“(pictured with "new" 2006 Toyota with bad front wheel bearing and 5-speed manual transmission)"

It looks like it is in great shape… No rust, right?

I love manual transmission… I’m planning to teach one of my kids to drive stick…

I find that driving manual transmission is like riding a bike… I went to Europe few years back and got a rental without even thinking about the transmission… I get in the car and there it is…

I call the parking attendant to ask him how to put in the reverse (as some European cars have weird one) but he was certain I couldn’t drive the manual transmission… I never stalled it once…

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

I learned on a manual, a VW microbus. I have always preferred them, but they are much harder to find now. My 1997 Ford Ranger has a 5 speed manual, but I only use it as a truck, which is not-much.

No rust. They don't salt roads in central Texas, and I got it from the original owner, who is local.

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"Slide toward Totalitarianism" - referring to you first listed article


Well, …it’s a high time to relief French museums from displaying guillotines! Let’s see if we can rent those. I don't know about you, folks, but I'm very much for a very generous `severance package’ for our politicians! Not soon enough…


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I don't want to be the person I would be after killing a bunch of folks, even if they mostly deserved it. It almost always turns out that people who don't deserve it get killed, too. then the killers from the first round get killed in the second round.

It seems so neat and decisive before people get into it, but I've studied this a bit.

"Horror Show" as "Little Alex" would say.

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I like to go behind the present to aim for the "Cryptical Envelopment" --the Last Universal Common Ancestor. The Federalist party. This party and the runaway Constitutional Convention -well documented by Gary North -set the stage. https://www.garynorth.com/public/19380.cfm#:~:text=From%20the%20Annapolis%20Convention%20of%201786,%20which%20called

So down the road a bit on a certain day and hour Jefferson decides to add more land. President Polk does too. President Taylor ensures no change. Taylor served only 16 months of his term before dying suddenly. Fillmore rose to the presidency as Congress was in a fierce fight over slavery. Northern states wanted slavery banned in the territories recently gained from the Mexican-American War, while Southern states wanted slavery to be permitted. Civil war seemed inevitable when Senator Henry Clay devised a compromise. The Compromise of 1850 extended slavery to parts of the newly acquired land while prohibiting it elsewhere. It also included a harsh Fugitive Slave Act, which required the federal government to help capture and return escaped slaves to their owners. President Fillmore supported the compromise, as he believed it would preserve the Union. The legislation passed and helped delay the outbreak of the American Civil War for another ten years.

So a bus came by in the 18th century and States got on. Abraham Lincoln tore the whole thing down. He won. The next part of the story is opening to the Robber Barons, continental exploitation, and the Spanish American war. Each act begat others in a long lineage of failures

Dry Loaf-Wallace Stevens

It is equal to living in a tragic land

To live in a tragic time.

Regard now the sloping, mountainous rocks

And the river that batters its way over stones,

Regard the hovels of those that live in this land.

That was what I painted behind the loaf,

The rocks not even touched by snow,

The pines along the river and the dry men blown

Brown as the bread, thinking of birds

Flying from burning countries and brown sand shores,

Birds that came like dirty water in waves

Flowing above the rocks, flowing over the sky,

As if the sky was a current that bore them along,

Spreading them as waves spread flat on the shore,

One after another washing the mountains bare.

It was the battering of drums I heard

It was hunger, it was the hungry that cried

And the waves, the waves were soldiers moving,

Marching and marching in a tragic time

Below me, on the asphalt, under the trees.

It was soldiers went marching over the rocks

And still the birds came, came in watery flocks,

Because it was spring and the birds had to come.

No doubt that soldiers had to be marching

And that drums had to be rolling, rolling, rolling.

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Somewhere in there, around 1850, you triggered my sincere question to my Grandmother Day, when I was about four, and we lived in & near San Diego, California.

"Why are some people really dark colored?"

Grandmother started abstractly about Mexicans, and I said, "no, much darker than that, almost black". She gathered herself and brought Great Grandmother Sibley in to explain about Negro Slavery, and how our family was against it, and because it was so wrong, our family had risked losing everything by operating a safe house on the "Underground Railroad" ("How could it be an underground railroad?") to let the runaway slaves stay safely until they could move on.

Grandmother Sibley had grown up in that house. They were Quakers. Quakers were very sincere. This was all very important for me to understand.

They made everything very clear and carefully answered all my questions.

I wondered why I had never heard about it all before...

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I recall my first African American spiritual encounter was at Glide Methodist Church in 1968 when we parishioners of a suburban Sacramento church were bussed for a worship service and Methodist conference I believe. No African Americans in my world until 1974 and college.

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Slide toward Totalitarianism, Media and mind control have taken the place of Secret Police

... I disagree... they always been part of the game... Freemasonry.

Have you ever seen "Watership down"

Soundtrack "Bright Eyes" written by Mike Batt... sung by Art Garfunkel.

Feivel (me) a very sensitive being that senses something is wrong... and the secret police try to stop them getting away before everyone is gassed.

Watch it again with your granddaughter.

It is so remnant of the society we are in.

And yes... they need to kill the sensitive ones ... for fascism is senseless and communism too.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

I watched Watership Down when it came out, a long time ago ... Wow, 1978 it was.

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Killing the messengers? I think my article might explain why they want to kill the messengers. Hope everyone enjoy it. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling

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Committing suicide as a back-up-plan is a little different...

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That's true. In some versions, he was killed by incoming arrows. But I guess the result's the same.

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I try to be certain I have the right intentions, so that I don't make new-regrets in life.

I'm doing OK lately.

I still have old regrets, which I am stuck with...


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"(pictured with "new" 2006 Toyota with bad front wheel bearing and 5-speed manual transmission)"


And so, … there is now some `Canadiana’ on your farm! That Matrix was made in Canada, … in Woodstock, Ontario. Scotty Kilmer owns one too, …




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Are you sure it was made in Canada and not Japan???

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Well, I did some deep digging: Model years 2003–2013 (for U.S. market), and 2003–2014 (for Canadian market) were assembled in Canada, in Cambridge, Ontario:


… and so I was wrong and now stand corrected.

In fact, there are three separate production lines in Canada, two in Cambridge and one just a bit down the highway in Woodstock, … hence reason for my earlier confusion, I presume. Sorry, …


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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by John Day MD

Right on man!!!!

You are the man!!

Thank you!

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Hardly anybody can tell Americans and Canadians apart, let alone the stuff from their factories. I sure can't. I know my wife's Matrix is Japanese-Canadian, and it is a 2010. "Goldie" This one might be "Hi-O-Silver". We'll see.

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I'll have to check when I get it back from the bearing-repair. Most American Toyotas are made in North America these days.

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Scotty Kilmer is a practical guy.


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Well, … Scotty is an automotive hack. Always was. His advise was very good when cars were rudimentary, … simple!

Nowadays each car is the most sophisticated computer driven appliance. Short of being a "Master Mechanic" ticketed person with at list 10 years of experience - with one manufacturer, say like Toyota or Honda, one is just a hack. Some are better hacks, some not so much, … all inadequate to service modern cars. All true…

Anyway, … I did some filling-in for Scotty for quite a while, answering questions on his https://carkiller.com/scottykilmer/

… no longer. `Ditto machine’ type answers no longer suffice. In fact, such type of answers are fraudulence.



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I used to watch his videos fairly often. He's got a good "everyman" style and a bit of showmanship. I have not seen him say anything demonstrably false, either.

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Well, he is much too dismissive of important matters when making videos that really, really matter. Let me give you just one simple example: … front suspension/spring/damper assembly/reassembly:

Pretty well all those systems - regardless of a make - comprise of following parts - top to bottom: cap, self-locking nut, damper mounting base, bump stop, dumper mounting bearing, upper spring seat, upper spring mounting cushion, damper spring, lower spring seat, damper unit, yet…

… yet, Toyota damper assembly order and orientation often differs quite a bit from Honda assembly order, from GM assembly order, etc.!

You see, Scotty will most often take any old car - say VW (without specifically stating so) and cavalierly demonstrate in less than ten minutes vid how to remove the whole assembly, dismantle the whole assembly, separate and replace all worn parts, reassemble it all together and reinstall it. No trouble at all, easy peasy, … right?

Trouble, however, lurks when, say, DIY-type Honda owner replicates Scotty’s demonstrably easy instructions, … not fully realizing that Honda assembly involves somewhat different order, orientation and other such differences between VW assembly and Honda assembly. And so, a disaster is perhaps in the making? Just sayin’ out loud, …



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I used to like to work on cars. I now do it occasionally, with reluctance. No more cutting street ports in Mazda rotary housings. Suspensions have to be right; then they have to be aligned again, too.

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Hi Dr. Day - just to add postscript - and a closure - to my earlier comments, following is a vid that perfectly demonstrates what happens to DIY-type folks who run into trouble when they follow folks like Scotty Kilmer, sad story:




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There must be something wrong with my head to have burst out laughing when I read your greeting, Lord have mercy...

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"Great Gosh-a-mighty!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wckSuf4sIrE


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Hi John. Too long for me to read in a single sitting, but from what I am triangulating through the likes of Whitney Webb, James Corbett, and the like — spot on.

Keep up the good fight!

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