I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why do you use the italics and bold font in your posts?
There is nothing wrong with them, but I find it odd…
My publisher told me not to do it, because most people are used to having their fonts always the same… Are you aware ot it? Or, am I being just a pain? Lol
I put everything which is not my own words in italics.
I bold things to make them jump out as people read/skim quickly.
A lot of people scroll on a smartphone.
I try to put things together to transfer a lot of information more rapidly and effectively. The bolds in spots make it easier to not get lost, which is a problem I have when trying to read large blocks of print rapidly.
I hope to be helpful and effective.
I read a LOT and cook it down ruthlessly for the benefit of readers.
' U.S. Postal Service refusing to disclose who paid for nine trucks that transferred up to 1.5 million counterfeit election ballots in 2020 A federal court is about to force the United States Postal Service (USPS) to fess up about who was behind those infamous nine trucks in Pennsylvania that transferred upwards of 1.5 million counterfeit ballots during the 2020 election, effectively throwing the state for Joe Biden. https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-16-usps-trucks-counterfeit-ballots-election-2020-lawsuit.html'
Unless the plaintiffs know better, I would hazard a guess that the primary purchaser of '9 trucks' will turn out to be some pseudo-shell-organisation, which may mean more forensic accountancy is necessary.
There's a fine balance between exposing Biden et al as 'electoral thieves' close enough to polling day to wipe the Democrats out; vs uncovering some bland, in-of-itself fairly anodyne information with insufficient time to dig out who was behind the front organisation.
Not relevant to these articles but US govt bragging there ‘int agencies’ tracked down Yassir Sinwar is (I consider) a total fabrication as usual. The drone operator and tank crew admitted days ago they only realised it was Sinwar on seeing the footage and finished him off with a tank shell. He could hardly stand up in the video which shows how ‘heroic’ the infantry chasing him to be chased off by a guy who’d already lost his right hand.
The US govt and especially there int agencies only play now seems to be setting the narrative, or some such nonsense. 12 te bunker busters dropped by billion dollar jets in Yemen is another instance. It took over 80 te of ordinance, or I estimate 40 bombs, to take out Nasrallah in Beirut so 1 bomb to destroy a tunnel under the mountains of Yemen? Give me a break, and I’m not the only one who’s not listening to this bs anymore.
This gives "them" a chance at the narrative that "Israel-won", but I sadly doubt that "Israel" will accept that narrative. "Israel" demands complete genocide, which is time critical, now-or-never.
The global warming "threat" is a total scam, not created by science, but by computer models fed manipulated data...The data shows that, as several prominent scientists have said, we are in a CO2 desert, and plant life prefers far higher levels...The Earth has been cooling for 100 million years, but during the last ice age, when glaciers 2 miles thick lay on North America, CO2 levels were at times much higher....More important, most of these alternative sources of energy produce little, if any, net energy over the costs of production and maintenance...That's why most of the Earth's governments pay only lip service to this silly theory.....Nuclear power is an exception, but has a long lead time...
Most of the world doesn't want to starve for a bogus theory, or any theory....As Sri Lanka showed...
Absolutely...There are thousands of factors, many of which cancel each other out...But most important are probably the Milankovitch cycles, the Sun (still poorly understood), ocean currents, vulcanism, and space weather, most of which point toward gradual cooling at this point....But clearly, Government sponsorship of windmills etc. is just looting by the in-crowd...
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why do you use the italics and bold font in your posts?
There is nothing wrong with them, but I find it odd…
My publisher told me not to do it, because most people are used to having their fonts always the same… Are you aware ot it? Or, am I being just a pain? Lol
I put everything which is not my own words in italics.
I bold things to make them jump out as people read/skim quickly.
A lot of people scroll on a smartphone.
I try to put things together to transfer a lot of information more rapidly and effectively. The bolds in spots make it easier to not get lost, which is a problem I have when trying to read large blocks of print rapidly.
I hope to be helpful and effective.
I read a LOT and cook it down ruthlessly for the benefit of readers.
' U.S. Postal Service refusing to disclose who paid for nine trucks that transferred up to 1.5 million counterfeit election ballots in 2020 A federal court is about to force the United States Postal Service (USPS) to fess up about who was behind those infamous nine trucks in Pennsylvania that transferred upwards of 1.5 million counterfeit ballots during the 2020 election, effectively throwing the state for Joe Biden. https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-16-usps-trucks-counterfeit-ballots-election-2020-lawsuit.html'
Unless the plaintiffs know better, I would hazard a guess that the primary purchaser of '9 trucks' will turn out to be some pseudo-shell-organisation, which may mean more forensic accountancy is necessary.
There's a fine balance between exposing Biden et al as 'electoral thieves' close enough to polling day to wipe the Democrats out; vs uncovering some bland, in-of-itself fairly anodyne information with insufficient time to dig out who was behind the front organisation.
The transfer of power will have to let the cannibalistic pedophiles off or there will be a war...
I don't know what to wish-for.
There is no crisis... only Solutions.
In fact they implode their own systems of slavery they so carefully constructed through the millennia to enslave us.
But involuntarily by destroying their own power they freed us from them.
Let them die I say.
Let them drown in their own misery.
We the Human race will rise up brighter and better than ever before blinding the phoenix in its way and shining a light upon the whole of existenz.
Let the old ones die... we don't need them.
We make our own future now the shackles are dropped and our Demons will fade away.
"They" will still order mass-slaughter if directly-threatened.
Yes they will...
Q: How many men do they need to slaughter until mo more men are left for them who slaughter other men?
As long as order followers slaughter order followers I am ok with.
I'm hoping that it may be de-conflicted to less than that...
Your wish is well respected my friend.
However I fear 2000+ years of planning Armageddon they will settle for nothing less.
Slaughter and genocide have happened before. Any particular group of evil-puppet-masters might have other emergencies requiring their attention.
Yes… Slaughter and genocide have happened before… by the same people from the same Bloodlines sharing the same believe.
We are G-D’s mistake and it is their duty to G-D to stop us or kill us.
They are clearly defined through the bloodlines of Aristocracy Freemasonry Judaism and the Origin is the Tower of Babel / Babylon.
“The God race came down to diffuse our language and lead us into war and mutual assured self destruction.
The process is ongoing.
Everything that is going on can be understood with these facts.
The roots lie in Babel.
That is where the Babylonian Talmud was conceived.
Not relevant to these articles but US govt bragging there ‘int agencies’ tracked down Yassir Sinwar is (I consider) a total fabrication as usual. The drone operator and tank crew admitted days ago they only realised it was Sinwar on seeing the footage and finished him off with a tank shell. He could hardly stand up in the video which shows how ‘heroic’ the infantry chasing him to be chased off by a guy who’d already lost his right hand.
The US govt and especially there int agencies only play now seems to be setting the narrative, or some such nonsense. 12 te bunker busters dropped by billion dollar jets in Yemen is another instance. It took over 80 te of ordinance, or I estimate 40 bombs, to take out Nasrallah in Beirut so 1 bomb to destroy a tunnel under the mountains of Yemen? Give me a break, and I’m not the only one who’s not listening to this bs anymore.
This gives "them" a chance at the narrative that "Israel-won", but I sadly doubt that "Israel" will accept that narrative. "Israel" demands complete genocide, which is time critical, now-or-never.
The global warming "threat" is a total scam, not created by science, but by computer models fed manipulated data...The data shows that, as several prominent scientists have said, we are in a CO2 desert, and plant life prefers far higher levels...The Earth has been cooling for 100 million years, but during the last ice age, when glaciers 2 miles thick lay on North America, CO2 levels were at times much higher....More important, most of these alternative sources of energy produce little, if any, net energy over the costs of production and maintenance...That's why most of the Earth's governments pay only lip service to this silly theory.....Nuclear power is an exception, but has a long lead time...
Most of the world doesn't want to starve for a bogus theory, or any theory....As Sri Lanka showed...
Aww, c'mon, "Global Warming" is only a partial-scam. ;-)
Peak oil & resources matter already.
The likelihood is that the weather/climate changes will be Much-Worse and that there is nothing humans might do but try to adapt/survive. It does not appear to me to be man-made, but space-weather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2decDcEJqo&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw
Absolutely...There are thousands of factors, many of which cancel each other out...But most important are probably the Milankovitch cycles, the Sun (still poorly understood), ocean currents, vulcanism, and space weather, most of which point toward gradual cooling at this point....But clearly, Government sponsorship of windmills etc. is just looting by the in-crowd...