Hard to know really much about the actual real state of affairs in regards to pricing and energy and industrial economies after Covid and the Ukraine land grab and profit center for men of hubris. Finance falling seems to me like the withering away of the state. Possible if men are angels. Money is talismanic. Holders of money have manna.

In regards to what drives our world today -a world of interlocked Super families of companies and nation states -Science might be compared to a doggie in the hands of it's handler and the study science does is in harness ploughing the fields of profit. Wildcat science more or less when breaking into the air from underground is viewed as a stray dog to naturally be put down in the pound. In our time the cities, states, county's and nation has little in the way of community. Ideology and not knowledge or sound reason insists on pride of place and once more money hires rhetoric backed by science to sway all and serve few. The collapse of industrialism as we once knew it is engineered. Mass murder of millions using the excuse of Covid is also engineered. I see the men of Phynance have sunken legacy costs in existing ways of using energy and to preserve wealth and transition to a different industrial base and build a Neo-feudal short run future free of nations they are building a Roman engineered road to the goal. A yes, a no, a straight line across the land and peoples bulldozed to Dystopia.

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Seeing this, what are your personal adaptations to their plans, to help assure your health and welfare, and that of those you love?

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Sir I am independent in thought and accept man's fate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ0onxQIY_w

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Jorma and Jack, Hot Tuna, nice touch, but what about food, water, fuel, shelter and companions?

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I first sought intentional community in college in 1975. After years of working with people I last worked with a group out of Santa Cruz county whose zeal was high and whose organization fell short and ultimately into bankruptcy. So today at 66 after ten years of jobs coming and staying a year or two then going out of business my aim is to live in this San Francisco polis until the end of rent control or significant health set backs force my hand.

We have a garden.

My wife is unwell from age and a brain tumor removed about 20 days ago. I reflect that urban living on the cheap has benefits my intentional community would not. In a deep sense the dismantling of the networks we need to survive happens thanks to government action and this rests on partisan populaces guided by ideology. Collective insanity with Covid I mostly ignored having no power able to compel vaccination over me. I was unlucky that my wife has a daughter who had her mother removed by police for a Covid confinement based on home PCR test. She masked too much and had mild pneumonia. I was able to free her after three harrowing days.

I prepare by working at every day Zen. The sun is new each day. Man stays the same.

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S.F. Rent control, Jorma, got it. It all makes sense. I am glad you have a garden, though you have a lot of constraints. I'm sorry about the rabid adult daughter and the rabid city/state administration.

Vitamin-D and green tea are unmitigated good things.

Jorma et all at their best:


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Here is a funny story. A close friend in La Mission District in early 1988 moved to Austin. He lived next to Magnolia Thunderclouds. I visited in '88 for one week and was charmed and amused comparing the town to Sacramento with a Berkeley. I encountered the Rhizome Collective and other new ideas and took the student bus every day to downtown Austin and wandered around. For a couple of years I toyed with moving. Weather was my main constraint.

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You write "In a deep sense the dismantling of the networks we need to survive happens thanks to government action and this rests on partisan populaces guided by ideology".

In that case one thing we can do is become politically active and lobby/support those who carry out the government's orders. There must be some amongst them who know it is wrong and just need someone to point it out. That does mean not just speaking in an echo chamber but being brave and going out to people who will argue with us.

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Well, I actually excerpted that quote, which I italicize to mark it as different from y own words, but it's there because I agree with it.

You present a course of action which will be part of necessary change. Do it.

Also secure your human needs against years of breakdown, like Russia's 1990s decade.

That's a survival test.

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I tend to say no government at all. We can find other ways to get necessary projects done. And given government is merely the intermediary between the subjects and their master the people rather delights in pretense and sham by politicians failing them each step of the way. And all this lead to Covid injections as government obeyed the masters and not the subjects.

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The link you posted to the Dioxin info is very important. The toxicity of that stuff is horrific. Anybody remember "Love Canal"? Burning PVC in East Palestine? Oof...

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Also Times beach Missouri. Yes I remember Love canal, that kinda kicked off the governments creation of superfund sites if I recollect.

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Only when the last tree has fallen

The last fish has dies

The rivers are full of acid

You will know that money can't be eaten.

How come that a "primitive" people knew this a long time ago?

Because it is obvious.

Like today when the Parasites in Power fuel a war that never should have been while at the same time they starve their own population to death.

The attack on East Palestine (properly predictably programmed in a Netflix TV series) can come from only one kind of people... the ones who hate Iran and Palestine alike.

These people have now become a danger to society and they will continue their war against humanity.

They see us as the problem when it is really them and their parasitic nature.

It is a Dictatorship by those parasites who pose as victim yet they are our Transhumanist Dictators.

Everything in our development is a 12 year cycle... from 0-12 we develop slowly our basic functions and "unpack" from a fragile baby to a young adult.

From 12 to 24 we develop our sexuality and grow physically.

From 12 to 26 we develop our spirituality.

So in order to facilitate this change within ourselves we must allow change to happen.

From the wild youth to the wisdom of age, there must be a place for everyone.

What a society needs id Food Education Shelter and Energy.... and the Freedom to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

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For almost all of human history most people could live and did live without money, integral within their local ecosystems. Now even the homeless must have money to live.

Getting rid of the power elites looks to be necessary, but not sufficient.

I'm going to excerpt something today about how far gone the economic/financial structure is. Both trust and framework will soon disappear.

This will be chaotic, especially compared to the world-order we have always known, perverted though it is...

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People don't realize that money actually is a psychological drug.

Money is Mind control.

It controls your thinking and it controls your actions.

And like any other drug the more you have the more you want.

It fuels recklessness ambition eats your soul and feeds greed & jealousy.

If you can be bought you can be controlled.

Money is a drug but it is also slavery.

Money is also a form of a neo feudalistic society in which the aristocracy control the money in order to control the people.

But who controls the controllers?

Are they not out of hand trying to control what they cannot and must not control?

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I could show you a real big daikon, but hey, yours is sill glorious!

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Thank you, John! :)

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