Carlson was always a fox in the henhouse - now he can be a fox in the wild. He can broadcast as an independent, online, through friendly partners or direct to viewers. He will have huge leverage with advertisers in a short space of time, when the sheer volume of traffic watching his videos becomes apparent.

Of course, he could choose to work for RFK Jnr....

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We shall see. Tucker will need to have good visibility and journalistic freedom.

Somebody will need to be willing to provide and fund that platform.

He was on TV at 8PM. That seems to be out now...

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Her had 3 million viewers a night on his show! Fox News lost over a billion $$ in stock after they fired him. Or when he chose to leave as the better choice to changing his story.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Thanks for making the connection between Tucker Carlson's parting with Fox and his interview with RFK Jr. Most media are tripping over their tongues trying to avoid the obvious.

What I don't understand is why anybody thinks they can fight the corporate takeover of the USSA from inside one of the largest corporations. The DNC.

Trump's empty chair got more overage than Bernie. And in addition to their un-Democratic super delegates doesn't the DNC claim the right to arbitrarily expel any candidate who doesn't satisfy their basic criteria?

My $0.02 advise is to support a 3rd party, any 3rd party. Don't get railroaded again!

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Bobby is fighting,and we will see where the fight goes, right?

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Fast fwd 3-days. Bernie and the squad are already endorsing Biden! These are dangerous times (according to Kamala Harris) and we can't afford the luxury of a free and fair election . . . what if the wrong candidate won?

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"We all need to get behind our president." , Remember that one?

Who was the president back then? "Hanging chads" and stuff..


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He was a war president. You never change presidents in the middle of a swamp. I'm going to watch John Carpenter's "They Live" for a dose of reality.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by John Day MD

So very sad to see one of the few 'truth tellers' leave. He said he could not be bought - an he wasn't. I knew he'll do well wherever he goes - I just hope to be able to hear him speak again!

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