I love all of the planting! I have been working around the house and yard and garage myself here in Las Vegas. This was a nice rundown of what's going on in the world with our forever wars and the unaccountable jab death cult. I recently realized that on an energetic level I have difficulty making money because I am disgusted at it being stolen via taxes and then used to fund things I adamantly oppose such as dropping bombs that kill people and giving endless jabs that kill and maim. Do I want to pay the pension on mass murderer Fauci as he rides off into the sunset unscathed, or fund more biolabs to determine more effective ways to poison and enslave people? No, no I do not. Almost everything our corrupt government does anymore is something that I am morally opposed to.

Since they can print money endlessly, I figure this is all a Jedi mind trick anyways. Like most sane human beings I want the wars to end and the unneccessary killing to stop. Since it has already known that there is no military solution to Hamas and that continued indiscriminate killing by the Israelis is recruiting more opposition, which in turn makes things more dangerous for Jews worldwide, this plan can only be viewed as Satanic and counterproductive. What I fear is a destructive lashing out by the wounded beast in power which tries to take the whole world down with them..

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Right-on, Amy. Use less and be freer, but it is sure complicated in actual practice, isn't it?

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An extraordinary amount of the money I make goes to legal regulatory compliance ie, insurance, registration, taxes and visas. In second place comes travel expenses though almost all of those relate in some way to regulatory compliance ie my Los Angeles trip was planned around securing my younger daughter's new Thai passport, Bangkok trips were done for my husband's visa to come to America and my Laos and Malysia trips were due to Thailand kicking me out of the country due to my visa woes. I haven't done any frivolous travel in years.

In third place on my expenses list is debt servicing, which used to be my biggest expense but as I can no longer pay my credit card balances I have stopped doing so. I have been tuning out from Substack and news in general lately because this war feels so unwinnable lately: the same fradulent banker antihuman pedos are doing just fine behind the scenes, planning for their next round of mandatory jabs and the next round of wanton killing. We're supposed to watch football, tune it all out, hold our nose and get us and our kids jabbed with poison. I'm meanwhile trying my best to secure the homestead for the least cost possible. Be the change you wish to see!

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I don't know what you can do to get off the money economy, but it's how I wanted to live (I did not succeed due to medical negligence and an unengaged partner). One nice thing about being old is paying no taxes!

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There's still sales taxes and real estate taxes on the house and yes I do owe a small amount of taxes most years. Being very low income right now I am back to getting SNAP benefits which with inflation do not cover food expenses right now that is down to $32 until the ninth of next month. What Charles High Smith has written about which very few people recognize is the earnings cliff: there's a point where an increase in earnings leads to a dollar for dollar loss in governments benefits and greater income taxes owed. In short you don't want a raise from a low income, as you'll be working harder for less pay. That's even before the moral implications of the dollars contributing to the death cult...

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It sounds like you have very carefully figured things out! We're in what my partner calls a siege month: three weeks between Social Security checks. But he works two days a week at a grocery store so that gets us through. So many people are hurting so much and we need new movements such as the cooperative movement of the 1930s, but then one strong Communist and two Socialist parties existed. It seems that now Americans don't know how to work together (which means tossing one's ego into the garbage can!).

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This video could have been named "If Only Palestinians Were Dogs !"

But that might have politicised what is meant to be Entertainment...

'Over 66 Million People Have Watched This Video." (3:36):


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"They need one more person"

The dog was the teacher for that lesson in cooperative human problem solving

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The problem with relying on a missile strike to “take out” a biowarfare lab is that in doing so the poison within may be inadvertently dispersed.

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Might need a "sterilizing-explosive"?

Wait, that's problematic, too.


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Jan 26, 2024
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I was obliquely referring to nuclear weapons.

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Wow! Such fun to see a garden while we're having a beautiful snowfall here in central Maine! May I ask what you use for the paths? What's under the glass cloches? Do you do any permaculture? I am very interested in learning more about it, but I sort of just keep pursuing my own way of nontraditional gardening. We never use a tiller, just move old hay or straw (asparagus and strawberries only get straw) aside and plant or hoe a row for seeds.

I've read many people talking about a major collapse soon in the U.S. The one thing I haven't heard people speculating on is the government declaring martial law. Do you think this is a possibility?

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I'm a Permie. No chemicals or pesticides. Crop rotation.

Cement pavers for the paths, with black plastic under them to reduce weed and grass invasion.

Cloches have tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds under them. The arctic blast last week was too much, and killed the seedlings. I deeply turn and amend a new garden for a year or two, then just compost/mulch once the soil is well established.





Martial Law? Distinct possibility. See today's fresh post, please.

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Thank you for the links! I look forward to checking them out.

Cement pavers! I keep trying to get away from plastic in any form -- my partner worked a summer at a local "organic" farm, which he called the plastic farm -- but it's difficult when you live surrounded by hayfields and witchgrass (immigrant from Europe) invades everything. I was thinking of trying paper mulch again this year for the tomatoes and eggplants. So sorry for the cold blast you received! I noticed on the weather report that it was colder in Dallas than it was in Portland, Maine.

What interests me is what happens when soil is tended lovingly for decades. I cannot buy local organic potatoes which are anywhere near as good as the ones I grow, and the only thing I can figure is leaving the soil alone other than poking holes here and there. As a neighbor said years ago, my garden has thousands of bales of old hay which have decayed into it. And we're big fans of manure of all sorts, just another reason to miss my beloved Toby, 1700 pounds of intelligence, humor, and patience in horse form.

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Healthy soil is the key. I test the soil, deep work amendments into it for one or two years, using a broadfork, sometimes a big motor tiller the very first year, and then keep putting composted mulch on top and rotating the crops in that schedule https://www.johndayblog.com/2016/07/liberty-garden-central-texas-climate.html

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Start with Max Scheler in 1912 obviously gazing backward only 110 years to grasp the consequences of mendacity in our time. And if in our time, in all times. "Beyond all conscious lying and falsifying, there is a deeper “organic mendacity.” Here the falsification is not formed in consciousness, but at the same stage of the mental process as the impressions and value feelings themselves: on the road of experience into consciousness. There is “organic mendacity” whenever a man’s mind admits only those impressions which serve his “interest” or his instinctive attitude. Already in the process of mental reproduction and recollection, the contents of his experience are modified in this direction. He who is “mendacious” has no need to lie! In his case, the automatic process of forming recollections, impressions, and feelings is involuntarily slanted, so that conscious falsification becomes unnecessary.“ —  Max Scheler Source: Das Ressentiment im Aufbau der Moralen (1912), L. Coser, trans. (1973), pp. 77-78

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"There is “organic mendacity” whenever a man’s mind admits only those impressions which serve his “interest” or his instinctive attitude."

This is the easiest way to maintain a worldview, and usually ok, until it is fatal, right?

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I’m thinking about the dawn of Ch’an and the work of eliminating mendacity

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I'm trying to eliminate mendacity in myself, "baby steps".

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I am having serious realizations about people who have no spiritual life. The first is that one cannot be alive spiritually if one lies; having a rich inner life requires utmost honesty, especially about oneself. The second is that if one has little to no imagination one cannot develop a spiritual life. When her persecutors told Joan of Arc that the voice of God she heard was just her imagination, she said, "How else does God talk to a person except through her imagination?"

I've watched my long-term partner try to deal with life with no spiritual grounding after watching my mother -- who deeply envied people who had mystical experiences -- behave the same way. Two intrinsically dishonest and unimaginative people who did not want to grow up and who deeply harmed other people.

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Thank You, Sister. You are a blessing to them, but it is ongoing struggle and work.

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You might enjoy reading anything you can find by Richard Sorensen. He lived in the bush and wrote about pre- and post-conquest consciousness. In pre-conquest consciousness we did not lie -- there are still isolated people around the world who live this way -- and the group's happiness was of paramount importance.

An easy way to observe this today is to live with dogs and see how honest and forthright they are. They cannot bear that anyone in the household is unhappy and their faces tell us all we need to know about what they want, what they need, how they feel. We even have a live-in therapist named Pascal [you know, mathematician and philosopher!] who tries to make sure we are all content, this despite living on the streets of Memphis, being abused and being very fearful of most humans.

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Do see the last entry of today's post.


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So, are we in a polycirisis? What are all those wars about (Ukraine, Gaza, etc.)?

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I am overwhelmed and saddened. Nonetheless, thank you.

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The whole of the Austin saga feels creepy as heck.

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Have they spent all this time constructing a double -- I learned how to tell the real Biden from the two Biden doubles -- who even manages to look as though he underwent surgical complications? (As my partner says, when they stab an organ they call it a "nick.")

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Great compilation!

Appreciate the Simplicius re-post.

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