ok, i see your point. transferx is a hub for various nodes, just like the fed.
cash isn't going anywhere because the underground economy runs on it. seems to me that it actually gains value as an unsurveillable alternative to digital. i recommend the article for the rest ;)
Commenting on "Words that Kill": it daily amazes me that even the best American analysts - ex. Scott Ritter, Col. MacGregor etc. - continue to insist that the people of the Levant "don't look like us" , that they are "brown" etc. etc. These ARE words that kill since we all know that "brown people" are lesser people (aka subhuman) to AngloAmerican eyes and therefore expendable. Moreover, this is unique to Americans....no European would make such a silly, downright inaccurate statement.
The fact is that the people of the Levant, and of ALL the Mediterranean littoral from Spain / France in the NW sweeping round to Algeria / Morocco in the SW are "white people" - which should be clear to everyone NOT wearing US spectacles./ steeped in US racialism.
The Mediterranean populations are in fact the original white people of Europe, predating the Germanic, Turkic and Slavic migrations by several thousand years. Come here to the Mediterranean and be surprised by the amount of blue eyed blondes (notably in Palestine); note that thet the normal hair colour ranges from dark blonde to chestnut; and that the most common eye colour is a dark mixed green-yellow-brown which I call 'tobacco'; and those with actual dark brown eyes and dark brown hair are considered beautiful, especially since this colouring is usually accompanied by extremely white skin...like Orthodox icons.
A further fact is that almost all of Eurasia from Portugal to far Japan is white skinned: the differences lie in bone structure, culture and clothing. Brown / black people are from Africa below the coast / desert. They do not arouse animosity in Eurasia but acceptance, interest, even admiration. There have been black popes, black Byzantine emporers, a black Queen in Denmark....the Dumas and Pushkin were half black: there is and was no ignominy in this. From this it should be clear that it was the culture that mattered, not skin colour....underlining my point.
Where does this racism come from? It is actually religious in origin: Protestantism. Protestanism took root in the least educated and most isolated parts of Europe, ie the north: Scandinavia, Britain, partly the Netherlands, partly Germany. The emigres to the USA were mostly protestant; the fact that the south was originally Anglican (Catholic episcopal ) surely played its part in the US's civil war, whose outcome was the dominance of the protestant exceptionalist, chosen world view we see today. Which is why controversy originally raged over whether Irish, Italian and Greek immigrants could be classed as "white". And whose distant echoes can be seen most recently in Europe with the German, British, Dutch, Scandinavian and American economic attack on the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy,Spain and Greece).
Eleni - Protestantism in Europe emerged not due to lack of education, rather due to outrage at the complete corruption and anti-religious practices of the Catholic Church. Quakerism emerged two centuries later as new protest against 'established religions' not being religious enough. William Penn was one of those Quakers who operated very close to where I grew up, before he emigrated to found Pennsylvania in the USA. Quakers are one of the most tolerant of all religious groupings, believing primarily that 'there is that of God in everyone'.
In the UK, Anglicanism emerged due to Henry VIII refusing to accept that the Pope wouldn't let him continuing to divorce wives if they could not bear him a son (back then, women could not be the monarch unless all else failed). So he simply founded his own religion (The Church of England) with himself as its titular head.
The reality of new branches of religion is that they tend to be founded by very fervent zealots.
You'll find firebrands in branches of Judaism, Islam, Christianity for certain.
Thank you Rhys for the thoughtful exposition, within which tradition my family and name happen to be somewhat woven.
My father's mother's mother grew up in a Quaker household in Ohio, which was a safe-house on the "underground railway" for fugitive slaves. This was my Grandmother Sibley, who doted on me as a young boy. My Grandfather Sibley was a high functionary in the "Methodist Episcopal" church, a powerful missionary in China, where my Grandmother Day grew up, before moving to Ohio as a teen. He was "the meanest man my father ever knew". I did not know him much. I think he died when I was about 4.
We were descended from John and John Quincy Adams, too.
I am named (traditional family spelling handed down) John Wickliffe Day, after the Protestant reformist John Wycliffe.
My Grandmother Day, after her father died, stopped attending services subsequent to his funeral. When Jehova's Witnesses and other well-meaning missionaries would visit, she would describe herself as "a Neo-Druid", no doubt with a withering gaze into their eyes.
She happened to be born on the Eve of All Saints Day. My grandfather's family did not like her and referred to her insultingly as a female practitioner of dark arts, which was unfair of them...
Thank You, Eleni. Xenophobia circuits exist in human brains. Divide-and-rule activates xenophobia circuits with whatever is available, as in Ireland, which may be the most impressive case of splitting-hairs-to-divide-and-rule.
I prefer curiosity myself, but I always seem to have been wired that way. My wife is native-American-without-rights, aka "Mexican American", whose ancestors were always "here" in Texas, from before Columbus.
The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked planes and torpedo boats in international waters during the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The attack on the surveillance ship lasted 75 minutes -- 34 men died and 172 were injured. Initially it was thought that either Egypt or the U.S.S.R. was responsible, but astonishingly Israel, the U.S.'s closest ally, said that the planes and boats belonged to them, and that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian vessel -- despite the prominently displayed Stars and Stripes.
This hard-hitting investigation shows that on that day in 1967, the world came closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before -- this incident made the Cuban Missile Crisis seem tame by comparison. Peter Hounam reveals that the attack was part of a clandestine plan between the US and Israel known as "Operation Cyanide," designed to ensure victory for Israel in the Middle East. (He also reveals LBJ had a Mossad mistress.) By blaming the attack on the Arab world, retaliation on a grand scale would be justified.
A massive cover-up has endured to this day -- the attack on the Liberty remains the only maritime incident that has not been investigated by Congress. But many survivors and senior government officials say that the attack was no accident, including Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk. Based on interviews with ex-government officers and the examination of official documents, this book answers the following questions: Why did the White House call back rescue planes from helping the Liberty -- twice? What was the CIA's role in this attack? Did LBJ know in advance about the attack? Why did the U.S. government accept Israel's explanation?
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz claimed in 2018 that ‘Israel has had no better friend’ than the Texan president, and it is not difficult to see why he received such a glowing review. Holding court with numerous influential Jewish American intellectuals, such as Arthur Krim, Abe Fortas, and Arthur Goldberg, Johnson had supported every aid package during his time as a senator and majority leader and had pressed Eisenhower not to sanction Jerusalem in 1956. When President, he enjoyed warm relations with Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and professed to hold deep admiration for Israel and its people. ‘I may not worry as much as Eshkol does about Israel’, Johnson told an ambassador, ‘but I do worry as deeply.’
Johnson’s infatuation with Israel was also blended with his personal distaste for Nasser. Viewing the region through the lens of the binary Cold War struggle, Johnson and many of his advisers viewed Cairo as just another Soviet proxy. After initial attempts to placate Nasser with grain deals, Johnson’s patience ran thin as Egypt began to assert itself throughout the region. After the burning of an American library in Cairo, the White House cut all aid and the two presidents became increasingly vocal critics of one another. Johnson branded Nasser as ‘an instrument of the Kremlin’, while the Egyptian responded by calling his counterpart little more than a ‘cowboy.’
The Israelis started the war early. The Liberty was not yet close enough to stage the false flag attack that LBJ wanted to justify nuclear attack on Egypt. By the time the Liberty was in place, Egypt had no air force left. LBJ pushed the plan anyway. He was an evil, murderous man. Israel "had no better friend".
Johnson made sure that a whole lot of plutonium went missing off the back of the truck to get Israel the A-bomb.
It hurts my heart that trusting sailors on the Liberty were betrayed by the very people whom these men would have fought and died for. The take away, be dam careful who you trust.
"Saudi Arabia: No diplomatic relations with Israel without Palestinian state"
Greetings from a frozen Alberta, Great White North, Dr. Day!
Below is a today’s 'vid-posting' related to above from Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance/ Economics & Tax, entitled, WEAPONS DEAL: Will Saudi Arabia Skip BRICS For U.S. Security Protection?
It’s about details of a latest business venture between the U.S. and K.S.A. Details that Blinken and MBS presumably cooked up. And yes, above quote is mentioned in it, … but also the fact that K.S.A. will be utilized as a land transit route for delivery materials from Western sources to Israel, …
Saudi Arabia will build Lockheed-Martin ABM systems in Saudi factories, except for the special parts... Saudis have a lot of leverage.
I saw that KSA offered a land transit to a more northerly part of the Red Sea, closer to Israel. I did make some little skips through the presentation. Is that what she referred to?
Sort of. She reiterated, that Israel and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been cooperating economically for a while, … and that this arrangement will not be effected at least for the time being - war on Gaza and Palestinians or not.
Other important issue she expanded on was BRICS membership. In my view importance of membership is quite crucial here. Membership would, just perhaps, allow significantly more pressure to be applied to control of oil trade by means of regulating flow, price and use of alternative currencies, curtailing the U.S’. assistance to Israel
Anyway, in the end, Saudi Arabia siding with U.S. will weaken BRICS, … and probably weakens OPEC, too. We shall see…
I caught what she said about BRICS membership, mainly that KSA wants everything, which they clearly do. She thinks it unlikely that KSA will forego the many advantages of BRICS membership going forward, and I agree, but they want the benefits of the petrobuck, too. They do want it all. The Saudi ambassador's kids I knew in Japan in the 1970s were huge party-pigs, ravenous in every way... Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, ... More, more, more.
I agree, … "KSA wants everything", but that’s a very dangerous route MBS is choosing!
If, or when current skirmish finally flares up to wide regional war or worst, KSA will find itself in the midsts of it. But, if KSA sides with BRICKS, chances of wider war are much, much diminished. You know, U.S. and Israel alone versus the rest. Just imagine, … these two would have to think at least thrice!
Anyway, perhaps you will recall, a while ago, I mentioned - Consortium News article - that as long as there is no unity amongst Arabs re protection of Palestinians, all will be lost. Palestinians will be razed out of existence eventually.
And so, all in all, on the whole, Palestinians can only survive, … and eventually thrive, is if all Arabs are unified and fortified by BRICS and friends. Without K.S.A., this is highly not probable. But that’s just me thinking out loud, …
So, the misery that is Israel continues. What a surprise.
To that we now know that American weapons given to Ukraine are being sold on the black market. Well, no surprise but deeply dissatisfying. American weapons paid for by US citizens are beng sold on the black market to anyone. No accountability to the citizens. Instead we are treated to news about the govt. potentially shut down by its inability to pay the bills. I feel violated.
this is where kirsch outs himself as a member of the cabal
it's a private cbdc
why the ubiquitously perverse fixation with the letter x?
transferx is centralized relative to itself. just as crypto is a slow walk to the cbdc. blockchain = surveillance and control
ok, i see your point. transferx is a hub for various nodes, just like the fed.
cash isn't going anywhere because the underground economy runs on it. seems to me that it actually gains value as an unsurveillable alternative to digital. i recommend the article for the rest ;)
Excellent as ever Dr. Day, thank you!
Commenting on "Words that Kill": it daily amazes me that even the best American analysts - ex. Scott Ritter, Col. MacGregor etc. - continue to insist that the people of the Levant "don't look like us" , that they are "brown" etc. etc. These ARE words that kill since we all know that "brown people" are lesser people (aka subhuman) to AngloAmerican eyes and therefore expendable. Moreover, this is unique to Americans....no European would make such a silly, downright inaccurate statement.
The fact is that the people of the Levant, and of ALL the Mediterranean littoral from Spain / France in the NW sweeping round to Algeria / Morocco in the SW are "white people" - which should be clear to everyone NOT wearing US spectacles./ steeped in US racialism.
The Mediterranean populations are in fact the original white people of Europe, predating the Germanic, Turkic and Slavic migrations by several thousand years. Come here to the Mediterranean and be surprised by the amount of blue eyed blondes (notably in Palestine); note that thet the normal hair colour ranges from dark blonde to chestnut; and that the most common eye colour is a dark mixed green-yellow-brown which I call 'tobacco'; and those with actual dark brown eyes and dark brown hair are considered beautiful, especially since this colouring is usually accompanied by extremely white skin...like Orthodox icons.
A further fact is that almost all of Eurasia from Portugal to far Japan is white skinned: the differences lie in bone structure, culture and clothing. Brown / black people are from Africa below the coast / desert. They do not arouse animosity in Eurasia but acceptance, interest, even admiration. There have been black popes, black Byzantine emporers, a black Queen in Denmark....the Dumas and Pushkin were half black: there is and was no ignominy in this. From this it should be clear that it was the culture that mattered, not skin colour....underlining my point.
Where does this racism come from? It is actually religious in origin: Protestantism. Protestanism took root in the least educated and most isolated parts of Europe, ie the north: Scandinavia, Britain, partly the Netherlands, partly Germany. The emigres to the USA were mostly protestant; the fact that the south was originally Anglican (Catholic episcopal ) surely played its part in the US's civil war, whose outcome was the dominance of the protestant exceptionalist, chosen world view we see today. Which is why controversy originally raged over whether Irish, Italian and Greek immigrants could be classed as "white". And whose distant echoes can be seen most recently in Europe with the German, British, Dutch, Scandinavian and American economic attack on the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy,Spain and Greece).
Enough said!
Eleni - Protestantism in Europe emerged not due to lack of education, rather due to outrage at the complete corruption and anti-religious practices of the Catholic Church. Quakerism emerged two centuries later as new protest against 'established religions' not being religious enough. William Penn was one of those Quakers who operated very close to where I grew up, before he emigrated to found Pennsylvania in the USA. Quakers are one of the most tolerant of all religious groupings, believing primarily that 'there is that of God in everyone'.
In the UK, Anglicanism emerged due to Henry VIII refusing to accept that the Pope wouldn't let him continuing to divorce wives if they could not bear him a son (back then, women could not be the monarch unless all else failed). So he simply founded his own religion (The Church of England) with himself as its titular head.
The reality of new branches of religion is that they tend to be founded by very fervent zealots.
You'll find firebrands in branches of Judaism, Islam, Christianity for certain.
Thank you Rhys for the thoughtful exposition, within which tradition my family and name happen to be somewhat woven.
My father's mother's mother grew up in a Quaker household in Ohio, which was a safe-house on the "underground railway" for fugitive slaves. This was my Grandmother Sibley, who doted on me as a young boy. My Grandfather Sibley was a high functionary in the "Methodist Episcopal" church, a powerful missionary in China, where my Grandmother Day grew up, before moving to Ohio as a teen. He was "the meanest man my father ever knew". I did not know him much. I think he died when I was about 4.
We were descended from John and John Quincy Adams, too.
I am named (traditional family spelling handed down) John Wickliffe Day, after the Protestant reformist John Wycliffe.
My Grandmother Day, after her father died, stopped attending services subsequent to his funeral. When Jehova's Witnesses and other well-meaning missionaries would visit, she would describe herself as "a Neo-Druid", no doubt with a withering gaze into their eyes.
She happened to be born on the Eve of All Saints Day. My grandfather's family did not like her and referred to her insultingly as a female practitioner of dark arts, which was unfair of them...
Thank You, Eleni. Xenophobia circuits exist in human brains. Divide-and-rule activates xenophobia circuits with whatever is available, as in Ireland, which may be the most impressive case of splitting-hairs-to-divide-and-rule.
I prefer curiosity myself, but I always seem to have been wired that way. My wife is native-American-without-rights, aka "Mexican American", whose ancestors were always "here" in Texas, from before Columbus.
The USS Liberty was a pawn pushed by LBJ. I think this ensured he did not run for the Presidency once more. Lew Rockwell's site covered one book on the subject that is very interesting. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/11/phillip-f-nelson/the-truth-of-why-lbj-wanted-the-uss-liberty-to-sink-getting-israel-to-help-ensure-his-reelection/
However Operation Cyanide I think brings in a interesting detail. https://www.scribd.com/document/410826276/Operation-Cyanide-by-Peter-Hounam-2003-pdf
The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked planes and torpedo boats in international waters during the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The attack on the surveillance ship lasted 75 minutes -- 34 men died and 172 were injured. Initially it was thought that either Egypt or the U.S.S.R. was responsible, but astonishingly Israel, the U.S.'s closest ally, said that the planes and boats belonged to them, and that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian vessel -- despite the prominently displayed Stars and Stripes.
This hard-hitting investigation shows that on that day in 1967, the world came closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before -- this incident made the Cuban Missile Crisis seem tame by comparison. Peter Hounam reveals that the attack was part of a clandestine plan between the US and Israel known as "Operation Cyanide," designed to ensure victory for Israel in the Middle East. (He also reveals LBJ had a Mossad mistress.) By blaming the attack on the Arab world, retaliation on a grand scale would be justified.
A massive cover-up has endured to this day -- the attack on the Liberty remains the only maritime incident that has not been investigated by Congress. But many survivors and senior government officials say that the attack was no accident, including Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk. Based on interviews with ex-government officers and the examination of official documents, this book answers the following questions: Why did the White House call back rescue planes from helping the Liberty -- twice? What was the CIA's role in this attack? Did LBJ know in advance about the attack? Why did the U.S. government accept Israel's explanation?
Lastly, a bit of LBJ racist distaste for Nasser comes into play also. https://engelsbergideas.com/notebook/how-lbj-forged-the-us-israel-alliance/
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz claimed in 2018 that ‘Israel has had no better friend’ than the Texan president, and it is not difficult to see why he received such a glowing review. Holding court with numerous influential Jewish American intellectuals, such as Arthur Krim, Abe Fortas, and Arthur Goldberg, Johnson had supported every aid package during his time as a senator and majority leader and had pressed Eisenhower not to sanction Jerusalem in 1956. When President, he enjoyed warm relations with Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and professed to hold deep admiration for Israel and its people. ‘I may not worry as much as Eshkol does about Israel’, Johnson told an ambassador, ‘but I do worry as deeply.’
Johnson’s infatuation with Israel was also blended with his personal distaste for Nasser. Viewing the region through the lens of the binary Cold War struggle, Johnson and many of his advisers viewed Cairo as just another Soviet proxy. After initial attempts to placate Nasser with grain deals, Johnson’s patience ran thin as Egypt began to assert itself throughout the region. After the burning of an American library in Cairo, the White House cut all aid and the two presidents became increasingly vocal critics of one another. Johnson branded Nasser as ‘an instrument of the Kremlin’, while the Egyptian responded by calling his counterpart little more than a ‘cowboy.’
The Israelis started the war early. The Liberty was not yet close enough to stage the false flag attack that LBJ wanted to justify nuclear attack on Egypt. By the time the Liberty was in place, Egypt had no air force left. LBJ pushed the plan anyway. He was an evil, murderous man. Israel "had no better friend".
Johnson made sure that a whole lot of plutonium went missing off the back of the truck to get Israel the A-bomb.
JFK and RFK were working hard to prevent that.
It hurts my heart that trusting sailors on the Liberty were betrayed by the very people whom these men would have fought and died for. The take away, be dam careful who you trust.
"Saudi Arabia: No diplomatic relations with Israel without Palestinian state"
Greetings from a frozen Alberta, Great White North, Dr. Day!
Below is a today’s 'vid-posting' related to above from Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance/ Economics & Tax, entitled, WEAPONS DEAL: Will Saudi Arabia Skip BRICS For U.S. Security Protection?
It’s about details of a latest business venture between the U.S. and K.S.A. Details that Blinken and MBS presumably cooked up. And yes, above quote is mentioned in it, … but also the fact that K.S.A. will be utilized as a land transit route for delivery materials from Western sources to Israel, …
Saudi Arabia will build Lockheed-Martin ABM systems in Saudi factories, except for the special parts... Saudis have a lot of leverage.
I saw that KSA offered a land transit to a more northerly part of the Red Sea, closer to Israel. I did make some little skips through the presentation. Is that what she referred to?
Sort of. She reiterated, that Israel and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been cooperating economically for a while, … and that this arrangement will not be effected at least for the time being - war on Gaza and Palestinians or not.
Other important issue she expanded on was BRICS membership. In my view importance of membership is quite crucial here. Membership would, just perhaps, allow significantly more pressure to be applied to control of oil trade by means of regulating flow, price and use of alternative currencies, curtailing the U.S’. assistance to Israel
Anyway, in the end, Saudi Arabia siding with U.S. will weaken BRICS, … and probably weakens OPEC, too. We shall see…
I caught what she said about BRICS membership, mainly that KSA wants everything, which they clearly do. She thinks it unlikely that KSA will forego the many advantages of BRICS membership going forward, and I agree, but they want the benefits of the petrobuck, too. They do want it all. The Saudi ambassador's kids I knew in Japan in the 1970s were huge party-pigs, ravenous in every way... Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, ... More, more, more.
I agree, … "KSA wants everything", but that’s a very dangerous route MBS is choosing!
If, or when current skirmish finally flares up to wide regional war or worst, KSA will find itself in the midsts of it. But, if KSA sides with BRICKS, chances of wider war are much, much diminished. You know, U.S. and Israel alone versus the rest. Just imagine, … these two would have to think at least thrice!
Anyway, perhaps you will recall, a while ago, I mentioned - Consortium News article - that as long as there is no unity amongst Arabs re protection of Palestinians, all will be lost. Palestinians will be razed out of existence eventually.
And so, all in all, on the whole, Palestinians can only survive, … and eventually thrive, is if all Arabs are unified and fortified by BRICS and friends. Without K.S.A., this is highly not probable. But that’s just me thinking out loud, …
So, the misery that is Israel continues. What a surprise.
To that we now know that American weapons given to Ukraine are being sold on the black market. Well, no surprise but deeply dissatisfying. American weapons paid for by US citizens are beng sold on the black market to anyone. No accountability to the citizens. Instead we are treated to news about the govt. potentially shut down by its inability to pay the bills. I feel violated.
You are violated.
Others are violated and murdered in our names, also.
We do not avert our gaze, nor do we consent.