What's in a name ? Plenty !

For "infant vax injuries" use "shaken baby syndrome"...

For "The right to informed consent" use "vax hesitant"...

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For 'obedient doctor' use 'Establishment Stooge'.

For 'doctor with integrity' use 'danger to Establishment inhumanity'.

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There's that Collard plant, again.

Wish I could grow one as healthy as that one looks!

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I'll see if I get seeds, as I intend to do.


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Well, now I know why people online keep saying Macron's "wife" is a dude!

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Absolute Zero Emissions forever

Before I start this there is something you should know and that is the scam that is net zero!

Net Zero means nothing it is a Hollywood accounting scam.

It means that you pay money to offset your emissions against planting trees while the Biofuel scammers burn down the Rainforest to plant GM crops and poison the earth.

It is the biggest Lie.

I counter their lies with one of the greatest inventions ever made that will produce an absolute zero emissions forever and as such exposing their scam.

Theoretical Infinite Speed

In my patent I describe the working of a linear scramjet that as it moves forward inside a constant environment will always be able to produce more output power than needed to accelerate.

Therefore it will be able to accelerate consistently between any given point A to B, I call this linear travel because there is no top speed and the speed you can achieve is directly related to the distance you travel.

The longer the distance the higher the speed you can achieve.

In fact the acceleration goes up exponentially.

Therefore if you theoretically make A to B infinite and have an infinite fuel source where you are in an environment such as space where you have no mass, you can theoretically reach infinite speed.


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What's "Plan-B"?


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What are plans good for if you can't elaborate or implement?

Give me some people I can work with and I change the world.

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