
True! Who knows the truth? My father used to say, "Your lucky to know who your own father is.!" In English history, I read about the king who was away fighting a battle..and an heir to the throne was conceived! In the past many did not even know how children were conceived.
I find it extremely hard to believe that any human societies anywhere, ever, didn't know where babies come from.
In the past , people had little idea how the body worked. In Victorian Times this subject was not discussed in certain segments of society. When I was growing up, my mother never told me anything...I remember a nursery school teacher told me things that weren't in books, which gave information about how the body works...I was 11 at the time. . I also looked in books, when I babysat.a little boy whose father was a doctor, when I was 12.. I looked at one of the books, which had information and a sketch of what the internal organs of the body looked like. I loved to read and learn. No one in my family ever gave me any information...They didn't discuss those things.
I'm glad you turned out ok, anyway...
When the Creator made mankind, there should have been a manual on how to care for our bodies. However, we were given what we needed and mankind survived for thousands of years without doctors, hospitals, drugs and supermarkets.
Thanks Barbara. My family never liked to discuss real things either.
POTUS #47* asks Jordan and Egypt help "clean up" ** Gaza
by giving the Palestinian a new home***...
#47 knows both will refuse...
POTUS #47* asks Putin to end his "ridiculous war" in Ukrania...
#47 knows Putin will refuse...
#47 uses the ''Pilate Stratagem', prepares in advance an excuse
for saying "See ! I tried", and washes his hands of the matter...
* 'Get Smart' - a great tv series.
** "Clean up" - POTUS # 47's euphemism for 'ethnic cleaning'.
*** "New Home" - POTUS #47's euphemism for 'refugee camps".
China already runs or somehow controls the ports of Manzanillo and Altamiro in Mexico with already a railway between the two saving a weeks passage anyway, so why bother with all this noise over the Panama Canal? Likewise with Greenland, if all this oil is supposed to be there why isn’t, for example Maersk of Denmark, already exploiting it? Who knows,,,
Likewise with Ukraine, the Galicians have been used by various states in Europe to cause grief for Russia for over a hundred years why would any sort of ‘ceasefire’ change that. The money power wants another war with Russia, for lots of reasons, so I guess they can wait a few more years.
As for the never ending saga of Israel, do none of Trumps Israel obsessed picks with there nonsense from this book of Joseph not realise why Britain agreed to give them bits of Palestine when they hadn’t even beaten the ottomans by then? To get there banker friends in New York to persuade a very neutral America to join the war on Britains side, or WW1 would have been mercifully over in 1916 .
I much prefer Trump to the old crook he replaced but in my humble opinion, he really should MAGA and try and be neutral about the outside world for a while.
I think Trump has a lot of deals to keep by now...
Not quite as independent as he keeps saying,,,
I love Mrs. Trump's film noire heroine look, though. She looked like she had just walked into Phillip Marlowe's office in 1930s San Francisco. Beautiful.
Regarding your first-referenced article - one by ‘Tylers’: … if it’s really all true what Russians (Putin) mean by saying such stuff, it reinforces my firm belief that Putin ( plus some significant numbers of other Russian insiders, too ) continues to dream of Russia joining and finally ( … finally!), becoming an active part of the Western club’s, and equal partner.
And so, Trump’s becoming POTUS, … once again, became - just perhaps - yet one more faint chance for the opportunity for Russia, for such event to materialize.
After all, … considering US presidential history, election of Trump-type of character can be categorize as: 1. a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes pretty well nothing ( except causing chaos! ), and 2. one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless, in the end ( except causing chaos - but Im repeating myself, sorry )
And so, for Russia, … Why not to roll dice one more time?
F.S., … just musing out loud.
I read a lot about all that, and I'd like to understand Putin better, but I am one of the few who was born without Putin-telepathy... Alas.
Lots of other Russian rich people are known to feather their own nests in cunning and devious ways.
Putin and Rusia actually suppressed and controlled their oligarchs during the early to mid-00s. They reversed the economy of the 1990s, which was put in place by US and EU oligarchs and "Chicago school" morons. Russians starved and its resources were stolen. Putin, like most Russians (including my wife), had to watch that US backed shit and their criminal oligarchs literally impoverish and starve their friends.
Most Americans are EASY prey for propaganda and lies and still think Russia is either the poor, criminal, crime syndicate Russia of the 1990s or is (LOL) communist. Russia is a very modern, prosperous mixed economy with a healthier social safety net and better worker protections than the US. The improvement in quality of life for all Russians during the last 20 years almost cannot be overstated. Russians will never again allow the US or UK to have ANY significant influence over Russian life. During the last decade, it might be true that life is better for Russians than it has been at any time in Russian history, with the possible exception of the 1950s through the 1970s.
Yes, I did not miss those events. Putin may have reined-in oligarchs, and he did punish a few who were outliers, and clearly harming Russian interests.
One of the most illuminating things about Putin is that he never took bribes in St. Petersburg, in a position where it was the norm.
Yeltsin knew and finally did the right thing.
I see Putin as a principled nationalist, with a deep understanding of history, and his place in it. His parents lost 2 sons before him and barely survived WW-2.
There are lots of reasons for lots of people to dislike him and to idolize him, but none of them seem to motivate me. I'm interested in him. I do see the natural game-theory benefits of US-Russian cooperation and alignment, but the US is not free to act as a nation, in its national interests, to whatever degree that might ever be possible.
Putin's Russia is still highly restrained in so many ways not visible to most of us in the west, but Putin has proven himself worthy of broad support in Russia. Still, he has to make so many deals for each political decision to move forward, as I read.
Yeah. I'm an American. I'm loyal to my country. However, I very much admire Putin.... more so than my wife....
That is not so unusual, in my limited experience.
But, … but one does not need Putin-telepathy! Putin, indeed, wanted to join West. Actually insisted, for example, on Russia joining NATO. That is according to a former Secretary General of this, I call, ‘infamous’ transatlantic alliance.
George Robertson, once Britain’s Labour Defence Secretary, who also led NATO between 1999 and 2003, publicly stated - on the the record - that Putin made it clear at their very first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of Western Europe, period.
“They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous West that Russia was out of at the time”, Robinson said.
Robinson also said - recalling an early meeting with Putin, … when Putin just became Russian President in 2000, “Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join NATO?’” But at that point, Robertson apparently responded with, “Well, we don’t invite people to join NATO, they apply to join NATO!”
And so, presumably that was that, …
… fwiw
The Russia-in-NATO negotiations, or at least question, was raised by Putin repeatedly with multiple US Presidents, as Putin has related. He studied the west quite deeply when he was in the KGB. I think he was testing the intentions of the "west".
He did get things clarified by the time he spoke out in Munich.
Russia wants no part of a "confederacy" with the "west". To think so is to be ignorant of Russian history. Russia wants to be respected and equal in the eyes of any western European or American upstart. Russia has fended off threats from the west and east for 500 years. This threat will fade, too.
… if you say so. Here is a trick for you - How to remember G-8 Countries:
G – Germany.
J – Japan.
F – France.
A – America.
B – British.
R – Russia.
I – Italy.
C – Canada.
… cures ignorance!
I.C.Y.M.I., … snip from the “Wayback Machine”:
The Group of Seven (G7) was an unofficial forum which brought together the heads of the richest industrialized countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada starting in 1976. The G8, meeting for the first time in 1997, was formed with the addition of Russia. In addition, the President of the European Commission has been formally included in summits since 1981. The summits were not meant to be linked formally with wider international institutions; and in fact, a mild rebellion against the stiff formality of other international meetings was a part of the genesis of cooperation between France's president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and West Germany's chancellor Helmut Schmidt as they conceived the initial summit of the Group of Six (G6) in 1975.
The G8 summits during the 21st-century have inspired widespread debates, protests and demonstrations; and the two- or three-day event becomes more than the sum of its parts, elevating the participants, the issues and the venue as focal points for activist pressure.”
Anyway, … been there, watched the whole phlunkin’ circus. Was inconvenienced grossly by very tight security After all, is only ~80 km as a crow flies from my home!
Btw, … the whole phlunkin’ circus is repeating itself this year:
Jets, tanks and bears: The last time the G7 came to Alberta, it was in the shadow of 9/11
Kananaskis to be locked down as world leaders visit June 15-17
You'll see.... There is no trust there. Russia needs absolutely nothing from "the west". I've studied Russia for half a century. I'm married to a Russian and I've been there many times.
Russia undoubtedly needed saving by the West after the collapse of the USSR. And it was saved by the merchant bankers. Had they not been willing to be saved there would be no Russia today. There might also be no civilization today.
No.... No it didn't. It was literally stripped by western shysters and frauds and its corrupt elite. Russia saved itself.
Russia is a proud member of the merchant banking system. The ruble is not a Russian currency. It is a private currency. Read the Bank of Russia's website from cover to cover and it reads exactly the same as the Federal Reserve's website.
After the Soviet collapse it was a textbook case of " if you can't beat 'em join 'em."
You do understand what structural collapse is don't you? The USSR structurally collapsed. If it didn't have global markets to collapse into then Russia wouldn't exist anymore. If the USSR had been all of civilization then there would be no civilization today. Which is what the whole world is facing now.
Snow in Yoakum. Man, that's rare. We just got a dusting and bitter cold up here just south of Dallas. My Mom has semi-tropical plants all over her backyard, but she has a couple of people to help her take care of plants, etc. She kept a vegetable garden behind the house for a while, but deer essentially ate it up. You might see one or two more freezes but that's it.
The picture is the Austin garden, but Yoakum got even more, I think, and colder, too.
When we had the bad heat and drought in 2023, the deer finally invaded my Yoakum garden. I belatedly put up an electric wire about 18" off the ground all around it, which seems to work well. I keep it in mind and have not yet touched it live.
We have had 2 freezes and one of them was to 18F, lower than what climate zone 9 "should" get, but we have had one very hard freeze per winter for 4 winters now...
Surprised you didn't include the zerohedge article(or another from elsewhere) on the Chinese open source AI, John. If it bears fruit, that topic is looking like a major update from the Hidden Hand: China making a major contribution to the coming, populist tsunami of national socialisms.
AI is a financial bubble that is also helping to maintain energy demand. Open sourcing AI for Collapse is really a nice touch by the Hidden Hand.
Not exactly what you were expecting was it, John? :)
Welcome to the DA.
Putin improprietously coming out of the closet 4 years later lol. Not a good look.
Thank you, John! I always learn a *ton* by reading this.
Happy snow-gardening! (yikes!).