Baltimore Bridge just like 9/11 was no accident… it was just like 9/11 a deliberate sabotage and planned… just like the Titanic… from the day of it’s inception to fold like it did.

As an engineer Bridges all over the world are planned to withstand such accidents which do happen but the Impact was nowhere near powerful enough to do what it did… the Bridge folded because it was designed from the start to do so.


A) the ship was deliberately stirred into. the bridge

B) The captain was Ukrainian

C) The way the Bridge collapsed reminds me on 9/11 which we all know was an Inside Job

Steady as she goes... that is the way a ship travels.

Course corrections are slow and momentum requires forward thinking.

Sudden changes like we see here simply do not happen unless it was deliberate.

And the way the bridge collapsed... almost under its own weight... points out a major design flaw... or as I say a deliberate act of sabotage from the time before the bridge was built... built specifically for an event like this.

This comes after the Moskow terror attack which were also a blind vicious act of violence designed to fuel Anger on both sides to push this world into WW3

This Video is an excellent analysis by redacted and it shows that:


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Mar 28Liked by John Day MD

Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) says:

Baltimore Bridge - Build Back Better (BB-BBB)

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Mar 28Liked by John Day MD

"that net oil extraction peaked in November 2018, and that is the economy, or a better marker for it than equity markets and financial statistics. This is known in the halls of power, but not spoken. Various control narratives" Ya' think!

"earth’s damaged temperature regulation" The industrial revolution has certainly polluted and destroyed a lot of the biota on the planet but saying it has damaged the mechanism that controls the temp has yet to be shown to be real. The temperature has been changing constantly for ever on the scale of as little as decades, the 1930's records compared to the whole of the 1900's, which is shown in geological records. The models presently used by the IPCC are showing to be little more than sci-fi. They don't have water vapour or the suns influence included, two of the most powerful forces at play. I have heard that they're trying to include cloud cover but as yet don't have any good ideas how the clouds form or don't form on longer time scales. The money grab continues unchecked just the same.

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