Good to see firm evidence that the CDC is now, effectively, the arm of a 21st century tobacco company.

It is now tasked with analysing evidence to ensure that all big pharma products are deemed 'safe', no matter whether they are or not.

All Americans should demand that the CDC is either shut down or mandated to receive zero funding from any pharmaceutical concern, either directly or via third party front organisations.

Your protection of your young is now entrusted to professional hunters who love nothing more than slinging rifles over their shoulders and going and blasting game to the ground......

IF you want to defend the health of your children, you are now on your own.

NIH research is now skewed, the CDC is now neutralised, Congress and the Senate are taking bungs and the President is a puppet. And no-one in the MSM can remain employed if they challenge any of that....

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Corruption is perfected.

Next, the system dies.

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Glad the tree made it. You are rocking those cutoffs!

Seriously, it’s hard to take these demons any more. It’s been 9/11 since Genesis. In the Bible….

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Please control yourselves, Sisters.

I am a happy and faithfully married man, not some kind of sex symbol like Tom Jones or Englebert Humperdink!

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No worries here friend. But the cutoffs are a great style choice for tree rescue!

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They were good jeans until the knees went bad.

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There is still life outside the shit show.

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Do you know About Eve’s precursor Lilith? She gave her entrance ticket to Paradise back to God, she knew it would be a psychodrama.

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Appropriate abstract intellectualization, Guido.

Carry on.

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he got some cute, tanned knees, don't he 😁 hahaha! 😁

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Have you investigated this

Secret Nefarious Group of Psychopaths?

Le Cercle


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Man, that's like a 12 volume encyclopedia. I thought to look at one sub-chapter...

Ah, I realize that it all runs together. I spent about a half hour. I get the picture of 1960s-1970s espionage.

I'm glad they couldn't kill DeGaulle.

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Thank you for this post! You’re a walking encyclopedia! Have you written any books? I’m sure you have a few in you.

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Thanks Myriam.

Common wisdom holds that "Americans don't read books".


I'm just trying to keep up with the fire-hose of history unfolding these days.

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I read books, especially before falling asleep. Haven’t watched TV in 18 years. Thank you for offering so much relevant information! 🙏🏼

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You are welcome.

I gave up TV for the new millennium.

Babylon-5 was the last show I had watched sometimes.

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This thing solidified my conspiracy theorism... bldg 7,nanothermite, anthrax letters, a giant clown show from the creepies

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Watching WTC-7 videos should convince anybody with an open mind.

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Richard gage was removed from his own Damm outfit...

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There’s a rub...so very many are still far too unwilling (or unable) to go down that 9/11 rabbit hole.

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Blown away John!

I know about your integrity, but where do you get all that energy?

Fight on, brother!

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"Ganbate", you mean?

It's almost bedtime last night for me, here in Texas.



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Sugoi! Oyasumi nasai!

You've more than earned a good rest.

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How much freedom do Americans require for legitimate government? When did they last have this freedom? When did they lose it? Why? Who must be the scapegoat?

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>>But it is the same country we got right after 9/11/01, just more jaded, disorganized,

>>depleted and exhausted after losing the global war on brown people with oil.

The sad part is that the vast majority of us never wanted a global war on anyone - for oil or opium, or anything else - it's just the evil cabal creatures in DC/London/Geneva/Rome/TelAviv/Riyadh who control the banks, oil, and the war machine who keep pushing for more :( Let's think about it -is that all it would really take - 6 big-ass bombs? And after that, no more need for global wars? Or are we missing a couple of viper's nests?

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Nukes seem like a simple solution, but I am sure they would not be.

Look at Professor Hall's work above. I excerpted a bit of it.

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They do not need to be nukes, and I agree w/ you that it would best not to be. One of those MOAB type fuel-air bombs would probably do a nice job on those 1 square mile city states. Might take more than 1 on the others to put them out of commission, but not that many....

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And the innocents who die, will they be murdered or "collateral damage"?

It's complicated.

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It is complicated. And not an idea taken lightly. There are other possibilities though between murder and collateral damage. One might be that they intentionally came here at this time and place as a way to work off some past karma. None of us will probably ever know what is the "exactly" right thing to do. This is actually more of a thought experiment than a call to action, btw. We could take it further towards a next step, but in a different direction. If disabling those offensive "city-states" with a giant bomb would put a big enough dent in their grip over the world for us to actually make progress in taking it back, then what are some other ways we can target and isolate those same city-states that doesn't involve a physical bomb?

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The money, the lifeblood that feeds the machine and it's assassins, is a good place to be pressured, and it will be pressured. We should support our own needs in preparation for the time that the money flow dries up everywhere, I think.

Grow potatoes. Thieves and armies don't dig up potatoes.

It is historically true and also a figurative analogy for living through a financial/economic depression/collapse.

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sweet potatoes too - don't forget, those greens make great rabbit food and a mean stir fry too. irish 'taters - not so much... :)

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Killing them off would require physixally and metaphysically killing their bloodlines. At this point, I am fairly sure they have the esoteric means of reincarnation into family perfected.

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Yeah, that's probably true. My personal sorcery chops aren't anywhere that good yet, and probably will never be. I think it would take a sustained group effort from adepts all over the world to have any chance of success on the metaphysical level....

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Sep 12, 2023
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so, what do you want to do about it ? just go ahead and die and get it over with? or do you have a better suggestion? I am certainly open to considering any and all better suggestions :)

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I’m doing it with my pears and apples but having a few varieties grafted on the one tree is helping me with reducing my water budget.

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Well DrJohn — that was a welcome review and I’m still working my way through it and the referenced authors. I have long been a 911 Truther in sequestration and going all the way back to grammar school as a girl — an adopter of David Schoenbrun view of Vietnam. So a very long sequestration in my neighborhoods…. I learned a few things about the expert firemen testimony and weren’t they courageous. If we can understand that the media does not accurately reflect the truth about the People, it will help us. It’s hard for so many to buck the system on the first ranks but it’s not going to be as hard as all that once we come out into the field like the Polish people did w JP2 and see our size. I’ve spent a lifetime as a left handed contrarian and I am grateful for your substack and your courage — I ain’t never giving up because I got Jesus but it’s so nice to have company sometimes. The whole thing about the membership of the new American century neocon group’s ethnicity needs to be faced but treated carefully— manifest destiny and ethnic power mongering have a long history and the devil made the rounds across all the nations. Thanks again for your courage, John.

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Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I agree.

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I'm sure you have utilities in the US just like the one I describe here, Dr John:


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Indeed we do, and this feeds into an essay idea I had driving back from Yoakum this morning.

I left the outline on your blog as a comment.

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The source of the address to the jurors was unclear. Was it in whole or in part a transcript from the new Graeme MacQueen movie? My sense is that we are ever to get to the bottom of this we cannot hold back from looking at the role of Zionism, Israel, organized Jewry and such.


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Good work, Professor Hall:

Many other neoconservatives, some of whom absorbed the philosophy of “noble lies and perpetual war” taught by Prof. Leo Strauss, pulled together in the lead up and aftermath of 9/11. This muscular coalition of Israel-First neoconservatives became primary beneficiaries of the coup that elevated Zionist rule to unparalleled influence over the economic, legal, and political culture of the United States.

Prominent among those that took part in the coup were Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Donald Kagan, Elliot Abrams, James Woolsey, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Norman Podhoretz, Dov Zakheim, Frank Gaffney, and “Scooter” Libby. Two mirrored reports, one directed at the Israeli government and the other directed at the US government, helped articulate the coup’s objectives. Some of the objectives of 9/11, including the drafting of the massive Patriot Act, were pre-prepared and then unpacked immediately, even as the dust from the pulverized towers was still lingering on the ground.

In 1996 Richard Perle chaired a committee that gave advice to Netanyahu as he took over the Office of the Israeli Prime Minister. In A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, a get-tough approach was outlined. The removal from office of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was proposed as was the alleged need for a showdown with the Russia-backed Assad government in Syria. The twinned partner of the Clean Break report was the Rebuilding America’s Defences report. In 2000 this US report presented ideas emanating the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The PNAC document explained how the USA could greatly expand its capacities to better engage in simultaneous campaigns of conquest and military policing throughout the world. This report culminated in a long process of transforming the Armed Forces of what was then world’s dominant superpower, into an instrument devoted primarily to waging wars for Israel. The shopping list of armaments and new military technologies included a provision expressing much contemporary resonance. This proposal was to engage in “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes. [This innovation] may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

PNAC’s preoccupation with the mounting of biological warfare anticipated the current role of the Pentagon in the ongoing genesis of the worldwide depopulation campaign presently underway. In the wake of the 9/11 false flag, the report, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, was essentially implemented along with much more besides. Far from leading to a New American Century, the PNAC document led to decades of internal decline, rot, and bankruptcy as the United States devoted the flower of its capacities to fighting the futile 9/11 Wars that were not in its interests.

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Thanks John. We are on the same page here. Nice to see it clearly in print. To tread the path of truth where few dare.

I would say the Neocons (Kagan, Nuland...), Zelenski, and Israel are genociding Ukraine to populate it with Ashkenazi Jews.

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Imagine if it were illegal to mention the Italian Mafia while fighting organized crime in the 20th Century. And here we are with Jewish cabal that had actually controlled Italian Mafia with Murder Inc. Myers Lansky,... 1000x more powerful and entrenched parasite.

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Sep 12, 2023
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Thank You. It is accepted by some, and not by others, but truth is important, even when not widely accepted, right?

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