Wanted destruction by none other but the Mastermind of 9/11 and 7/7 Terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mc Gregor is right.

This freak is dragging the whole world into WW3.

Holy war made by Freemasons.


And the WEF are Freemason scum.

I tell you my friend these people are not human.

I tell this for a very long time.

They start every war.


Ukraine war.

AI war that I warn you and I promise you it will come.

Do you hear me now?

I wrote this poem for a Burning world yet I feel that all is in vain.



In 1965, Vietnam seemed like

Just another foreign war

But it wasn't, it was

Different in many ways

As so were those

Who did the fighting

In World War II

The average age of the

Combat soldier was twenty-six

In Vietnam, he was nineteen

NEVER FORGET Vietnam was also started by a Jew and a False Flag (Kissinger Gulf of Tomkin)


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Netanyahu was not the mastermind of 911. Does Bush, Cheney ring a bell ?

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A monster Is going through our Galaxy, parking, and sucking, polluting and destroying at will. Under the banner of spreading humanitary aid. This monster created a baby monster. Meaner and more disgusting than the first. Anyone who complains about baby monster is censored, poisoned , tarrd and feathered, then dragged on front of families and blown to bits. In order to set an example in the "neighborhood"

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Macgregor is performing a great service by spelling out the pragmatic realities of the military situation to dispell illusions. Ritter is really shaking things up and communicating a wake up message. I do not particularly take his view regarding the lack of security at the border, although I understand it is part of a message to penetrate the hubris before it’s too late. I wonder if that intelligence failure really is Ritter’s view because of all the evidence of early warnings and force transfers from normal security duties. It does look like an inside job by Netanyahu and partially explained by the threats posed to the Israeli center left who may be shot in protests given the new police powers. Reminds me of J6 and a NWO move to knock out opponents by framing the opponent as a threat to national security. A great deal is hidden. Some of the guys on the other side of this struggle maybe more a friend of peace than our leadership. MacGregor has previously discussed Putin’s restraint regards the full out slaughter of other Slavic Christians and the President of Turkey blocked the entry to NATO thank God. As for the new Speaker of the House -- I hold out hope that his invocation of the Divine in raising up leaders may be set in mindful humility and not in doctrinaire arrogance. Time and behavior will tell. Such important links in this essay for understanding the military limits that necessitate humility and realism -- if not for seeking the moral high ground then at least for self preservation. We must wake from strong delusion. Thank you Dr John! 🙏

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The Righteous** are in charge...(**aka - The Elect)...

The new US House Chairman claims...'[...]Scripture, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority, He raised up each of you (Congressmen), all of us. And i believe that God has allowed and ordained each and every one of us to be here at this specific moment."

So will criticising US Congress be deemed Heresy ?

Will there be Witch Hunts & Witch Trials...

And The Pope, will he tolerate these upstarts who claim "God Is On Our Side !" ?

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Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it is truth, and people are still repeating the lie "...the surprise attack on Israel on 0ctober 7 in which 1400 people were killed BY Palestinian militant", a lie Israeli politicians have exploited to the hilt, is still being promoted in your reports, even though you include an article which reveals the lie that 1400 were killed BY Palestinians...

Already people are uncritically accepting IDF claims of a "limited raid" into Gaza...

And there's the matter of an major "intelligence failure" !

There was no "intelligence failure". Israel was warned "something big" was being planned. Israel simply deluded itself about its impregnable Gaza Prison wall. Hubris lulled it into false sense of security, and it arrogantly dismissed that Hamas was capable of such daringness...

Hamas trained, and waited. It knew (or guessed right) that Israel's hubris would eventually open possibilities for incursions (Boy Scout's motto "Be Prepared")...So when Israel moved two battalions to quell "trouble" in another area, Hamas struck...

Nor is there a conspiracy evident about a last minute shift of a Rave to an area that was less protected. Hubris again lulled the Israelis...

Like the psy-op about a fake viral outbreak, exaggerated claims are initially made to shock, then the story moves rapidly on, drowning all suggestions the claims be verified...

"Hama slew 1400" served the Israeli well, Israel quickly moved on to spout more unverified claims 'til it got where it intended - ready to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza, carnage assured...

Now that all Gazan communications are blocked we'll hear only what Israelis claim is happening, and we already know Israel will claim any non-combatants killed by the IDF was due to them being used as "human Shields" by Hamas...

There's a psy-op going on, keep that in mind...

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But war must come inevitable, peace powerless to reconcile. 5000 years ago there was such an non reconcilable war and the gods took part in it, choosing camps. The upper God chose his favorite and he saw his family, brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins the greater part of his family gathered on the opposite camp. The war brought victory for the chosen one, God was satisfied but the chosen one was the only survivor of the whole of his family. Out of this war and all other wars are made bibles of love and forgiveness, the better man but in his genes every now and then war must come.

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But we were told that genocide means the right to defend yourself not? Netanyahu wins, Israel U.S. and Europe loses who knows eternally? Pacifist? Peace promoter? You’re a terrorist also!

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Oct 29, 2023Edited
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Oct 29, 2023Edited
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She is parsing her "gray" words of criticism against Erdogan (easy, low risk) towards the wrong side of history here.

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Oct 29, 2023Edited
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That is a really big to-do list.


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