Yes, this mess is stinking to high heaven. Back in my undergrad days, I spent three summers as a mountain fire fighter in Northern Arizona (Tanker Truck Operator, but also worked with Hot Shots and Helitack) ... and there are just way too many 'coincidences' that do not match my experience.
But one that I have not heard others pick up on yet is terminology.
For example, there is a huge difference in declaring a medical intervention as a 'vaccine' rather than a 'bioweapon'.
While 'wildfire' is fairly generic, I did indeed fight 'forest fires' in Arizona ... in heavily forested areas.
I may be wrong, but although there is a dense forest closer towards the center of the island, that forest is quite far from where either of the two fires were supposed to have started.
The area between the location of the origin of the 2nd fire and the town of Lahaina appears to have been very thinly forested, and mostly grassland. That would make this 'wild fire' closer to a 'brush fire'. Quite the brush fire, and nothing like any real forest fire I've ever fought in Arizona.
Trees do occasionally burn from the inside out, and the resulting scar resembles and is named for 'cat face'. But these are usually caused by lightning strikes, none of which accompanied this fire ... and I find it difficult to believe a wind-blown ember could cause such a violent cat face.
I saw, and posted to another social media site that shall not be named, the arborist interview. For what it's worth, I think he was too cautious in assessing what this could be ... maybe for fear of also being disappeared.
I urge all readers to download this video before it is disappeared.
Thank you and for your service. I think even Helen Keller could deduce that this was no natural occurring event. Thankfully it looks like the Hawaiians are fighting tooth and nail against TPTB. We all need to stand behind them. May God Bless them, Eric West and those they lost to the evil ones. We CAN and WILL prevail!
Thank YOU John. This video is a very good find. I am still in the process of gathering data for my own post about this, but as new info keeps coming in, it will be a slow process.
Something interesting from the viewpoint of an applied linguist here. Listen to what Police Chief John Pelletier says at 1:00:37.
They wanted to appropriate the land for themselves (Oprah, Obama, etc...) but since the Hawaiian people refused to sell them their "sacred land" they passed a law (2 weeks before this disaster) that in case a natural disaster happened on sacred land it would become the property of the government who would see how to re-appropriate the land...the wanted Maui to be a "15 minute" city...probably to house "their" slaves" any town who fight the implementation to a "15 minute city" might suffer the same consequences....I am watching Barriere in Central British Columbia...they fought their council refusing to go into a psychopath 15 minute city.
Here the link to an interview with the "Forensic Arborist" as he now labels himself. Posted in the Mark Crispin Miller substack ( 2nd link )... Mind bending and a must see! Spread to everyone possible.
Thank You, he is being interviewed specifically related to the Maui/Lahaina fire, and has the same pictures and legacy of experience.
He is talking about microwave directed energy weapons and weather modification. He focuses some on tires that have rubber burned out, evaporated, and steel wires intact. Some tires are unaffected, and he says are always polyester belted.
Hi! Yes, the woman interviewing him is a resident of Maui and she concentrates on that event. During the interview, however, he includes his vast experience investigating many of these, "unnatural fires" ...including Santa Rosa, CA (where I live), Paradise, CA and lets us know this is happening all over the world...we just don't get that news. He and his retired Fire Captain friends have put themselves at great risk exposing this admittedly unknown-how-it-works-exactly technology and inserts his and other fire experts' opinions, which focus on the microwave spectrums.
It's a bit like 9/11. You know, free fall of WTC7, and parts of the Towers, still-molten steel found weeks after the collapse in the rubble, nearly complete pulverization of the concrete and you know something's happening, but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones? I had watched the arborist video last night and wished he could do more of the hard science, but putting that aside--and it would take years to get it right and to prove how what had happened had happened--it was enough to make clear that what we thought had happened had happened and we still have no better way to ring the alarm. "Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters"
Similar effects observed in Paradise, CA fire a couple years ago. Maybe in 20-30 years, public knowledge of the weaponry/technology used to make these fires will come to be known. In the mean time, "Nothing to see here, move along..." The poor get burned out to make way for the wealthy, and that's the story.
Great minds think alike wrethedcoder ... Catherine and Sasha, and you & me for simply sitting in on that great conversation. History tells us all empires eventually collapse, but I'm still not sure where we are in this great mandelbrot set ... closer to the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. Or just another bleeding edge?
Yep! This has happened in other fires where structures were "disintegrated" yet trees were fine, or forest trees burning from inside out. Some speculation if the trees had absorbed all the chemtrails through the roots? Or is it the microwave DEWs? So many toys they have:
Microwaves beam easily and are the main military Directed Energy Weapon that I can find information about. Microwaves are radar-waves. These are easy to make at very high power, a mature-technology.
Microwaves can be beamed easily, yes. But, if you are trying to beam enough power to combust organics like wood you need to pack at least 40 W/cm2 into your beam. If we assume a space-based platform, this simply cannot be done from a reasonably sized satellite because the diffraction limit of microwaves is so large. A small beam would rapidly spread out diluting the power density as it made its way to the ground. How about a phased array? Well, I suppose you could have a fleet of satellites arranged in a rectangular grid, each transmitting power to form a beam. Your array dimensions would need to be on the order of 1km x 1 km or more to keep the beam tight. Let's say you have 1000 satellites each transmitting 1 MW of power for a total of 1 GW. The power density over the 1 km2 beam would only be 0.1 W/cm2! That's a far cry from the 40 W/cm2 needed to combust wood. The point I'm trying to make is it is very difficult to use microwaves as a weapon in space when the target is on the ground.
On the other hand, there exists a very special wavelength, 4.2 microns, which is not only efficiently transmitted through the atmosphere but ALSO small enough wavelength to produce tight beams (on the order of 1 m) at ground level with reasonably sized optics and ALSO happens to be easy to produce at very high power levels thanks to a chemical reaction between deuterium (D2) and fluorine (F). This laser was the entire basis of the Star Wars program. They did a massive head-fake by focusing everyone's attention on blasting the enemy out of space while conveniently leaving out the part about these lasers being able to target objects on the ground. They developed full-scale space lasers based on the H2 + F reaction. The wavelength for this laser is around 3.85 um and it transmits horribly through the atmosphere. But, a simple change from H2 to D2 and voila you've got a laser that can reach earth's surface!
I would assume that a large microwave beam weapon would be mounted inside a military transport, able to carry large generation, battery/capacitor and microwave beam devices. Something like 30% of commercial pilot log comments from over Maui were reportedly scrubbed that day. What was in those comments?
Fences that shield the view installed by Government Agencies...
Special Police that arrests anyone who wants to peep...
Propaganda everywhere...
Paradise lost...
Ghee I wonder... Could it be the USA under the "most prominent President ever" the stablecoin of Democracy... a beacon to this world... a light upon Nations...
Could it be?
Me thinks... Yes... it could be... and it probably is.
great coverage- keep it up- we need to keep this front and center- having someone this articulate is so important- i sent this post out far and wide today-- so many distractions- remember lahaina!
Along with the automotive glass (melt temp well in excess of 2500 F), the fate of the porcelain in all of those structures bears scrutiny. All of the toilets in all of those houses. Hundreds. Still looking for photos or vid showing even pieces of toilets. I’ve only seen one so far, in a building that wasn’t fully turned to ash. Porcelain has a melt point of 3500 F. Was the porcelain melted or pulverized? Across seemingly all of those structures—seems dubious. I’d love to see proof to the contrary.
I watched an interview with this guy about a week ago in Maui. It was all metal, glass melting while wood was not! He alked about microwave energy being used for specific targets like homes and not trees.
Thanks for this post, John. It clarified much for me in understanding how these weapons work. And thanks to your very informed commenters who have provided much worthwhile information!
Another take is that these weapons are being used on Americans to scare somebody else, the way the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to scare the Russians.
I think the global plandemic should be sufficient evidence enough, where elites waging a war on their own citizenry through non-kinetic action (5GW), is overwhelmingly dominating a perception which neutralizes a substance of organization and rebellion.
The consciousness of various belief systems is being exploited and polluted with a bombardment of sensational grand lies that generate false hope, confusion, addiction and fear, which ultimately fuses to the apocalyptic eschatology and/or the salvation of one’s belief system.
The invisible wire that’s plugged into the back of our heads in the digital sphere is downloading layers of deceptive material so it can be uploaded into the natural world of conversation and self-preservation, distorting our sense of reality and unity, and obscuring the structural observations and conclusions that would ultimately lead to the collapse of centralizing power.
Declining energy to support centralized power/control is enough to collapse it. I think we are seeing all parts of they system failing more, being less reliable, more cumbersome and unsupportable.
A new technology like AI wired into our brains to provide pleasure and pain, according to our task compliance could theoretically work short term, but it would need to be instituted.
I don't think there is time.
It would kill all the wired and most of the elites in the mid term.
It's against the diversity and adaptability of life.
It's not a matter of temperature as we think of it, but of total energy transferred into some mass of an object rapidly. How much energy into how much body?
Thank God you're talking about this Dr. Day. It was the same with those huge California fires 5 years ago, and many others. It's the sme as with 911, incinerated cars a la Lahaina at some distance from the buildings with sheets of unburnt paper right next to them completely unaffected...
Thank you Eleni. I know you have had a lot of fires in Greece recently, and the last I heard they seemed to be conventional arson. I'm sure you are paying attention.
Greece has hot dry summers. no rain from April to October and the country is covered in pine forest. By July its a tinderbox. All that's needed is to turn on the wind - you heard me right - pour petrol and light a match. No special technics required - UNLIKE humid beach town Lahaina.
Hi John.
Yes, this mess is stinking to high heaven. Back in my undergrad days, I spent three summers as a mountain fire fighter in Northern Arizona (Tanker Truck Operator, but also worked with Hot Shots and Helitack) ... and there are just way too many 'coincidences' that do not match my experience.
But one that I have not heard others pick up on yet is terminology.
For example, there is a huge difference in declaring a medical intervention as a 'vaccine' rather than a 'bioweapon'.
While 'wildfire' is fairly generic, I did indeed fight 'forest fires' in Arizona ... in heavily forested areas.
I may be wrong, but although there is a dense forest closer towards the center of the island, that forest is quite far from where either of the two fires were supposed to have started.
The area between the location of the origin of the 2nd fire and the town of Lahaina appears to have been very thinly forested, and mostly grassland. That would make this 'wild fire' closer to a 'brush fire'. Quite the brush fire, and nothing like any real forest fire I've ever fought in Arizona.
Trees do occasionally burn from the inside out, and the resulting scar resembles and is named for 'cat face'. But these are usually caused by lightning strikes, none of which accompanied this fire ... and I find it difficult to believe a wind-blown ember could cause such a violent cat face.
I saw, and posted to another social media site that shall not be named, the arborist interview. For what it's worth, I think he was too cautious in assessing what this could be ... maybe for fear of also being disappeared.
I urge all readers to download this video before it is disappeared.
Cheers from Japan,
Prayers for Lahaina
Thank you and for your service. I think even Helen Keller could deduce that this was no natural occurring event. Thankfully it looks like the Hawaiians are fighting tooth and nail against TPTB. We all need to stand behind them. May God Bless them, Eric West and those they lost to the evil ones. We CAN and WILL prevail!
Thank You, Steve.
Thank YOU John. This video is a very good find. I am still in the process of gathering data for my own post about this, but as new info keeps coming in, it will be a slow process.
Something interesting from the viewpoint of an applied linguist here. Listen to what Police Chief John Pelletier says at 1:00:37.
Freudian slip? The fact that he is also the coroner seems to point in that direction.
Cheers John, and thanks again.
"We're doing data scrubs, no excuse me, we're drilling down into the particulars."
Yep, covered that in a previous video, please view thank you!
Thank You, Peggy. I grow vegetable gardens, too.
They wanted to appropriate the land for themselves (Oprah, Obama, etc...) but since the Hawaiian people refused to sell them their "sacred land" they passed a law (2 weeks before this disaster) that in case a natural disaster happened on sacred land it would become the property of the government who would see how to re-appropriate the land...the wanted Maui to be a "15 minute" city...probably to house "their" slaves" any town who fight the implementation to a "15 minute city" might suffer the same consequences....I am watching Barriere in Central British Columbia...they fought their council refusing to go into a psychopath 15 minute city.
Here the link to an interview with the "Forensic Arborist" as he now labels himself. Posted in the Mark Crispin Miller substack ( 2nd link )... Mind bending and a must see! Spread to everyone possible.
Thank You, he is being interviewed specifically related to the Maui/Lahaina fire, and has the same pictures and legacy of experience.
He is talking about microwave directed energy weapons and weather modification. He focuses some on tires that have rubber burned out, evaporated, and steel wires intact. Some tires are unaffected, and he says are always polyester belted.
Hi! Yes, the woman interviewing him is a resident of Maui and she concentrates on that event. During the interview, however, he includes his vast experience investigating many of these, "unnatural fires" ...including Santa Rosa, CA (where I live), Paradise, CA and lets us know this is happening all over the world...we just don't get that news. He and his retired Fire Captain friends have put themselves at great risk exposing this admittedly unknown-how-it-works-exactly technology and inserts his and other fire experts' opinions, which focus on the microwave spectrums.
A retired firefighter says, "that's not a wildfire, that's a weapon".
It's a bit like 9/11. You know, free fall of WTC7, and parts of the Towers, still-molten steel found weeks after the collapse in the rubble, nearly complete pulverization of the concrete and you know something's happening, but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones? I had watched the arborist video last night and wished he could do more of the hard science, but putting that aside--and it would take years to get it right and to prove how what had happened had happened--it was enough to make clear that what we thought had happened had happened and we still have no better way to ring the alarm. "Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters"
Oh I see some flashes through some windows at the moment just before WTC-7 collapses in freefall time!
Similar effects observed in Paradise, CA fire a couple years ago. Maybe in 20-30 years, public knowledge of the weaponry/technology used to make these fires will come to be known. In the mean time, "Nothing to see here, move along..." The poor get burned out to make way for the wealthy, and that's the story.
Sasha Latypova interviews Cathering Austin Fitts, who explains the money side of this. Well worth watching the video of it, here:
Great minds think alike wrethedcoder ... Catherine and Sasha, and you & me for simply sitting in on that great conversation. History tells us all empires eventually collapse, but I'm still not sure where we are in this great mandelbrot set ... closer to the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. Or just another bleeding edge?
Cheers from Japan!
"... closer to the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. Or just another bleeding edge?"
20 - 30 years later become known or all questions buried. As in JFK assassination now 60 years later & crickets about what happened.
I remember that day clearly. So do others. We would like to restore our country.
Yep! This has happened in other fires where structures were "disintegrated" yet trees were fine, or forest trees burning from inside out. Some speculation if the trees had absorbed all the chemtrails through the roots? Or is it the microwave DEWs? So many toys they have:
DO search: Direct energy weapons
(do private tab search on Brave so not tracked)
One of the first that came up for me was
"Lockheed Martin"
Go look at all the "death toys" they have
Look all around the pages and more info
Unbelievable but oh so true.
God help us all.
Microwaves beam easily and are the main military Directed Energy Weapon that I can find information about. Microwaves are radar-waves. These are easy to make at very high power, a mature-technology.
Microwaves can be beamed easily, yes. But, if you are trying to beam enough power to combust organics like wood you need to pack at least 40 W/cm2 into your beam. If we assume a space-based platform, this simply cannot be done from a reasonably sized satellite because the diffraction limit of microwaves is so large. A small beam would rapidly spread out diluting the power density as it made its way to the ground. How about a phased array? Well, I suppose you could have a fleet of satellites arranged in a rectangular grid, each transmitting power to form a beam. Your array dimensions would need to be on the order of 1km x 1 km or more to keep the beam tight. Let's say you have 1000 satellites each transmitting 1 MW of power for a total of 1 GW. The power density over the 1 km2 beam would only be 0.1 W/cm2! That's a far cry from the 40 W/cm2 needed to combust wood. The point I'm trying to make is it is very difficult to use microwaves as a weapon in space when the target is on the ground.
On the other hand, there exists a very special wavelength, 4.2 microns, which is not only efficiently transmitted through the atmosphere but ALSO small enough wavelength to produce tight beams (on the order of 1 m) at ground level with reasonably sized optics and ALSO happens to be easy to produce at very high power levels thanks to a chemical reaction between deuterium (D2) and fluorine (F). This laser was the entire basis of the Star Wars program. They did a massive head-fake by focusing everyone's attention on blasting the enemy out of space while conveniently leaving out the part about these lasers being able to target objects on the ground. They developed full-scale space lasers based on the H2 + F reaction. The wavelength for this laser is around 3.85 um and it transmits horribly through the atmosphere. But, a simple change from H2 to D2 and voila you've got a laser that can reach earth's surface!
I would assume that a large microwave beam weapon would be mounted inside a military transport, able to carry large generation, battery/capacitor and microwave beam devices. Something like 30% of commercial pilot log comments from over Maui were reportedly scrubbed that day. What was in those comments?
I wasn't aware of the flight logs being scrubbed. Would you happen to have a source for that?
Thank You:
"I went through the Dep/App archives for all of August 8th. More than 30% have been scrubbed (see 5th image below)!
This means that the PIREPs and any other ATC communication that took place that day, is something that Big Brother doesn’t want the world to know."
I would have to search my recent blog posts. There was a story with a link. You might do that same search. Sorry, I don't recall the exact day.
Hawaii Real estate has been broadcasting about these things since Aug 8th. So sad that so much is being blocked!
Burning from the inside out...
Molten Metal everywhere...
Fences that shield the view installed by Government Agencies...
Special Police that arrests anyone who wants to peep...
Propaganda everywhere...
Paradise lost...
Ghee I wonder... Could it be the USA under the "most prominent President ever" the stablecoin of Democracy... a beacon to this world... a light upon Nations...
Could it be?
Me thinks... Yes... it could be... and it probably is.
Thank you for this video, really interesting.
great coverage- keep it up- we need to keep this front and center- having someone this articulate is so important- i sent this post out far and wide today-- so many distractions- remember lahaina!
Thank you for getting this out. We are under attack.
Along with the automotive glass (melt temp well in excess of 2500 F), the fate of the porcelain in all of those structures bears scrutiny. All of the toilets in all of those houses. Hundreds. Still looking for photos or vid showing even pieces of toilets. I’ve only seen one so far, in a building that wasn’t fully turned to ash. Porcelain has a melt point of 3500 F. Was the porcelain melted or pulverized? Across seemingly all of those structures—seems dubious. I’d love to see proof to the contrary.
I watched an interview with this guy about a week ago in Maui. It was all metal, glass melting while wood was not! He alked about microwave energy being used for specific targets like homes and not trees.
Someone needs to send this to John Leake and Dr mccullough
I did that this morning.
Thanks for this post, John. It clarified much for me in understanding how these weapons work. And thanks to your very informed commenters who have provided much worthwhile information!
Another outstandingly empirical piece of evidence-based critique
Muchos Gracias, Amigo.
"But possibly the strangest side street to this fake is the DEW angle, which is being promoted in a
chorus so raucous it can only come from Langley or the Air Force. But why and why now? Why is
someone so insistent that you fear the dreaded DEW now?
Isn't it obvious? Because they are losing the nuclear fear and need to replace it with something else.
People are finally figuring out there are no nukes, and the Oppenheimer movie failed to quench that
figuring. That too was a PR failure of massive proportions. But they need you to fear one of their
weapons of mass destruction, to keep you huddling under the bed in a cold dread. Covid failed,
because people have finally figured out that one as well. The next fake pandemic is going to be met
with stony silence, non-compliance, or violent pushback. So they need you afraid they can wipe you
out by the millions with some new weapon. All they have to do is push a button and they can melt
your entire town off the map.
But it's all the usual bluff. Yes, they have some next-generation weapons, but they don't have a DEW
that can turn the twin towers to dust or melt entire cities. I have already shown you I didn't need a
DEW to explain what happened in Lahaina. It could be explained by CGI, a lot of camera tricks, and a
thousand lying agents."
Another take is that these weapons are being used on Americans to scare somebody else, the way the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to scare the Russians.
I think the global plandemic should be sufficient evidence enough, where elites waging a war on their own citizenry through non-kinetic action (5GW), is overwhelmingly dominating a perception which neutralizes a substance of organization and rebellion.
The consciousness of various belief systems is being exploited and polluted with a bombardment of sensational grand lies that generate false hope, confusion, addiction and fear, which ultimately fuses to the apocalyptic eschatology and/or the salvation of one’s belief system.
The invisible wire that’s plugged into the back of our heads in the digital sphere is downloading layers of deceptive material so it can be uploaded into the natural world of conversation and self-preservation, distorting our sense of reality and unity, and obscuring the structural observations and conclusions that would ultimately lead to the collapse of centralizing power.
Declining energy to support centralized power/control is enough to collapse it. I think we are seeing all parts of they system failing more, being less reliable, more cumbersome and unsupportable.
A new technology like AI wired into our brains to provide pleasure and pain, according to our task compliance could theoretically work short term, but it would need to be instituted.
I don't think there is time.
It would kill all the wired and most of the elites in the mid term.
It's against the diversity and adaptability of life.
I understand only 9% of the populace is armed.
Arm them.
People are mostly-free to make that choice. One needs a lot of time, intention and money to train to be effectively "armed".
It's not a matter of temperature as we think of it, but of total energy transferred into some mass of an object rapidly. How much energy into how much body? FIREFIGHTER AND INSURANCE ADJUSTER SPEAKS OUT. THESE ARE NOT "WILDFIRES".
Thank God you're talking about this Dr. Day. It was the same with those huge California fires 5 years ago, and many others. It's the sme as with 911, incinerated cars a la Lahaina at some distance from the buildings with sheets of unburnt paper right next to them completely unaffected...
Thank you Eleni. I know you have had a lot of fires in Greece recently, and the last I heard they seemed to be conventional arson. I'm sure you are paying attention.
Greece has hot dry summers. no rain from April to October and the country is covered in pine forest. By July its a tinderbox. All that's needed is to turn on the wind - you heard me right - pour petrol and light a match. No special technics required - UNLIKE humid beach town Lahaina.