What I find disturbing is the new Covid strain with a 80% mortality rate for the innocent developed by Boston University.

They just made everyone in the world their enemy who likes to be alive looking at the consequences of what they already have accomplished .

What they say isn’t who they are for they are delusional working under a reductionist science theory gone mad.

18 million deaths so far according to Jeffrey Sachs.

It makes the gunman who walks into a school to shoot innocent children look like a amateur compared to these scientists .

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It just kills 80% of the humanized-mice. Our odds would be much better, and it might not spread as well in society as in the lab. Take vitamin-D. Have other things handy, as here:


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Are humanized mice us?

Its the Boys with their death toys of reductionist science theory I object to.

Its time to have a respect for the living shown in science.

Studying how to increase the death rate????

Only through studying the dead will science ever learn anything is the reason?

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"Humanized" mice are a model for "us".

Jessica Rose says it attacked their brains.

This could be a big deal. Attacking brains is bad.

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I've known it as Energy Returned on Energy Invested as per Charles Hall and view this as the most overriding force on this living planet. I think about it as I work my land holdings dedicated to food sources for me and wild life being careful to only use fuel resource inputs for projects that can amortize the energy overtime.

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Thanks Rick. I also think of investing "emergy", embedded energy, towards a future with less. That's what I am doing with the house project. I paid a lot of attention to design, airflow options, insulation and livability. Large kitchen to be able to cook for a lot of people is the core of it.

There should be a place like that in a family. I appreciated my grandfather's ranch as a boy and young man. All of us did.

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Humans seem to be really good at *cheating* entropy. Kicking the price can down the road via all sorts of schemes..mostly technical in nature. Do you have something to barter to your neighbors for what you don’t produce? Do you produce enough protein for a healthy life in our dystopian future? Interesting that you frame your plan still bound to an *economic* context.

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Economics covers a lot, and a lot of good information is cast in the context of economics.

It's not possible to plan for all scenarios. I'm trying to build a healthy future, though there are some hard times close ahead.

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Knowing that we cannot plan for an unknown future, to me implies, that we can’t predict ‘hard times close ahead’.

A quantum sort of view. We see what we look at.

I wish and hope that you can someday do what you did so well….. doctoring.

For me I’ll do what I can to keep the current *train* on its tracks. At the foundation level, other than the large urban areas and even there in most cases, it’s still working pretty good.

Small moves with minimum ego.

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It's easy to look at economic fundamentals, like debt-saturation, decline in available energy/resources, structural stresses in finance, and global war preparations, and see the "reset" underway. Resets are hard. History rhymes. Now is still the time to invest surplus time, energy and financial resources into gardening, bicycling, and getting out of debt. Safe investments, anyway.

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Only through using these finite energy sources can humans appear to cheat entropy, but what its actually doing is speeding it up. In my view based on permaculture teaching, its the succession of life, the expansion of species, on this planet that seemingly cheats entropy, and humans have reversed this process using these fuel sources with the now ongoing elimination of succession with extinctions of species.

I'm not self sufficient. I don't think that's possible. No one around here close by that has anything worth bartering with anyway, they are all addicted/dependent to the system. But I won't use that as an excuse to do nothing I will do what I can. I've worked up to providing nearly all the fruits and vegetables year round. I hunt and fish to supplement the protein, but that is dependent on vehicles, which I don't view as ending any time soon. I know chickens and ducks and could bring them in now that I can largely feed them from my holdings, but don't want to unless I have too as they require a lot of attention.

No one knows the future, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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They say that bags of those cheap cigarette-lighters will be good for barter...

I dunno. Will anybody have what I'll need?

Window-screen rolls seem like a good thing, too.

Moving forward "at the speed of science" and so on...

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So many ordinary things may not be available. Loperamide, for example.

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And dinner...

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Yes, good point, unfortunately.

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I don't have any of those problems. Reminds me of what happened to a permaculture adherent who purchased two high end milking cows. One died quickly upon integration and the vet said the pastures had too many different types of grasses/forbes, and what not, that the cows digestive track, being used to a more sterile less diverse diet, couldn't process the (,ore healthy) diversity. I view humans as no different having habituated to the sterilized food at the grocery. But I have no credentials, only experiences.

One idea is don't switch up quickly as this thing collapses, do it in increments over time to build gut microbes.

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it looks like the website has already been taken down ... https://odysee.com/$/search?q=real%20anthony%20fauci is an alternative ...

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Thank You for the work-around!

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Why they would even consider tinkering with this pathogen is beyond me. There is no logical or good reason for doing this. These people are bad eggs and should be treated as such. Do not trust them or their intentions for us.

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An artistic renering of western civilization - this is a 5min snippet from a swedish director Roy Anderssons film. It ends a bit too early, as the old people coming to enjoy the scene, someone in the goup declares: how beautiful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhSOKNBdPKs

A symphony orchestra is definitely one highlight of this civilization - the price of enjoying that has been high. Highly recommend Roy Andersson: strange visual films with genuine questions and surreal stories. Art for arts' sake, for those who can take it. Luckily there's always some who want to find out where we come from and where we are going and comparing that to where we may want to go.

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