Weather warfare. Skypainting. They don't do this much when the demented pretendsodent ScKamala, sic, comes around.
The way weather is being manipulated is the war that ain't seen, because who has time to look at the sky?
Would the same folks who tried to cull Trump also take out those who would vote for him?
Can they jail us all? We are more likely to get killed than inprisoned.
They kill us with needles, they kill us with lies. They kill us with torture, gaslamp our eyes.
Jill Stein lost my vote by badmouthing my dad Vlad, but honestly she doesn't seem equipped to actually do anything, I sure hope RFKjr can..
But this is the first time I've asked myself shall I bother wasting my time to vote at all? Maybe for Trump,to support RFKjr and Tulsi. They don't give me hope, just a bit less fear, having read RFKjr book and shook his hand.
That don't mean I vote for Isra Hell, wish that weren't part of the package
"They kill us with needles, they kill us with lies. They kill us with torture, gaslamp our eyes." Oh great... now I have another earworm to sing along with The Kiffness - Eating the Cats.
I could write about Israel for ever,, but. Let's think about America's govts response to the flooding. Now I hear they're threatening to arrest people for using there own helicopters to rescue people,,etc,, the military only briefed 2 days ago about an emergency plan,,sending all substation eqpt to Ukraine so there's nothing to repair the flooded ones with,,, it's mind boggling,
Weather warfare. Skypainting. They don't do this much when the demented pretendsodent ScKamala, sic, comes around.
The way weather is being manipulated is the war that ain't seen, because who has time to look at the sky?
Would the same folks who tried to cull Trump also take out those who would vote for him?
Can they jail us all? We are more likely to get killed than inprisoned.
They kill us with needles, they kill us with lies. They kill us with torture, gaslamp our eyes.
Jill Stein lost my vote by badmouthing my dad Vlad, but honestly she doesn't seem equipped to actually do anything, I sure hope RFKjr can..
But this is the first time I've asked myself shall I bother wasting my time to vote at all? Maybe for Trump,to support RFKjr and Tulsi. They don't give me hope, just a bit less fear, having read RFKjr book and shook his hand.
That don't mean I vote for Isra Hell, wish that weren't part of the package
"They kill us with needles, they kill us with lies. They kill us with torture, gaslamp our eyes." Oh great... now I have another earworm to sing along with The Kiffness - Eating the Cats.
They aren't even pretending any more...But will our sleepwalking public even notice that they're being exterminated?
Some notice. Some don't want to know...
I could write about Israel for ever,, but. Let's think about America's govts response to the flooding. Now I hear they're threatening to arrest people for using there own helicopters to rescue people,,etc,, the military only briefed 2 days ago about an emergency plan,,sending all substation eqpt to Ukraine so there's nothing to repair the flooded ones with,,, it's mind boggling,
"As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport."
The "Gods" may not be uniform in this regard, not at all.
And so this phase has begun. No surprises really, playbooks deployed, history rhymes.