Initial hot take: the US created the conditions in the 3rd world that sent columns of migrants north to our border, who then become illegal aliens in America...in need of all the social safety net services that should be going to America's poor. Thanks Chase Manhattan and Komrade Krugman

(I've ready only about 1/4 of this so far.)

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NAFTA put a lot of Mexican farmers out of usiness,bankrupted them.

Earl Butz, Ag. Sec. under Nixon/Kissinger had already forced American farmers to "get big or get out" in the early 1970s. It was Kissinger's idea, "control the food and you control the people". US policy was to put all of the farmers in the world out of business, except some really huge factory farms in theUS, which would sell them grain cheaper than they could grow it, owning their food supply.

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“​The societal divide is between those who acknowledge we have lived under conditions of deception, and are seeking truth (even if reluctantly), and those who cling on to ignorance, so they do not face the pain of change. At some point this chasm will collapse, and reality will forcefully intrude. Part of the agony of (partially) knowing what is going on is the anticipation of the hurt to come for those we love, but who carelessly went along with the collective psychosis.”

Absolutely. This is what I’m struggling with the most.

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Your Corn seems to be nowhere near other corn fields and their GMO contamination. Is your Corn truly non-Gmo ? Great post. So much quality info on what's really happening. Thanks..Also, I see no solar panels on your roof ? How are you dealing with electricity ? Do you have solar panels off-roof ? Or ?

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We get local utility electricity. I did put an off grid solar rig together when we moved to rural Hawaii, North Kohala, to work, but we only stayed half a year, left it with somebody who never paid, then died, and most of it got stolen.

Why would solar panels ever by on a house I lived in?

Help me understand that assumption.

No GMO. No corn near me. I am growing from some sweet-corn seed I bought.

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The corn looks good. I live in the Caribbean, on an Island called 'Vieques'. I mention solar panels because after Hurricane Maria (175 mph winds, w/260 mph gusts) wiped out our electric system, Tesla offered to electrify the Island, creating an independent micro-grid with wind, solar and massive generators. Because of governmental stupidity, that didn't happen. But a new proposal is being considered, built around low cost rooftop solar installs. I guess you're really down on solar panels ?

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low cost rooftop solar done by residents on their own?

i am curious because i am sort of thinking of it and like to learn more :-)

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Thanks for clarifying. The cost of rooftop solar is high, and it is not really better than the grid unless you have a lot of batteries, which cost is very high. There are charge controllers and inverters of DC to AC to use with standard appliances.

Theroofs are almost never appropriately oriented to the travel of the sun across the sky and seasons, and there are trees shading the roof. How long before the installation needs to be taken down?

My analysis has always led me to the same point, that a rooftop solar installation with battery back-up makes sense if you are building a new house AND you can make half of the main roof face south at an appropriate tilt to maximize solar collection. In many places the house mst be at some other orientation on the lot.

To put up a free-standing PV-collector array is stilll difficult in most situations, and may need to be raised fairly high to avoid shade, which is expensive and subject to wind stresses.

None of the inducement programs which I have seen pay for batteries for the homeowner to be off-grid when the grid goes down. All of these programs are feeding into the grid, which is outside of the control of any householder.

There are charge-controllers which can accommodate switching back and forth between grid-tie and battery operation, but they cost significantly more.

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interesting observations, thank you for sharing!

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It's not that I haven't researched it for decades.... just that it is hard and expensive to do the best thing, and there are other urgent demands for funding and time.

I might pick that ball up again. We shall see.

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Hi... not each individual for themselves. Looking to source an NGO or Charitable organization that would make these installs free or a low, low payout over 30 years. FEMA approved a microgrid that they would have paid for. Local politicians and the governor dragged their feet and the local power authority found the cable that was going to cost $5million to replace and 5 years to build. So the whole FEMA microgrid thing was not activated. Tesla got pissed that there was no action on their offer to power the entire island and withdrew their offer. Biden's big omnibus bill set aside $1.5 Billion' for electrical service repairs and upgrades to PR. Vieques is hoping to see a reasonable piece of that. But knowing how government works, we are also seeking outside help.

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i know someone in that business who is based out of anguilla ... that is what he does, perhaps might be worth being in touch?

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Thanks. How could I follow up on this ?

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Internalizing the psychological super shock of the invisible war, for most it doesn’t exist life is easy, smooth and who cares anyway? Unless you’re confronted with all those visible wars and mass graves that surround you, you can not hide from them you are an eternal brother in arms. Living my past life in Belgium, my parents took me at the coast side and not far from it, there are Ypres, Passchendaele the Flanders Field, more than 1 million deaths for the conquering of a few miles of land. The whole area soaked with countless gallons of blood. I cannot understand why this scenario is still going visible or invisible and why people can be super shocked about it.

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The invisible war that is killing people is the depopulation war, as I see it.

How long can people refuse to admit that is how friends and family have died and are dying, from heart attacks, cancers, strokes, autoimmune disease, allof those "excess deaths"?

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The brainwashing/programming is deep. I had a vicious conversation today when I mentioned that Ivermectin, used early on, had a phenomenal track record of success with C-19. This lady is a yoga instructor. I thought she might be a bit more enlightened, But no. She started screaming at me. This was over the phone. I mentioned that the majority of the 900,000 people who supposedly died of Covid, did so in the hospital where they were first given Remdesivir and then put on ventilators. A lethal combo. 80% on ventilators died. Hospitals get between a $30K - $70K 'bonus' payment for every Covid death. So I explained that hospitals had tremendous incentive to restrict treatment to modalities that did not work. Anyway, she was going crazy claiming there were no alternatives and reports have proven that Ivermectin doesn't work. So I had to mention Uttar Pradesh in India (and that you can't find how Ivermectin saved the day there on Google, which is censored). That Tucker Carlson is not vaccinated and how Joe Rogan was cured of a severe case of C-19, attended by his personal physicians in a hospital where they gave him Ivermectin, Vit C & NAD drips, zinc, quercetin, Vitamin D3 and more... and he walked out 3 days later... cured ! She was dismissive of all of this so I had to mention that I had 'Delta', and Ivermectin was the main ingredient for my cure. She said, it must have been something else. What's the point ? It's simple. A Russian KGB agent who defected explained that if you tell a big lie for 2 months straight... people will believe that it's true. And afterwards, no amount of truthful counter-info will have any impact. And it seems like this is where we are.

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Liberals didn't just redefine the meaning of "vaccine". They have also redefined "political science."

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People can't accept that they have been wrong in something so big. She may have had friends/family suffer/die, partly on her advice.


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Depopulation as an Invisible war indeed it is, only from one battle field to another but more subtle. WWI and WWII now WWIII one and the same, there was never a break between them, also the cold wars intermittently at the cost of many lives. We are at 5000 wars in 2000 years of civilisation, a culture of death and destruction, when does real peace and real humanity get a chance? 🫶

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"We are at 5000 wars in 2000 years of civilisation, a culture of death and destruction, when does real peace and real humanity get a chance?"

I think Jesus* and Buddha both addressed another path, but what is the critical proportion of humans which needs to follow the way that does not depend upon the class of super-predatory "owners" kiling off the rest of us from time to time?

*Different from later "Roman Christianity".

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If I answer your question I really make a fool of myself, it’s beyond comprehension perhaps….Must go off track, maybe some poetry, mystic(al experience)?You can live for 80 years or even just being born, how much time is needed to destroy it? minutes? What counts is the most individual expression of the most individual experience, is it love, passion, care, meditation, prayer, thankfulness for being alive in the moment, or all of this? In everyone deepest core there’s no self, not even your individuality and no place for some predators there’s the mystical experience. Agreed now I made a fool of myself.

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Some years ago I came to think ofeach experience of life going into a big long sausage of life experiences. What kind of a tasty or distasteful sausage does each of us make? How do we contribute to the sausages of other lives?

I have personally always fet that "God" experiences everything that I experience.

Am I making a good sausage for Universal Consciousness?

"Inquiring Minds Want to Know."

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Making myself a fool again with some theories for the most but for me a reality….the greatest pilgrimage in search for the soul, from here to here. Everyday life as an exercise in being (n)one, or most stupid of all before one is awake you carry water from the well and you clean the dishes, after you’re awake you carry water from the well and you clean dishes, the only difference is now with awareness who knows you get passionate about it? No progress in it, everyday you start as a beginner and go to sleep as such. The others in relation yes, every moment you discover them as a new experience they never become a routine, and don’t feel guilty when you fail, you just stand up and try again. Leave the inquiring mind outside, use it when needed, if not turn it off. 🪷

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