Simplify and add lightness.

Energy: All we need is water.

This is Prof Dan Nocera at Poptech some 15 years ago explaining why oil and Nuclear power are stupid and that water as energy is the only solution inexpensive and clean.


All we need is Freedom

The world I want to live in is clear.

Free energy from water.

A world in abundance.



Free education to the best of possibilities.

For life long learners.

Interstellar Space travel.

When I say that I have also developed the Technology that goes with is.


And I spent a considerable amount of Time doing so.

The result is the problem from the Top who lie us into lies into lies.

The Economy is a Lie.

The Money is a Lie.

God is a Lie.

They steal your everything and blaming it on you.

The only solution is a culling... from the Top... where the Traitors live... Parasites of Society.


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Maybe there is a solution which is not a cull

Gamma-rays will pass through any space-craft and the bodies inside.

Very bad for the bodies.

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I wish there was… and I tried…

But a Death Cult it is.

How do you defeat someone who is already dead?

I predicted this Madness.


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Compassion, but firm compassion, not permissive?

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The problem is this:

The ate a deth culth.

Their Mind is not existing... it is replaced

Their Mind don't belong to them.

Whatever you do... you don't reach them.

It is like talking to a wall...

Or try that... talk to a fridge to plug itself in... you fail... that is what it is... no matter how much you put into.

Trust me... I been there.

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Wish them wisdom from afar...

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they are dead... treat them as such...

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Does this hold any water Doc?


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I found the above link here:


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I was going to send you Pierre's article.

Pierre is smart and has even smarter-er friends, like Paul Marik MD.

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Thanks John your opinion is highly valued on this end.

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Oil is abiotic it is no not a finite resource. It is created continuously in the earth's core. (1)

Now as wells gets deeper and in remote places there are more costs but the earth will never run out of oil


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Oil may well be abiotic, which theory I, myself prefer, but the end of lots-of-cheap-oil happens anyway, because the renewal rate is less than usage, and it becomes necessary to go deeper, colder and more-expensive to get it.

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Perhaps but its a matter of whether new tech can provide savings for the deeper and remote oil fields.

And that's a question no one can answer.

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In all honesty, REMOVE ALL THE TRANSHUMAN BIO-DIGITAL CONVERGENCE CONSTANTLY SURVEILLING THE POPULATION FROM THE INSIDE-OUT and that making lifeforms into batteries for powering the Slave Governing Economy for the mega-wealthy terrified of normal/average people they view their owned 'Human Cattle Herd.'

Dismantle the Eugenicist Agenda and the need for power will be greatly diminished.

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Who is going to bell-that-cat?


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Interesting you posted the article claiming ‘Al Julani’ is Jewish, I saw a photo of him and Theodor Herzl the other day, and they’re identical. We knew Mossad were and are careful and devious plotters but this?

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Not confirmed yet, but it would explain why everybody rolled-over for his 30,000 troops.

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No news is good news! Its sad that world leaders promote wars...They do no good and destroy the resources . In order for the world to survive, it needs to focus on what is most important for survival...air, water, soil, trees and vegetation. Mankind lived for thousands of years without all the unnecessary items that are winding up in the landfills today. Mankind spends much of its resources on products that are harmful. Living on less is only harmful to the corporations who thrive on all this unnecessary spending.

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The world is in such peril! We need to simplify! Be ONE WORLD ORDER! And we have the solution for you!


Here's one... Leave us alone, we're keeping our God-given liberties and rights (and no, we're NOT asking for permission for them). Get thee hence, Satan!

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One world order is actually more complex, not simpler, and adds layers of compliance bureaucracy, as we have already seen in our lives. Local governance is what is less complex. Complex systems break down to simpler systems when they run low on whatever fuels them.

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Hey John!

Heading to a friend's house for a traditional New Year's Eve dinner.

Just wanted to shout out a "Yoi otoshi yo" before an "Akemashite Omedeto!"

And take care of the fog ... been seeing some disturbing news in my YouTube feeds.

Cheers buddy!

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Thank You, Steve. I'm awake in the night, as it happens.

Do tell about the fog and your news feed. Is it that "self-spreading vaccine" getting sprayed?

Omicron was that, wasn't it? I think they sprayed "alpha" COVID on the Iranian public mourning for Soleimani, having the means and controlling the timing, but I can't find corroborating evidence, somehow...

Akimashite Omedato!


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Hi John.

Might be aerosolized 'medical' treatments, or a couple of other possibilities include creating air conditions that will either conceal surveillance drones or allow for hologram projections of UFOs for instilling that "mass formation psychosis" govern-me-harder-daddy panic. Been exchanging telegram chats with buddy Shane (co-host of Brush Junkie podcast covering the 'natural' fires such as Maui), and he verified personal friends in Florida are becoming sick with flu-like symptoms. The longer podcast below reports of at least a couple of hospitals closed to the public because of the flood of people wanting diagnosis and treatment.




Stay healthy!

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The US military is back to its 1950s tricks, then?


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Appears to be, but hearing all kinds of plausible but conflicting scenarios of what may be related 'unnatural' events by the likes of Steven Greer, substack prognosticator clif High, and Youtuber Ashton Forbes. Really hard-to-impossible to sift the P.T. Barnum bluff from what they might really know.

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Drones Spray 'Self-Spreading' COVID-19 Vaccine for 'Large-Area Inoculation of Humans' in 'DEFUSE' EcoHealth/DARPA Project


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This sort of evil is why the USA must be banned from all activities outside its own juridiction. We don't need Us terrorists outside the US, the terrorists calling themselves diplomats no longer have immunity from anything. Etc.....

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Yes, but who bells that cat? Who might be the evil running the USA game? Can that be excised? It is metastasized cancer from City of London, too, right?

That financial power that commands nations and armies is "the enemy" in one useful model of "reality".

I agree that the USA should be an ordinary country again, not a seat of empire.

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Thanks for the heads up. Just forwarded this to Brush Junkies.

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