The mother of the victim who got killed in France, did not call for war. Saw her asking to stop this war in the news, she said it was about 1 individual police who shot her son, not the whole police corps! Problems are only partial racist, Macron let the social riots rot just like Joe in the US, total chaos primarily to the new world order. Problems are much deeper and more complicate than racial, business closing down, people losing their jobs, prices rising, energy shortage, in how far was all this scenario set up? Seems Macron heading for implosion of his own country.

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France bottled up a foreign underclass in vast slums for decades, with criminal gangs taking over these fiefdoms. This is what happens. Then civil war happens. Macron and Blackrock get off the hook for those pensions. Macron was recently a Paris Rothschild banker. I presume hestill serves those interests, but I don't know their strategic plans.

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Like former Italian President Berlusconi Macron has his own TV station TF5, everything is his favour no critical viewpoints are discussed! About his presidency: Rotchild Bank comes first, he went to China with 50 CEO’s representatives not to negotiate China’s support to Russia concerning delivering weapons, but to talk Business. Second: he’s a WEF young leader, third he is also a Pfizer frontman, see his CV, that leaves us last to France as a President of the country, his least concern no business with. France used to be one of the greatest Colonial Powers, now all colonies asking/heading for independence. So there’s loss geopolitical, economic, status,… My personal opinion (?) there’s a clash in culture, sociology, work ethics and esthetics (!!?) between the powers represented by Macron who pushes for eternal economic growth, and the majority of the population 63-67% who want social peace, wellbeing and welfare, balance between labour and plucking the fruits of your labour, in short

making a living not living only for your job. French are more hedonist….wine, good food, vacation, women, joy the good life.

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More “good”news from France and in some comparison synchronous with the US. Marine Le Pen, Macron’s greatest opposite leader is begging 4 years in advance of the next election, to offer her a worthy opposite candidate, Macron can’t be re-elected again after a second term of 5 years. By 2027 France will be in ruins and nobody of the opposition in Macron’s party is willing to be a candidate, so Le Pen will inherit a completely demolished country, ready for the WEF to march in triumphantly. As the US is concerned can RFK.Jr stop the devaluation of democracy and keep it out of the control of the predators?

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France may have a miitary/fascist coup this year, right?

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More than just rumours but yes it’s possible, has been talked about months ago. Also other options “couvre feu” no one on the streets between 21h and 5 or 6 in the morning, at the risk they shoot you. Second security lockdowns for several weeks up to a month. Measures also taken in the past in 2004 former presidents. Macron says of himself I’m not a popular president, he’s at the loss, next problem in autumn there’s a law to be voted concerning immigration and that could bring worst case scenario. Macron taking hostage of his own population last five years, now the coming 4 years people taking Macron in hostage! Question would Rotchild risk a war in its own homeland, that’s the question?

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What other forces and interests are at work? What are the waves of history up to?

The Rothschilds have done very well since before the Battle of Waterloo, but especiaally since then, but no regime lasts forever, and the world might soon reorganize finance without compound interest, as a recognition that the age of growth is over.

Well, that's their one trick, fractional-reserve banking at compound interest, and buying people off with the proceeds.

Human behavior eventually adapts to physical reality. Things change. Those who have long been dominant are well known to those they have dominated. They might be prevvented from taking power in a new financial and economic regime.

I'm not predicting, just saying that this is a time in history that linear projections of the past and present into the future will be wrong a lot.

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I have to say that 'if not much applies to BARDA', it can safely be said that the right to human rights does not apply to senior officials of BARDA either. The dual concepts of rights and responsibilities are the social contract that binds communities and nations together. If you want the right to XXX, then you are responsible for ensuring that YYY does not occur/you provide ZZZ in return etc etc.

One thing that those who believe they are above the law need to know is this: if you are above the law, then nothing anyone does to you which is unlawful should be prosecuted in a court of law. You can't be above the law in your own actions but have the right to take legal action concerning the actions of others.

Not something that psychopaths wish to hear, but something which should be trumpeted from coast to coast in the USA, from Lisbon to Vladivostok in Eurasia and from Lands End to John O'Groats in the UK.

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Vigilantes and VanHelsings, Take Note!


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Great looking garden! So lush! Mine is pathetic by comparison!

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Thanks Cyd. Timed drip watering and lots of work.

Mulching every winter and pulling every weed on site. The initial preparation was the most work, which keeps it engaging to the gardener going forward.

This is the how-to post from 7/4/16, reflecting 3 years of work as proof-of-concept.


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Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow knows! Garden doing well! That's some heat you guys are surviving in. Looks like I've got a small break in our precipitation today. Might even get some of what looks like a new lawn removed from my garden later! Heading into a small mill at my neighbours woodlot to mill a few nice pine logs this morning. Going to build a small row boat with my grandsons later this month just because. He has a small bandsaw mill similar to the one I owned for a decade or so to add value to my woodlot. I thoroughly enjoy working in the woods and at the mill, can't do it for too many hours at a time anymore, so much physical damage accumulated of the decades of labour. Soldier on brother, we're all in this together like it or not. I live within the little green circle here: https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/overlay=total_precipitable_water/orthographic=-66.08,43.64,4539/loc=-63.884,44.583

P.S. I usually read your blog on TAE. Cheers

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Hi Red. Very different weather in that "little green circle". It looks like a good spot, except sometimes, when it's not. Gordon Lightfoot's "Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald" comes to mind...

We've been having July weather in June, but it has cooled down a bit in the past few days, though highs are still over 100F. It might be dipping under 80 at night, which helps the garden. Tomatoes stop flowering if it doesn't get down to 75 or so at night. I try to stop mowing before noon, and not pick it up until after 6 PM, due to the sun strength. The heat feels a whole lot hotter in the sun.

I'm glad you can mill some wood. I've seen a bit of that, but never done any. My uncle Bob liked to build small boats. He was a premature baby who lived to fight in WW-2, and he's still in the world, though in a nursing home where they like him, because he's nice, and mostly reads quietly, and makes little jokes about things. He's a deaf musician. He's up in the UP of Michigan with his eldest daughter nearby.

I see you've got a substack, but it's empty... Better Red than Dead, Brother!

(I'm constrained by accumulated injuries, too.)

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Oh I forgot to this one:


I'm about to paste it over at TAE and see if it gets trashed by a select few. Being a bit of an ass sometimes can be fun. Not the level Bosco runs at though.

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Looks like a good paper, Red. "Settled science" term disparaged at outset, then all kinds of unsettling facts follow.

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Well John while at the mill working away the heavens opened up, so much for weeding this afternoon! Got about 500 board feet out of my four pine logs, more than enough for my little punt. There were some carpenter ants in one of the bigger logs, not a good day for them. As for my location; not a bad spot to live, born and raised here but have travelled this country extensively. Hitch hiked across and back in the mid 70's and spent the entire summer of '06 driving and camping across it and up through some of Alaska. 26,000 kilometres on that run. I'm about 10 km's/6miles from Peggy's Cove which among other notable things has the unfortunate claim to fame of the memorial site for the 1998 Swiss Air flight 111 crash just of shore. All the best brother and stay out of the hoy sun!

Gail has some interesting points here, you may have already seen this: https://ourfiniteworld.com/2023/06/30/the-world-economy-is-becoming-unglued-models-miss-real-world-behavior/

Yes my substack hmmm not sure what to do with it yet!? There are so many good communicators there, like yourself, I feel a little inadequate for the job. Time will tell.

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Thanks Red I'll read Gail's new post. I got out and did gardening and grounds work this morning and was back in by 9:30 for breakfast. Avoiding the compound heat. My main exercises are bike riding and lawn mowing (0,8 acre) these days. I'm having to mow weekly these days, and it takes about 4 1/2 hours of pushing, so I break it up into sessions, and least 2 sessions. Sunny, hot AND humid is the bad combination, but the grass keeps growing so I push the little Honda around.

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Truly our present human situation is neatly depicted in Pogo. "Yep son. We have met the enemy and he is us." Transcending Life and Death and human attachment is inhuman. The Over Man can do so, I think it unclear if Zarathustra could since he merely pointed the way. Somehow industrial global civilization has regressed and in the West the founding Myth has dissolved into I know not what kind of heresy. Even the Catholics kneel in heresy. Trapped with a dissolving Mainstream Western foundation after Luther, and a new heretical one being formed as consequence here we are in the epoch of the "Anti-Christ." And when punishingly hot out of doors and punishingly costly to pay for indoors the poor soul decides the sleeping bag and lawn for the next few weeks will do.

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All the nice 1920s houses around here have sleeping porches.

We have to connect better as the animals our grandparents grew up as.

It will help us, I think.

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In 1988/89 I visited Austin. A friend moved two door down from the then Magnolia Thundercloud. Way to hot for me that summer. I'd live underground if I could. Certain advantages arise. I agree we can learn from our ancestors. Doubtless once we do building materials and methods will be contrary to code. Quite a world as you doubtlessly know with building permits.

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That would have been the original Magnolia Cafe on Lake Austin Blvd. I'm trying to remember if there was a Thundercloud Subs near to it. There was UT married-student housing not far from there in those days. It's all expensive and urban-upscaled now.

Central Texas is hotter than it was in those days.

Building codes and permits are much more reasonable in small towns.

There are lots of problems with living underground, water problems high on that list.

I sometimes muse about building a concrete structure above ground and covering it with a mound of dirt, sort of a compromise design.

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