The Great Dessert is a well-reasoned, conventional analysis of the crazy shit going on in our world. It may be as straightforward and consistent with past history as this account implies. All wars are bankers' wars. It's all about who controls the money system and who controls the resources.
But there are pieces left over when they've assembled the puzzle. What do you make of chemtrails? Is it a huge, secret weather control scheme, conducted in plain sight? Is it a conspiracy to poison people and nature from above? What about UFO disclosure, scheduled for this coming October? There are several whistleblowers who claim that Lockheed Skunkworks has reverse-engineered technology that would obsolete the technology on which the world's economy runs. Is there a "breakaway civilization", as described by Jason Jorjani and Richard Dolan? Is there a network of underground cities built with technologies that we can't imagine? Were these the same technologies used to build the Pyramids and Machu Picchu?
I don't claim to have any answers, but I suggest that these wild cards will be on the table within the next year, and the world will look different from anything we know how to think about, perhaps more crazy-making than we can handle.
Chemtrials is about more than 'weather modification'. If you look at the stuff they're putting in the atmosphere, it includes masses of aluminium.
Aluminium is not something you want to get inside your body, Josh. Like mercury, aluminium can cause significant damage to the brain and so the last thing you want happening is all the crops of the world ending up with aluminium raining down on them so that everything you buy in the shops is laced with the stuff.
I also don't think that coating the world's soil with aluminium is a very good idea either. I certainly haven't come across a single fertiliser with aluminium in it, so it certainly won't improve plant health. There's quite a good chance it will harm soil fertility and it may be that soil remediation on a massive scale will be required as a result.
Just remember that Gates, Pepsi, Coke, Nestle and others are on a mission to get rid of farmers. They want all food to be ultra-processed, made in factories by scum like them. Just think about all the dental damage done by Pepsi and Coke over the decades - it's unbelievable how bad those two corporations have been for human health. Yet now they try and claim that they are the saviours of humanity by turning into their food suppliers? It's just a sick joke.
But if you wanted to push an agenda like that, it would certainly be in your interests to make traditional farms toxic and the best way to do that is by chemtrails in the air, so that you have never actually visited any of those farms that are going to be contaminated over a few decades.
People need to face up to the scale of the human evil involved here and they need to realise that an existential war is coming. The war is between 7.5 billion people who still live broadly by the ancient values vs 500 million who think they are the Gods of the Universe, worthy of ruling over serfs and slaves, killing off any they no longer need, all worshipping their own God of human sacrifice.....
I don't understand chemtrails. If the purpose is to kill people, it must be costing them millions of dollars per death. If the purpose is to destroy farmland, then a lot of the spraying is wasted over places that no one farms. If the purpose is to block the sun, then they have bought into the same fairy tale that they're peddling to us. I don't understand chemtrails.
It has always seemed to me that the chemtrails were for marking the airflows over cities, to model them better, at first, and then branched out into actual "owning the weather" as the US military long advertised was its intent. They can reflect certain wavelengths as one might desire, based upon what is sprayed.
I can't argue this conclusively, as none of us can. Those who know are not telling.
I do think HAARP and similar mobile-apps, to modulate the ionosphere, especially during influxes like solar storms, might be used to create low frequency resonances to jiggle earthquake-fault-lines.
Again, I am in no position to argue, but I have been interested in this for a long time.
I have read that with interest, Josh. Consider this option-of-evil:
a being responsible for the creation of the universe.
(in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world.
(in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.
Hi John. I read Fadi Lama's series with interest. I agree with some of it but, on the whole, it represents what I call the "BRICs Lived Happily Ever After" School of thought. Here is a more sobering antidote to Lama's "Two Worlds" scenario which I posted in a comment to his pieces. I currently belong to the school of thought that recognises only one global hegemon - global capital. I cannot see any evidence at this stage for the BRICs escaping that hegemony and, nor do I see any evidence for the BRICs being at the forefront of an enlightened economic and social order emerging from the ashes of the coming financial collapse. No one is sovereign under the current financial system. That's precisely why we're in the mess we're in. If the BRICs are building parallel financial systems, they're doing a very good job of hiding them! And if they don't plan to implement CBDCs and the biosecurity state, they're doing an even better job of hiding that too! Here are the comments I posted on Lama's substack:
Part 2
The conclusion in the final paragraph and the arguments leading up to it are plausible. However, it is a best-case scenario that ignores what I see as evidence for a sleight-of-hand trick by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital (Shahid Bolsen's very catchy term), or the Protected Class, using Russia and China as pawns. I think it’s possible that unfolding events are part of a move to create the illusion of “Two Worlds”. This is fake multipolarity. The evidence for this lies in the fact that both China and Russia actually seem to be ahead of the West in instituting Great Reset policies such as CBDCs and the bio-security state, to mention a few. These are features of a financial control grid being instigated by the OCFGC. If the RIC bloc were truly implementing their own parallel systems, why do their ‘new’ systems look exactly like the systems being implemented in the West by the OCGFC?
It seems to me that citizens of both worlds will be living under exactly the same form of global tyranny and that the OCGFC will be in command of both worlds, as it always has been, while perpetuating the pretence that the RIC bloc is in charge of its own world. This is a very convenient illusion to present to the Global South who will fall under the new BRICs empire because its citizens will welcome a new era of 'freedom' from the West, all the while being enslaved under a new empire – an empire ultimately controlled by the same financial masters who have held sway since time immemorial.
The author has not presented sufficient evidence for real financial independence of the RIC core (and its nascent BRIC’s replacement empire) from the true global hegemon, namely the OCGFC.
My view is that the OCGFC are engaging in deflation and a controlled demolition of the West’s debt bubble through deindustrialization and energy disinvestment while transferring wealth creation activity to the RICs bloc and the Global South. The show must go on; it's just going to continue somewhere else. The age old game of recycling of empires will go on for as long as humanity embraces hierarchical rule and government by their betters. I don't see a revolution in that regard any time too soon. The OCGFC thus retains control of the global financial system. The system is getting a makeover but the owners remain the same. The puppets may be changing but the puppeteer is the same.
To summarise: the view expressed by the author reflects what I see as an outdated ‘great powers’ geopolitical paradigm. In fact ‘outdated’ is not the right term because, with hindsight, I don’t think such a paradigm ever existed. There has only ever been one global hegemon and it’s the OCGFC. I don’t see that changing. I see that being consolidated even further.
Part 3
The scenario outlined under the section “End Game in the Western Realm” is entirely reasonable. However, I am afraid to say that the stuff under the first section “End Game for the Sovereigntist World” looks like something out of a fairy tale called “And the BRICs Lived Happily Ever After.” There is ZERO evidence for a BRICS-led “egalitarian world”. To repeat my comments made under Part 2, China is the world’s first technate – a brutal model of authoritarian technocratic control that the transnational deep state seeks to implement everywhere. China has already implemented the control grid that the author envisages will be implemented in the West as it collapses. That is not an accident. Covid was Act 1, Scene 1 in the New World Order play and China played its part flawlessly.
The author is correct to say that the technate is being implemented in the West precisely because it will be necessary to control the backlash against the pyramid collapse and ensuing rapid decline in Western living standards. On the other hand, it would be more realistic to acknowledge that populations in the east and the global south may tolerate the same technocratic hell hole only because they will have more bread and a relatively larger share of the global pie. I cannot see that this bait-and-switch move by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital will result in the ‘sovereigntist’ strawberries-and-cream world for the BRICs.
Yes “Ruthless ‘democracies’ will prevail in the Western Realm”. But ruthless dictatorships will also prevail in the Eastern and global south realm. The last 4 years have been a class war by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital against the whole planet. It might be waged using different tactics in different regions, but the aim is the same – total control of humanity.
We are much in agreement, but I see multiple possible paths forward, not yet worked by all of us together, so not predictable.
I appreciate good assessments and good models of process, but take them all with a grain of salt.
There is a driver for a BRICS-egalitarianism, which is economic efficiency, less "rent collection" per classical economics.
Russia and China are indeed very different, and I agree that China is well along the road to technocracy, yet the Chinese have a history of violently revolting at some point, after complying rigidly up to that point.
Russia has lots of resources, and can actually grow her economy. Some economies, which have been long-suppressed, like Iran, Cuba, Libya and Syria can certainly grow.
Energy resources have apparently peaked, so running more hierarchy in the world is unaffordable. More layers of complexity/hierarchy require more resources to support in a complex system, so, we should be losing complexity going forward. More local management and less long-distance shipping should be trends, but there has been a lot of imperial enforcement through shipping bottlenecks, controlled by the "owners", so there is room for improving trade by removing rent-collection-friction for a period of time.
The owners are offering a techno-fascism, with neural implants to replace smartphones some day. The risk all lies with the peons. I don't like that. I think that is an evolutionary dead-end for our species.
I say "throw the bastards out". Putin, Xi, Trump, Orban, Fico, and Modi are all seemingly "rationalists", willing to make deals. The "Davos-crowd", as Tom Luongo calls them, don't seem to have a plan-B as a group, though many individuals and families do.
I think they'll have to revert to their plans-b.
I do not know where that may lead, but the decisions need to be distributed, not centralized.
The Great Dessert is a well-reasoned, conventional analysis of the crazy shit going on in our world. It may be as straightforward and consistent with past history as this account implies. All wars are bankers' wars. It's all about who controls the money system and who controls the resources.
But there are pieces left over when they've assembled the puzzle. What do you make of chemtrails? Is it a huge, secret weather control scheme, conducted in plain sight? Is it a conspiracy to poison people and nature from above? What about UFO disclosure, scheduled for this coming October? There are several whistleblowers who claim that Lockheed Skunkworks has reverse-engineered technology that would obsolete the technology on which the world's economy runs. Is there a "breakaway civilization", as described by Jason Jorjani and Richard Dolan? Is there a network of underground cities built with technologies that we can't imagine? Were these the same technologies used to build the Pyramids and Machu Picchu?
I don't claim to have any answers, but I suggest that these wild cards will be on the table within the next year, and the world will look different from anything we know how to think about, perhaps more crazy-making than we can handle.
Chemtrials is about more than 'weather modification'. If you look at the stuff they're putting in the atmosphere, it includes masses of aluminium.
Aluminium is not something you want to get inside your body, Josh. Like mercury, aluminium can cause significant damage to the brain and so the last thing you want happening is all the crops of the world ending up with aluminium raining down on them so that everything you buy in the shops is laced with the stuff.
I also don't think that coating the world's soil with aluminium is a very good idea either. I certainly haven't come across a single fertiliser with aluminium in it, so it certainly won't improve plant health. There's quite a good chance it will harm soil fertility and it may be that soil remediation on a massive scale will be required as a result.
Just remember that Gates, Pepsi, Coke, Nestle and others are on a mission to get rid of farmers. They want all food to be ultra-processed, made in factories by scum like them. Just think about all the dental damage done by Pepsi and Coke over the decades - it's unbelievable how bad those two corporations have been for human health. Yet now they try and claim that they are the saviours of humanity by turning into their food suppliers? It's just a sick joke.
But if you wanted to push an agenda like that, it would certainly be in your interests to make traditional farms toxic and the best way to do that is by chemtrails in the air, so that you have never actually visited any of those farms that are going to be contaminated over a few decades.
People need to face up to the scale of the human evil involved here and they need to realise that an existential war is coming. The war is between 7.5 billion people who still live broadly by the ancient values vs 500 million who think they are the Gods of the Universe, worthy of ruling over serfs and slaves, killing off any they no longer need, all worshipping their own God of human sacrifice.....
I don't understand chemtrails. If the purpose is to kill people, it must be costing them millions of dollars per death. If the purpose is to destroy farmland, then a lot of the spraying is wasted over places that no one farms. If the purpose is to block the sun, then they have bought into the same fairy tale that they're peddling to us. I don't understand chemtrails.
It has always seemed to me that the chemtrails were for marking the airflows over cities, to model them better, at first, and then branched out into actual "owning the weather" as the US military long advertised was its intent. They can reflect certain wavelengths as one might desire, based upon what is sprayed.
I can't argue this conclusively, as none of us can. Those who know are not telling.
I do think HAARP and similar mobile-apps, to modulate the ionosphere, especially during influxes like solar storms, might be used to create low frequency resonances to jiggle earthquake-fault-lines.
Again, I am in no position to argue, but I have been interested in this for a long time.
I have read that with interest, Josh. Consider this option-of-evil:
a being responsible for the creation of the universe.
(in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world.
(in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.
Hi John. I read Fadi Lama's series with interest. I agree with some of it but, on the whole, it represents what I call the "BRICs Lived Happily Ever After" School of thought. Here is a more sobering antidote to Lama's "Two Worlds" scenario which I posted in a comment to his pieces. I currently belong to the school of thought that recognises only one global hegemon - global capital. I cannot see any evidence at this stage for the BRICs escaping that hegemony and, nor do I see any evidence for the BRICs being at the forefront of an enlightened economic and social order emerging from the ashes of the coming financial collapse. No one is sovereign under the current financial system. That's precisely why we're in the mess we're in. If the BRICs are building parallel financial systems, they're doing a very good job of hiding them! And if they don't plan to implement CBDCs and the biosecurity state, they're doing an even better job of hiding that too! Here are the comments I posted on Lama's substack:
Part 2
The conclusion in the final paragraph and the arguments leading up to it are plausible. However, it is a best-case scenario that ignores what I see as evidence for a sleight-of-hand trick by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital (Shahid Bolsen's very catchy term), or the Protected Class, using Russia and China as pawns. I think it’s possible that unfolding events are part of a move to create the illusion of “Two Worlds”. This is fake multipolarity. The evidence for this lies in the fact that both China and Russia actually seem to be ahead of the West in instituting Great Reset policies such as CBDCs and the bio-security state, to mention a few. These are features of a financial control grid being instigated by the OCFGC. If the RIC bloc were truly implementing their own parallel systems, why do their ‘new’ systems look exactly like the systems being implemented in the West by the OCGFC?
It seems to me that citizens of both worlds will be living under exactly the same form of global tyranny and that the OCGFC will be in command of both worlds, as it always has been, while perpetuating the pretence that the RIC bloc is in charge of its own world. This is a very convenient illusion to present to the Global South who will fall under the new BRICs empire because its citizens will welcome a new era of 'freedom' from the West, all the while being enslaved under a new empire – an empire ultimately controlled by the same financial masters who have held sway since time immemorial.
The author has not presented sufficient evidence for real financial independence of the RIC core (and its nascent BRIC’s replacement empire) from the true global hegemon, namely the OCGFC.
My view is that the OCGFC are engaging in deflation and a controlled demolition of the West’s debt bubble through deindustrialization and energy disinvestment while transferring wealth creation activity to the RICs bloc and the Global South. The show must go on; it's just going to continue somewhere else. The age old game of recycling of empires will go on for as long as humanity embraces hierarchical rule and government by their betters. I don't see a revolution in that regard any time too soon. The OCGFC thus retains control of the global financial system. The system is getting a makeover but the owners remain the same. The puppets may be changing but the puppeteer is the same.
To summarise: the view expressed by the author reflects what I see as an outdated ‘great powers’ geopolitical paradigm. In fact ‘outdated’ is not the right term because, with hindsight, I don’t think such a paradigm ever existed. There has only ever been one global hegemon and it’s the OCGFC. I don’t see that changing. I see that being consolidated even further.
Part 3
The scenario outlined under the section “End Game in the Western Realm” is entirely reasonable. However, I am afraid to say that the stuff under the first section “End Game for the Sovereigntist World” looks like something out of a fairy tale called “And the BRICs Lived Happily Ever After.” There is ZERO evidence for a BRICS-led “egalitarian world”. To repeat my comments made under Part 2, China is the world’s first technate – a brutal model of authoritarian technocratic control that the transnational deep state seeks to implement everywhere. China has already implemented the control grid that the author envisages will be implemented in the West as it collapses. That is not an accident. Covid was Act 1, Scene 1 in the New World Order play and China played its part flawlessly.
The author is correct to say that the technate is being implemented in the West precisely because it will be necessary to control the backlash against the pyramid collapse and ensuing rapid decline in Western living standards. On the other hand, it would be more realistic to acknowledge that populations in the east and the global south may tolerate the same technocratic hell hole only because they will have more bread and a relatively larger share of the global pie. I cannot see that this bait-and-switch move by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital will result in the ‘sovereigntist’ strawberries-and-cream world for the BRICs.
Yes “Ruthless ‘democracies’ will prevail in the Western Realm”. But ruthless dictatorships will also prevail in the Eastern and global south realm. The last 4 years have been a class war by the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital against the whole planet. It might be waged using different tactics in different regions, but the aim is the same – total control of humanity.
We are much in agreement, but I see multiple possible paths forward, not yet worked by all of us together, so not predictable.
I appreciate good assessments and good models of process, but take them all with a grain of salt.
There is a driver for a BRICS-egalitarianism, which is economic efficiency, less "rent collection" per classical economics.
Russia and China are indeed very different, and I agree that China is well along the road to technocracy, yet the Chinese have a history of violently revolting at some point, after complying rigidly up to that point.
Russia has lots of resources, and can actually grow her economy. Some economies, which have been long-suppressed, like Iran, Cuba, Libya and Syria can certainly grow.
Energy resources have apparently peaked, so running more hierarchy in the world is unaffordable. More layers of complexity/hierarchy require more resources to support in a complex system, so, we should be losing complexity going forward. More local management and less long-distance shipping should be trends, but there has been a lot of imperial enforcement through shipping bottlenecks, controlled by the "owners", so there is room for improving trade by removing rent-collection-friction for a period of time.
The owners are offering a techno-fascism, with neural implants to replace smartphones some day. The risk all lies with the peons. I don't like that. I think that is an evolutionary dead-end for our species.
I say "throw the bastards out". Putin, Xi, Trump, Orban, Fico, and Modi are all seemingly "rationalists", willing to make deals. The "Davos-crowd", as Tom Luongo calls them, don't seem to have a plan-B as a group, though many individuals and families do.
I think they'll have to revert to their plans-b.
I do not know where that may lead, but the decisions need to be distributed, not centralized.
Within days of Palestinians breaking out of the Gaza Prison on 7 0ctober Israel
unleashed a massive atrocity campaign which accused the Palestinian fighters
of mass rape and murder of females, and the beheading, and burning of babies...
Those who wondered why were soon to realise that campaign was meant to
hide the IDF murder of Israelis under the Hannibal Directive that took place...
Israel can rely on the corporate propaganda media (aka - msm) not to mention
those murders until it becomes impossible for the media to continue to ignore
them - just as it has avoided admitting President Biden's dementia until now...
I have fans running in every room!
I hope your humidity is low.