Lovely to see you my friend...

As reporting from Europe... the German People are fed up with their Government... completely...

So much that the Government actively sues German Citizens for calling Politicians stupid... which they are... the dumbest losers of the lot.

Macron lost the last selection to Le Pen... but the unwinnable war extended by the life support of unlimited funding isn't going to stop the boat sinking... and sink it will...

I wrote that Politicians act like Bulls in a china shop... and agree... it is Vietnam all over again...


Hey folks it is Vietnam all over again.

Only now the kids are too stupid and occupied fucking around to stand up for what is right.

They are the Hitler youth today... and the Nazis are our so called selected leaders.

This is what propaganda looks like...


Additionally… Russian investigators reveal that the Ukrainian regime was harvesting biomaterial in the city of Mariupol. Besides organs, & soft tissue, it appears that their most popular export was ‘The blood of infants’. All documents which require consensual signatures, are ‘blank’ (which would indicate either forceful experimentation on Ukrainian citizens by the Kiev-regime, or fraud).

Maps, spreadsheets and documents reveal a chain of hospitals & medical centers which were involved in supplying this biomaterial. There is also evidence that companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca were testing their drugs on Ukrainian citizens. (Video)


Which means that Joe Biden was in on it (as was hunter) to bring these Biological Weapons research to Ukraine... and this is the only reason he was selected...

Wrote about this two years ago.


You speak about Mutiny... I don't agree.

Our leaders failed us by design... they have no right to call themselves leaders.

They are bad actors in a bad act.

They will fall and I am happy about that.

After all I didn't call my sub Project for a Global Revolution for nothing.

Because I have seen the signs in 2008... and even before.


But I do hope that this will not be a bloody Revolution.

I am working and writing for a spiritual Revolution.

Because violence only helps the violent.

The one thing I am persistent is the AI war and that must not be Ignored.

It is the greatest danger ever and now they lose their power (and their marbles) they do anything...


Let's have a Boston Tea Party..


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Thanks Fritz. Call them out and don't cooperate with them.

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That is what I do my friend...

Calling them out is one thing.

Offering Solutions so people have a choice or at least a reference point that they are on a downward spiral is another.

We need not just to call them out but to show the world that there is another way... a better way...

The best way to take their power is to expose them.

But to ensure we have a Future is to plan it for ourselves.

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Right On!


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"The United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan are seen as being ruled by self-serving extortionists, contributing little to global development."

They weren't looking to "develop" anything. It's always been about pillage.

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I really don't understand the rush to sacrifice USA's young men and women through forcible conscription.

At the very least, you should start by sacrificing the geriatric billionaires that are the cause of all this nonsense in the first place. Send George Soros to the front line, send Warren Buffett too, Bill Gates. Larry Fink and Jeff Bezos too. Send the Koch brothers, send Rupert Murdoch and his son James etc etc.

Fund the war by 'freezing the assets' of all these rich billionaires and 'using the dividend streams to fund the military'.

See how the warmongers like being pawns on the chessboard for a change.....

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They like the board the way it is.

They want to send the threatening young men off to foreign wars to kill each other and return exhausted; used to following orders.

That's security for the "owners".


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Oh... about Dominion Voting machines....

Dominion Voting Machines can by the implementation of this Patent change any and every vote.

Meaning not one election can be trusted because of this.

And because no one believes me I decided to publish the complete patent here on my Blog for all to see.


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Yes, Dr. John, I am ready to mutiny as well. I thank you for your hard work here and MUST now add to it.

I would like to bring to your attention—if you aren’t aware already—that the Congress passed the NDAA Act once again last week, but with a new amendment. This information comes from Dennis Kucinich:

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:  

Section 531. Selective Service System:  Automatic Registration.  SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

The NDAA legislation was passed last Friday, 6/14/24 and now it is quickly moving to the Senate. If it passes there without this amendment being strip from the NDAA, automatic conscription will be the law of the land.

As I look over the NDAA Senate Bill, the only ‘Amendment’ I see is—under Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce:

"Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service."

Because an Amendment for Males has already been accepted by the House, does this mean that the Senate accepts that Amendment and now can go a step further by “requiring women”?

The bill is so huge I can see that this travesty could be overlooked. I am hoping that you will shine a light here before the Senate passes it. They are in process. I will call my people to action, but you have a much bigger army. That Amendment must be stripped from the NDAA. Hoping you will take this on Sir.

According to Kucinich, this Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

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Yes, I have 4 excerpts and links about that 1/3 down the scroll from the top in this very blog post.

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Thank you for keeping the reports rolling! I am constantly amazed how meekly we people give up our self-determination - despite EU meaningless elections (because pover is with the commission, EU parliament is a rubber-stamping facility), the biggest coalition in parliament is the German Christian Democrat/CDU-aligned bloc.

Another thing: I clearly remember that Afghanistan was also represented as a cornucopia of natural treasure when US was there - maybe to justify the absurd occupation. Nobody talks about that anymore. Now it is the Ukraine. Ball clay...well what a treasure - well worth fighting for when you are making tons and tons of money out of it. War is a racket and all that - and the new war on viruses will certainly go just as well as war on drugs&terrorism etc. War on whatever...

A wake up call for me about music: they are now autotuning everything "industry standard". Someone I know who has made records only sees it as a good thing. Destroying the human voice to achieve a technical "perfection". We are ourselves choosing to make ourselves obsolete in our compulsive need to seek perfection. We have a compulsive need to be servants of something, "perfect" machine seems to be the next dream/nightmare. Plus ça change...

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Ukraine has titanium galore. Did you notice that one?

Afghanistan had opium, and it could be sent to the whole world on US Army transport planes, but could easily be pushed across borders to Russia, China and Iran...

I like lapis lazuli, specifically "Old Mine" lapis, but I'm not collecting it. I gave away the big chunks I polished up a couple of decades ago.

The major western financiers are using Ukraine for collateral and they need to officially be divested of that collateral, to take down the credit-money they have created and lent out.

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Of course Ukraine has all kinds of stuff - ball clay being mentioned in the context of rich resources just cracked me up. And yes, it is all quite complicated.

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Here is what autotune looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDJF4lR3_eg

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Thank you, Kristiina. I had seen that "Never hear a voice like Judy's" video come up, but never watched it. Now I see what it is about.

I'm sorry. ;-(

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OK ! So to use Their devices we agree to Their Conditions:

We sign over our data, They privatise our data....

So We Were Not 'Coerced' !!

Let's consider: We impose Our Conditions, especially on Our

Data's use, and be paid for Our Data...

Maybe impose Conditions on who can access/use Our Data,

and even a use-by date (same as the built-in obsolescence

of Their Devices)...

Put it this way: They pay for Our Data, and comply with Our



After all, They Entire set-up relies on Our Compliance, and like

those Ancient Greek Women who refused their men sex until

the men stopped warring (not to be confused with whoring),

we too can withdraw Our Services !!!

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They hold our data and we rent access to it from them, but they also sell access to it, and sell access to our little quirks, habits and buttons...

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I find the phrase "final resource of value - data" horrifying.

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Carrying this form of economy to its natural conclusion is nihilistic, is it not?

Abstraction until annihilation...


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The extreme hanging chad coverage back then stunk, and now I see why. We are so gullible, in hindsight.

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Thanks for covering the Democratic Amendment to the NDAA before it was voted on and passed by the house. I wish there had been more time to actually take action. Amazingly my Dem Rep, Joe Neguse, actually voted NO on the House version. All Repubs voted YES except Massie, Taylor Green and a Montana Rep ? Why did they all vote in lock step. Did they even know this Amendment was added? The bill is such a monstrosity that i can have some compassion for not knowing--but maybe these 3 did know. My rep never votes the way I want him to. Why did he vote no here? What is going on in our world? I have to reiterate: There is an alien Intervention in our world having great success at manipulating the govt leaders into doing exactly what is needed to hand our world over to them. In the end we will be so grateful to have energy for heating and cooling and transportation that we will give ourselves willingly--at least those who have bought into this narrative will.

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I squeezed that "Anglo Saxon Mission" post into yesterday's blog, along with other news.

"Aliens"? "Demons"? "Interdimensional beings"?

I do wonder about what we can't see, which affects us.

Do Your Best.

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John, John. How does your garden grow?

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"And pretty maids all in a row" ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEoowY9hXuM

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Apparently, Cameron wants the UK to go to war with Russia. Sweet!

And America is a neocolonialist bully. Of long standing.

Regarding Dominion voting machine failures in Puerto Rico (PR) caused by “software”, that is a blatant lie. Dominion employees wrote that software, someone verified its accuracy to both the Dominion management and the PR fools. Dominion the company caused the failures and the PR fools went through the motions of pretending to do their jobs.

If all the PR ballots were filled out with invisible ink, who would we blame? Not the ballots, not the ink - the Election Committee.

Frankly, I cannot understand why states still rely on voting machines at all. Maybe it’s the sex appeal of tech.

Re: Fauci concealing from Congress a report of gain of function work on Mpox. What a surprise! Not. That is his SOP.

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Nobody wants to lose a chance to rig an election...


"I cannot understand why states still rely on voting machines at all. Maybe it’s the sex appeal of tech."

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