Some things are hard... sometimes harder...

You cannot even prepare anymore because you only get one packet of anything... that is if you have money.

John Pilger I love his work.

I predicted a nuclear attack on the UN building... a dirty bomb... I hope I was wrong.

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The attack I saw in my 2010 dream (I refer to as "Mediterranean Gas Cloud") was specific in saying it is a "Senate City." The sequence showed the UN bldg in the distance at the end of a long canal then proceeded with images of Bronze age collape, migration from Africa to Europe and what I thought was a biological or chemical attack. The other unresolved sequence from that dream cycle is "Cesium and Israel" Bush mispronouncing "nucular," including an event big enough to be "a replacement for a book of the Hebrew Bible." There is also something coming that represents the destruction of a major city by pyroclastic blast wave and a girl who sets it in motion (Thunberg?) with reference to "mission impossible (energy transition?)" possibly NY/New England event.. past volcanic dreams pointed to social unrest and economic collapse. Fall of 2019 dream showed an eruption chasing pensioners with the words "it starts in Milan" (Lombardy, C-19, Finance Center). Developing an impression code of reliably-repeating dream settings, symbols and archetypes is helpful.

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Like the Twin towers build for destruction I heard a long time ago that under the UN building is an atomic bomb called "Satan".

And NY has been the target of theirs for many years and is most likely to be the target now.

Another thing... some major UK Newspapers pictured a nuclear attack on London about ten years or more ago.

That may be another target of theirs.

Another thing... you might not know Enki Bilal and his comic series but I assure you it is worth looking into it.

In there he depicts the coming back of the Gods (Horus) in pyramid space ships to london in a setting that reminds me on "Brave New World".

Absolutely worth looking into.

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Your picture of the subfloor reminds me of the kitchen floor in a flip house I worked in with a few of my friends. We removed the cheap vinyl and threw a "staple party," lol. I spent the better part of 2 days removing thousands of those stubborn little fasteners. Endeavor to Persevere!

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Another picture of what I got to yesterday is coming, and it doesn't look like much, but I imposed a straight-line of flooring over a couple of 1.5" differences in the center-wall of the building. Tar-paper vapor-retarder over the subfloor is right for our specific conditions.

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Yesterday, I finished Oil Priming a bedroom of 70's era floral print wallpaper in one of my cousin's rental properties. Tar-paper vapor barrier looks legit. Enjoy the work!

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