I had a dream about Israel. I dreamed that Israel sent a nuclear bomb to Iran, but when it took off on its journey to its target in Iran, something went wrong with the bomb's mechanism and it fell from the sky onto Israel.

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"Crazy dream", huh?


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Reading your Substack posts and reader comments consumes at least 75 percent of my brain's processing power allotment for the day. Not complaining though!

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Happy to be of service...


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I like experimenting with Perplexity ai. So for fun, I asked it to write a poem about John Day MD. Here you go!

Here's an original poem in honor of John Day, MD:

Healer's Hands

In sterile halls where life and death entwine,

Your steady hands bring comfort, calm, and care.

With stethoscope and scalpel you refine

The art of healing, easing pain and fear.

Dr. John Day, your calling clear and true,

To mend the broken, cure the sick and frail.

Your mind so sharp, your heart forever new,

Compassion flows where others might just fail.

Through sleepless nights and grueling, long days,

You persevere to save another soul.

Your skill and dedication earn our praise,

As you make shattered patients once more whole.

So here's to you, good doctor, friend, and guide,

Whose healing touch turns darkness into light.

May all your patients feel hope reside

Within your presence, making their world bright.

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Is it a "poem" if it is generated by AI?

Asking for an "imaginary friend".


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Good question. Pondering that now.

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Excellent post! Two observations. Constantine the Great sacked the Ionian pagan temples operating for hundreds or maybe a thousand years as he founded his New Faith. Second, really touching on the heart of your post is regarding Thomas Merton. In the 1960s Thomas Merton expressed concern for many social issues, including the need for criteria by which to evaluate and control technology. Merton read books by thoughtful writers anxious about social changes engendered by new technological developments. Merton's growing unease intensified after 1964 when he read a pamphlet entitled The Triple Revolution in which thirty two prominent thinkers drew attention to three revolutions. The first had to do with cybernetics. The second with new forms of weaponry that cannot win wars but can obliterate civilization. The third concerned the universal demand for full human rights. For Merton, The Triple Revolution offered an excellent starting point from which to diagnose and ameliorate a pattern of illness in the United States and elsewhere, namely, distortion of our true humanity. Failure to develop a spirituality by which people might resist negative consequences of technology has since given rise to diverse symptoms of human distress.

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The CIA killed Thomas Merton, as "they" killed JFK, RFK, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

From 7/14/24:

​ Photographs Expose Thomas Merton Murder Cover-up

​ In 1968, three prominent advocates for peace died under questionable circumstances: Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, and Thomas Merton. It was the last full year of Lyndon Johnson’s presidency. King and Kennedy were publicly assassinated, with the identity of their assassin or assassins continuing to remain in doubt, regardless of the press-endorsed lone-crazed-gunman official verdict. Merton’s secret assassination was covered up as an accident. The cover-up succeeded for a half-century...

..Griffin advised Abbot Flavian and Brother Patrick that the negatives should never be published or available to anyone. What did the Benedictine monks see that prompted them to take photographs of Merton’s body? Why was it deemed necessary at the abbey that these photographs be hidden from the public? ...

..In 2017, we discovered Say’s negatives in the papers of John Howard Griffin at the Butler Library of Columbia University and quickly realized why they had been hidden. With modern technology we were able to get the underexposed negative developed, and the two photographs reveal what looks very much like a crime scene that had been staged to appear as an accident...

..The place where Merton died is significant. In 1968, the Phoenix Program, an assassination operation run by the CIA, was active in Thailand and the agency worked closely with corrupt Thai officials. The U.S. government has admitted committing about 20,000 assassinations in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese estimate the number is closer to 40,000.

​ Thomas Merton, the peacemaker, was an incorruptible force challenging the propaganda news media and warfare state. Killing Merton in Thailand would have been business as usual for the CIA assassins.​ https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/07/08/photographs-expose-thomas-merton-murder-cover-up/

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I don’t know why but my ❤️ Button tends not to work. Anyway, I’m glad you wrote out the details on Merton’s death as I didn’t know. Will forward to a Merton study group if they are still active. I expect RFK jr knows all this and wears a mask. I am hopeful to see the hearts of the new team if the assassins can be stopped. It’s one think to blabber out what’s expected as an immovable demand (because martyrdom is not your mission but was the forerunners’ mission) — it’s another thing to have your heart heaped with the tar babies of mortal sin — the Holy Spirit is working double agents whether they know it or not — their hearts are in His Hands. I am betting on their hearts when the REAL comes to call.

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Yes. I followed this story online. Murder is the tyrant’s tool. In Herodotus the story of the King who if I recall was walking with the historian in a wheat field cutting the heads as he discoursed on governance. The folklore motif known as "enigmatic counsel," where a tyrant receives advice via figurative action involving vegetation, appears several times in classical literature, most notably in Herodotus and Livy. Ihttps://thomasmertonsociety.org/Epubs/TM-1968.htm

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your white washing of Josh Green whose corruption is well documented is mind boggling. I am unsubscribing.

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I didn't intend to "whitewash" Josh Green, but I last saw him 11 years ago, and knew him mainly as a competent physician. Those habits are deeply ingrained in an emergency. I don't think the globalists could have trusted him or most of the other people they used that day to know what they were doing.

After the fact, when people find themselves to be complicit, they can all be made to hide evidence.

It is up to you what you read, of course.

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Hi John.

Thanks for forwarding some of Shane's homepage regarding Lahaina.

I had also been following Michelle Melindez's podcast "Blossom Inner Wellness" for awhile, and also consciously or not, asumed Josh Green and company as unsavory power mongers.

I was also surprised to read of your experience of working with him, and though I do not doubt you or your assessment, I do tend to distrust people in high profile positions of authority, and Hawaii has a reputation for being one of the more corrupt state governments, so I did just a tiny bit of digging and came up with this ...


He is a medical doctor, yet pushed hard to enforce a narrative that is now becoming increasingly clear as a world-wide cull of horrific moral implications. I guess we all live somewhere on a continuum between "power corrupts", and "power attracts the corruptible", but the steadfast efficiency of the then Lt. Governor and medically trained Green at the beginning of the plandemic juxtaposed with what John O'Looney (unfortunate name) says in his recent interview with DW Shumway (he did his time as an English teacher here in Japan) is troubling.


One of the questions I had raised with Traci and Shane of YouTube's "Brush Junkie" was whether the harsh mRNA mandates had effectively eliminated moral autonomy from Lahaina's first responders. I never did get an update on that, but I am assuming there was some correlation between the traffic police re-routing the citizens back into the fire and their willingness to blindly follow orders.

Perhaps your experience of Green (as someone within his Dunbar's number) and Green's behavior towards the unwashed masses beneath him are both true. Back in the day NPR was more trustworthy, I remember a British historian's remarks that Marie "Let them eat cake" Antoinette was a warm hearted and trusted friend ... among her peers. It was in the eyes of those beneath her station that she behaved like a Cluster B / dark triad personality type.

Substack "White Rabbit" recently posted a video of Hitler's home movies that was banned in several countries because in showing the humanity in Hitler, it showed too much of the potential inhumanity in us all.


Cheers, and I wish I could read as fast as you write. 😂

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Thank you, Steve, for mulling this over. The first link is a remarkably glowing report of Josh Green from a publication for professing Jewish readers, it seems. He's a "member". That is made clear.

The UK undertaker makes it clear that all undiagnosed deaths became "COVID". I did not watch past that.

I had read that Marie Antoinette was actually unaware of the suffering of the French people, and had not experienced a lack of bread or cake, herself.

I read Hitler's Mein Kampf when I was 12, out of interest, and found that it seemed most reasonable, as did most who would have read it initially. All the meth that the German army and leadership used for years was bound to have made them less humane, as was widely reported by those who underwent their depredations.

We have to steer away from being players in games of mass killing. I don't mean to sound simplistic, but I recognized it beginning when the "unvaccinated" became an underclass, and I saw that I had to stand in that line, myself.

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Hi again John, and thanks for the quick reply.

It was at about 40:00 into that John O'Looney (unfortunate name) interview that he spent some time talking about how during the course of doctors' visits to the mortuary, when John brought up the correlation between a rise in deaths and vaccines, many of the doctors would first look at him in horror because they knew that he knew, and then would stare down at the floor in shame while remarking about how the world is, unaware that it is an "is" of their making.

He recounted a couple of chats with nurses and school counselors who were aware enough of the mRNA risks to not have their children vaccinated, but had no problem in enforcing vaccination on others because ... "it was their job". Like John, I too am flummoxed at how easily so many people can just take the money and perks that come with it, and with a flippant Nuremberg defense justification, can still sleep at nights. He is rightfully bowled over at learning so late in life that some people are just wired differently.

Yeah, Marie, like so many current self-selecting ruling class and their nepo-babies, are somewhat partially absolved of moral autonomy because they are trapped in a protective bubble that is not entirely of their own making.

Sighing ... I think we may have evolved with the seeds of our own collective destruction. Who knows? This might be a variable common to all emergent phenomenon.

Cheers buddy!

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We are a mix of personality or cognitive or interactional types in any gene pool. About 70% are actually content to do whatever those around them do and think what they think.

There are 2-3% sociopaths. The untalented ones end up in jail, and the talented ones in positions of power and authority over the herds, especially related to the periodic necessity (in Apex-Predator Ecosystem) of mass culling of the herds, which is now underway, as I see it.

They thrive in this role.

Maybe 5% of us view the world "independently", and are not much influenced by what groups think, other than to try to coexist and not get shunned.

"Selection events", such as we have entered, may preferentially select survival for some traits over others, but over time the mix seems to re-equilibrate.

I have seen it reported that the percentage of sociopaths in Asia may be half of that elsewhere, but it would be hard to prove to most Asians about either the Japanese or the Han, I think. It might also have an on-off switch for different circumstances. A lot of "socialization" is "learned".

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Yep. That nature / nurture / epigenetic thingy. I've heard a range of numbers for sociopaths, but from recent experience, I think it will be hard to quantify that as a personality trait, and depend on variables such as how one defines "society", tipping points for pathological behavior, and the role of identity politics.

I might have mentioned this in another exchange, but I am recovering from what I see as betrayal and bad faith ... working 3 days a week for close to 6 months for a couple trying to start a language school, but working pro bono as a 'partner' until we start making a profit. They have no experience as educators and little in the way of English, so I taught the kids, and taught the parents the more effective techniques I had picked up over 40 years in the profession.

Just before a summer break in August, I had calculated we had enough students to turn a profit, brought up the question of financially defining our partnership, and suddenly, my 6 months investment was dismissed as volunteer work, and they offered me an hourly contract to prepare lessons, teach, and create a program ... for less than the legal minimum wage.

Needless to say, I declined their kind offer. But what shocked me more was the response of an active community volunteer who I had introduced to the couple (also Japanese), someone who can speak English because she worked for JICA (the Japanese equivalence of The Peace Corp) in Kenya for years, and someone I had considered a friend. Her response ... they may be little dishonest, but they are not bad people.

At 69, unemployed, terminally single, living alone, and a cancer survivor ... 6 months is quite the price to pay. Other than pleasantries if we meet by chance at the community center, I no longer consider her a friend, or the couple as business partners. But they are still in good standing with the local community, and I am the archtypical foreigner who doesn't know his place in Japanese society. I have long time Japanese friends with whom I am mutually dependent, but they are not part of the local community. In my friends' eyes and mine, the couple now running the school as their family business are sociopaths.

I predict their short term interests at the expense of the marginalized are not what makes for a diverse and sustainable community ... but that is just the lone opinion of a local outsider. I expounded on this anecdotal experience as a fractal of what appears to be happening on a larger stage.

On another point you brought up, you mentioned periodic culls. Prior to the Malthusian Dilemma and later Club of Rome mentalities, I had thought of previous wars as mostly tribal violence as a tool to expropriate the resources of other tribes, and culling as collateral damage, an outsourced cost of expansion. Slavery would have been the more profitable option, but I suppose the regular Spartan culling of Helots would be one counter-argument. Can you point to other similar exceptions?

The reason I am asking is because the current world war appears to me as qualitatively and morally different from previous wars, a murderous cull without the excuse of expansion.

Heading to bed. A pleasure as always.

Oyasumi nasai!

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"...I too am flummoxed..."

I believe some of the complicity we witnessed is due to a lack of consequences for bad behavior at high levels. Whether intentional or not, people learn by the examples of others. Moral leadership teaches moral behavior. Immoral leadership (religious, political, corporate) has, too long, taught immoral behavior. People who might be discouraged from doing wrong feel like "everybody else is doing it" and, while some were coerced (loss of license, job, friends, peer pressure), decided to go along even though they knew it was wrong. Thankfully, some stood up to the evil and refused to comply and even spoke out about it. Thankfully. Those who knew and complied anyway deserve our scorn. Just my 2 cents.

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What’s the German meth story? Wow

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Armies use stimulants to keep going. The Germans used a LOT of methamphetamine in WW-2.

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ThanksDr John.

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There is also the issue that Greens AG has appointed UL to conduct the "official investigation" into the Maui fires. UL conducted the "official investigation" into 9/11. UL recently joined at the hip with the WEF. UL is now determining parameters for AI driven WBAN.

Less than a month before the fires Green gave the keynote address pushing the globalist narrative about "climate and energy" at a UN conference on climate change. He was the only governor there.

On May 3 Green attended the Milken Institute (the US version of the WEF) Global Conference on climate change, health and global leadership.


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I'm getting caught up on Josh Green for the past 11 years here.


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These are helpful comments and more info for insight. Basically good people can get jammed up by the wicked and the media of satan to where they don’t do everything perfectly and then they can’t unwind it. Look at Assange — one of the brightest strategic thinkers ever. Josh might have been trussed up in a spiders web before he saw anything coming at him. Hard to say and I think the criticism is ok too — but I appreciate your full disclosure of the personal and professional details and history — as well as your gut take on it. What we need is a way for people to come out of the spiders webs with a degree of understanding, moral empathy, and nuanced judgment about what their options were. There are some souls called to absolute stands for truth and martyrdom but it is reasonable that other souls will be called to live to fight again when winning is possible. We also don’t know what private good Josh may have been doing (Schindler’s list). But we have to make a way for redemption of those who are good but were over run. I love you for putting out your part of the story as a fair witness. I wish you could get your narrative to the Tulsi or Bobby so they can amplify the hurricane series that has emerged. This hurricane story needs storytelling and you are doing it. The elite psychopaths (not the run of the mill sociopaths) blew their timing on this.

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The Milken Institute?

Now that is making sense of my recent past. Shortly after resigning in protest from a tenured Associate Prof. of linguistics position in a Japanese college, I thought I would start a new career in rural Cambodia. Still have Cambodian buddies from my volunteer stints there ... a tri-lingual tuk-tuk driver (we always spoke in Japanese) and a couple of teachers. They need medical professionals more than English teachers, so building on my undergrad in biology, I applied to the Milkin School of Public Health at George Washington University.

Despite having been an Associate Prof and one of only two native speakers of English in the country at any one time working for the Ministry of Education's (MEXT) Textbook Committee ... I was deemed not academically qualified and not admitted.

That was about 10 years ago, but globalist plans had long been in the making, and I was most likely disqualified for other reasons, and my guess that "public health" for the Milkin Institute is about the same as "public health" for the FDA.

It's just as well that I gave up my plans for further "institutionally certified" higher education. And that is what has left me as a glorified baby-sitter in the eyes of most Japanese.

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Hi again Kyle.

Just thought I'd share three links that might be down your alley.

1 — This is a layman's take (me) on what I observed of an increase in lightning in Japan this summer ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Tokyo/comments/1fkrthv/one_disconcerting_explanation_for_all_the/

2 — Shane's homepage (from Traci and his "Brush Junkie" podcast) that John and I had looked at ... https://individualistanarchy.wordpress.com/

3 — A podcast I had discovered which prompted me to write you ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPHTIt0f44w

Just guessing, but the ruling class probably has one eye on exploiting the rest of us, and another on things beyond their control, as in the subject of that 3rd link.


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I saw that lightening comment somewhere else.

Thanks for the link to Shane's homepage.

I've been tracking the solar storms. Been meaning to do a post on them but there is so much happening right now...

I came across Stefan Burns some months back. He provides a much needed take on the bigger picture.

There has been some speculation about damage to satellites by the solar storms.

Thank you!

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My pleasure Kyle.

Just wish I could keep up with a fraction of all that is unfolding.


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It certainly read as an intentional whitewash to me. Whether he was whisked off to the East Coast for the day of the mass murder because he didn’t know what was coming or because he couldn’t be trusted by the hit men is irrelevant as to his guilt of being complicit in mass murder. His participation in the cover-up and seizure of people’s Lahaina property warrants capital punishment. He is guilty of murder and treason and deserves the fate of any murderer and traitor.

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You can see, I think, how somebody might be a little crooked, then find that they have been complicit in mass murder, and have to cover-up, when they have the habit of covering little things, even though they would never knowingly murder.

One has to hold the intention to never be involved in crooked schemes, and many financial projects are at least somewhat crooked; a slippery slope.

We are looking back at this operation. Somebody(s) and probably AI looked forward at it, like 9/11, for a long time, and in detail.

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After four and a half years of watching this unfold in all its cruelty and determination I don't spend much time any more trying to figure out how the perpetrators or accomplices may have, somehow, acted innocently and then needed to double down because they had already acted criminally. If justice is ever served in this operation perhaps that is something for future people's courts to ponder for the lower ranked bureaucrats guilt or not. For people of Green's stature that is not necessary. He is guilty as charged and the trial need not last longer than 5 minutes. Justice should be served within 24 hours. No appeals.

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We'll see how this plays out. "'Vengeance is mine', sayeth the Lord."

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Not quite sure whose side the Lord is on. So I don't know who he plans to wreak vengeance on. He's had a lot of time to wreak vengeance on the ones I think need some vengeance wreaked on, and he hasn't done any yet that I know of. The only vengeance wreaking I know of was done by regular folks, not deities at all. On the King of France, eg, or the Czar of Russia.

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Your top down assessment of Lahaina massacre is very good. By looking at patterns of behaviour in the staging of the event, there is a lot that can be learned. Ai very likely to have been employed in targeting and in the communications decision tree with civil authorities to corral and murder as many people as possible. But I do not think the link you made to the Templars is the most logical. If you were to ask yourself where else in the world do you see evidence of a group of people that conduct violent attacks on others, that openly boast that they excel at deception as a means to wage war, that considers themselves literally a superior race to all of humanity. What other group do we see evidence of utilizing technology to terrorize, to wantonly murder old people, innocent women and children, Christians taking refuge in churches, doctors and people in hospitals, schools, orphanges etc. It's not the Templars.

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I agree that the Exterminating the Rich post is somewhat out of place, but I am going through Ugo Bardi's "Age Of Exterminations" series in order, and we got up to #4 today.

My thoughts on that are that governments and militaries will be faced at some point with an assignment of financial losses.

The vast majority of citizens will want Gates & Co. to take complete or nearly-complete losses, but Gates/Blackrock/et al intend for the 99% of humanity to take ALL of the losses, and are working today to make that happen in so many ways.

Obviously, I'd like to see the parasites take the losses and preserve a functioning society, but that's just selfish of me, isn't it?

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not sure what that all means - as I see it we are witnessing in realtime the upheaval and revelation of governments and militaries infiltrated and controlled by Judaic supremacists that may or may not survive the purging of the parasitic criminals is how it is currently looking to me. There will be no reckoning or bargaining by the criminals, their leverage to blackmail and terrorize others rapidly degrades the more they are exposed

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Right now the Ponzi scheme is still afloat, but notional-wealth (what everybody believes they own) vastly exceeds real wealth, so when the music stops, somebody will have to accept losses. lots of losses of notional-wealth.

Nobody willingly accepts losses, so they must be "assigned" by force, right?

You lose 50%. You lose 75%. You lose 87%... Now, we are starting fresh.

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I say it again...

Lahaina was thermobaric weapons tech used.

Ignited by the Starlink Starshield DEW system.

Thermobaric weapons use thermite dust or Magnesium dust that when ignited sucks all the air out and creates firestorms.

Lahaina was laced with white dust which when Magnesium burns is the endproduct... Magnesium Oxide... a salt a white powder.

But that was one aspect.

The other one is the 15 minute smart city concentration camps they build there.

Just like they build FEMA concentration camps all over.

The slaughter has not even begun... what is to come is by far worse.

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The "owners" have a lot of computer-model plans like Lahaina, I presume, but life is more complex, and I'm on the side of life, not machine-intelligence.

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We are my friend... we are...

I love life... and I love you ... your work... your stack.

I am glad that we communicate for so long and we always find a common ground even if our semantics sometimes differ... our spirit never.

There should be more people like you.

I salute you.

We are facing critical times... theirs is money war and violence.

Ours is truth.

And Truth must prevail.


Welcom to the AI war.


And the AI war chronicles.


I predicted this 4 years ago.

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Thank You, Fritz. Keep Being Human.

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“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” -- Jean Jacques Rousseau, the French Revolution.

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And each other, and cats, dogs and rats. That all happened.

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'Maybe it’s because I’ve lived in a small, remote community of less than 1,000 people for most of my life, an unincorporated community with no local government and no local law enforcement, that I’ve come to appreciate the value of developing relationships with fiends and neighbors.'

You might want to change that typo to FRIENDS and neighbors, Dr John.

Although I must admit that there is value in certain senior diplomats trying to maintain relationships with Jake Sullivan, Lindsey Graham and Antony Blinken.....

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Those were not my words, but Kyle's.


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"In 1968, the Phoenix Program, an assassination operation run by the CIA, was active in Thailand and the agency worked closely with corrupt Thai officials." When I taught English in a refugee camp in the early 80s, some of my students assumed I was a CIA agent. I'm learning more and more why they thought that.

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Once again, thank you John.

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"Whose? Mysterious drones circled US military bases"

The globalist's.

"Andrew Korybko explains that it's all a bit complicated: "

No it's not, find/start a war, fund both sides and watch the monies roll in.

" Drug Trials Funded By Manufacturers Find 50 Percent Greater Drug Effectiveness"

...and side effects drop by 90%

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