Sadly, I think you and Ed Dowd are right. WWIII is coverup for the jab-genocide as well as the well-funded bioweapon labs operating in the Ukraine (we always used to call it THE Ukraine back in the day). And the old codger you tried to engage who proudly protests war but condones forced deathjabs - well, methinks he isn't long for this world anyway. But it's sad this last bastion of anti-war protestor doesn't see well enough anymore to know that it's all connected. Or did he ever? Maybe Janis was right: "Freedom's just another word ..."

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Katherine Watt has the big picture in 15 minutes here. It's War Crimes, against all of humanity this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9mFc4_5S0A

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Chilling, dystopian and evil. She is so brave and incisive to lay it bare for all of us. God help us all

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Thank you for that link. Brilliant summary, appalling conclusion, much (certainly not all) of which I think this readership knew to some extent - but for me it was eye opening how incredibly well coordinated and planned it has been. Moving DOD to the CDC right under our noses explains a lot (except for how previously HUMAN beings employed by these agencies could betray their species so horrifically). The collective demons work on so many levels to destroy humanity it's a wonder we have survived this long. I would just say in closing that I am heartened to hear her say that State and local laws can protect us to a great extent AND that prosecutions are in progress. thanks again for this link.

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If you seek what you can do, it will arise in your path (Ding me if I'm wrong, but it usually works like that.) :-)

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Nothing left to lose

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Other forms of freedom also exist.

God bless Janis Joplin.

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Russia and China and the US run for the Golden Apple of Solar System Empire and do business deals in blood and the WEF is very pleased for now that the deaths will enable A.I to work. Human sacrifice pleases the Old Ones as Naomi Wolf might say. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/have-the-ancient-gods-returned

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Yeah, Moloch and Baal seem to be back, and people don't understand what that means for human sacrifice.

It's not about giving up some conveniences in life now.

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Perhaps we should turn that 'human sacrifice' thing around on the cabal & their lackeys. Given your affinity for compost, you might agree. I think they (after complete composting) can do some good in the world's agricultural landscape, esp. given the impending famine situation. If Joel Salatin can turn an entire hog or cow into usable compost in a few months, with nothing but wood chips. I think it's an approach worth trying on these psychopathic fuckers. We should help them achieve some minor level of penance, in that their last act (as compost) would be useful to the rest of humanity instead of malefic. Time for everyone to fire up the wood chippers :)

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I see your point, but I don't want to become them, either.

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You won't. A single episode of much needed house (planet) cleaning won't turn you into a psychopathic monster :)

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I seek divine "forward guidance" in my path, so as to avoid being in positions where all my options involve severe reactions. I mean it exactly that way, though whatever situation I will be in, I will do my best, which is always someting...

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The perception of evil in our midst has gone mainstream amongst many who prior to the past 3 years would never have "gone there" as evidenced by a prominent plandemic refugee relocated to Texas, comedian JP Sears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPt6gvRQnhs

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There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love.- 1John 4:18

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Higher Love is the way through this planet-wide ambush.

None of us are getting out of here alive, but how we react to the difficulties while here can make all the difference to those immediately around us, and by extension to the entire planet/universe.

I am informed, I do not consent.

I choose Love.

"Let all that you do be done in Love."

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I look around at these people and notice nothing in particular they nearly are all in lockstep. Heads bowed to those phones, favored vendor parking lots full of cars, and no young people to be seen outside. None of them notice each other.

The trend has not changed despite the few people who found niches of complaint platforms on the internet.

Using a bicycle is to be prepared for 15 minute cities like it or not. Not wanting a bicycle means nothing to those making plans for the masses, you will walk.

Since its unlikely to change, its about the odds, what are some of the habits that will gain privileges? The plans are posted all up and down the internet, mostly in protest, but still posted. Unless the administers of the hierarchy, of the likes you mention "elite agent or another – a politician, a judge, a corporate media executive" revolt, this is a done deal.

What is your social credit score?

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I'm ready for 15 minute Yoakum, Texas, population almost 6000. I felt so free when my Grandfather gave me my first bike for Christmas 1967. It was too big for me to sit on the saddle, but I rode it anyway, an "Engliish Racer", as he explained. Man I loed that bike!

"Black Beauty" was the name of my Raleigh English Racer.

Dunno about social credit score, but I'm probably somewhere on "the list", somewhere low, I guess.

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Since I think odds are low this living arrangement will continue, now that all controls are digital and out of 'democracies' or "the republics" hands, I have have started preparing. Mentally is the worse of it.

No one knows the future, but the trends are real.

No harm done living slow.

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My Schwinn was built with love and it’s so much fun to ride.

I took a quick spin in the neighborhood without shoes or a helmet and quickly realized how dangerous it was going down those big hills.

Exhilarating freedom, but so fast and smooth, with pain and death inches away all in a blur. Brakes are excellent and I slowed down and ended the ride with a huge smile and admonishment from the guardians.

Prudence and safety won the cause for the day.

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I am exhilerated to know it is working so well for you, Mel.

Helmets are "single use items" and I've broken a few.

Smiles are reusable though, best I can tell.


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Independent grounded/hearted action, involving compost or not, is the way through this for each of us, but it is an independent/individual choice. And most seem not able or willing to see the larger/longer picture of the playing field so as to make a truly informed consent, as your experience with the nice but limited vision folks at the peace rally would seem to attest.

Your words and actions are heartening as always - Peace and Love to you and your circle, Brother!

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Thanks Dogsnose:

Bad smell reported here by Katheirne Watt, 15 minutes, and I don't usually do audio-video.


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Well - she hit the whole row of nails dead on the head there.

Before I switched to medic and then RN in the Army, I was a young/dumb/egotistical SF soldier (green beret, but we don't use that term), and Army Ranger. Just as Katherine Watt said in your link, we are all in the "kill zone" now.

That is what we called it back when I was on active duty -it is the culmination of an effectively planned and executed ambush.

I first had the intuitive warning scent of "ambush in progress" to some degree after 911, but shrugged it off as I was still in the Army.

But with the unfolding of so many nonsensical, misleading and obvious false points of data around 2020, the stink was unmistakable.

Then I heard one of my former SF colleagues say in his assessment that "Someone is using our (SF) own playbook against us." Except typical for our American arrogance, it isn't really "our" playbook, it was written or at least compiled by Sun Tzu, the Chinese warlord known for "The Art of War" around 500 BCE.

You're right - this stinks to high heaven. The only way to escape an ambush is to keep moving through it, do not stop.

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I grew up on USMC and Navy bases during Vietnam, but not when Dad was in Vietnam. That was more than enough for me. Also, a sincere young Marine warned me one day when I was 11 or 12, "Kid, don't believe what they tell you". I see him to this day.

I read Sun Tzu. Interesting, and useful in everyday life, too. Big Serge is posting some interesting military analysis of past wars these days, and occasionally some Clausewitz, by way of military history. A war might come to any of us, but I don't intend to go to one.

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Remember that song, when going through hell, don’t stop.

Gotta make it to the other side.

Country music song

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Thanks, Dr. Day, for the report. People's bodies were attacked enough with the dangerous c-19 injectable products. No need for another global assault to make things worse. There was also the Rage Against the War Machine rally in Washington DC. The DC one seemed more active in case you missed it. Brief clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft7IpPyCVv8

Also two typos just to note:

clearlyy also "boomers" - 3rd paragraph

cancle a rally - 4th paragraph

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Thanks, fixed 'em.

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The Libertarian rally in DC had a fair amount of people and the larouche PAC people were there too.

The austin event ( I saw videos ) looked like street buskers working for tips.

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This event yesterday was invisible, so you didn't see this one.

I'm not sure how uch meaning to attach to that internet invisibility, which was apparently imposed after things were posted initially, at least from what Phil said.

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