Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by John Day MD

There is an obvious solution to the chicken or egg, if you are a god. Create a hen pregnant with a rooster embryo.

The same could be applied to humanity. Instead of Eve coming from Adam,(rather unusual), Adam came from Eve (rather common). But don't think about it too long or "concerns" may arise regarding their coupling :-)

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We can't think outside of TIME very well, not even in abstract.

God experiences reality differently, I presume.

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Jul 5Liked by John Day MD

Hard problem is hard mainly for hard materialists. So, looking at someone working hard to do the Munchhausen trick to save materialism from itself is, hmmm... intriguing. All wisdom traditions in the world have their take on the real structure of the world. Very useful food for worldview-tinkering there. Don't know if our wisdom-challenged civilization can ever catch up. I am waking up to the reality of being a member of a fire-ant-flotilla type of civilization. Fire-ants are (from what I've read) at their worst when they end up floating in flood waters. And maybe the spiritual deluge we are experiencing is useful in opening self-consciousness/self-reflection in fire-ant-sort of humans.

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Well, Dr John, it won't be 'interdependence' for Britain the next five years, I don't think. Not on the farcical UK General Election results, with less than 10 of 650 seats still to declare:

Labour Party: 34% of votes cast - 410 seats secured, an absolute majority of at least 170, which basically means an elected dictatorship.

Conservative Party: just under 24% of votes cast - 119 seats. So after securing more than two thirds the number of votes cast for the Labour Party, they get a little more than a quarter of the seats that Labour secured. Farcical, eh?

Reform UK: 14.3% of votes cast for 4 MPs. Less than 1% of the MPs of Labour for 40% of the votes Labour received. They should have over 90 MPs in a just Parliament.

Liberal Democrats: 12.3% of votes cast for 71 MPs. Nearly 600,000 fewer votes cast than were cast for Reform UK, but 18 times as many MPs in Parliament. The joys of democracy, eh?

Green Party: 6.8% of votes cast for 4 MPs. Again, they should have nearer to 45 MPs in a just Parliament.

Scottish National Party: 2.3% of votes cast for 8 MPs - should have about 15 MPs based on their vote share.

Independents: 1.9% of the vote for 5 MPs - should have about 13 MPs based on vote share.

Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru (Irish Republicans and Welsh nationalists respectively): each securing 0.7% of the national vote for 7 and 4 MPs respectively - together, they should have about 4 or 5 MPs, rather than the 11, if national vote share were reflected (but as they are essentially regional parties, a fairer system would look at vote share secured in Northern Ireland and Wales respectively)

Other Northern Ireland Parties - 1.4% of the national vote for 9 MPs - about right.

Alliance Party - 0.4% of the national vote for 1 MP. Maybe should have 2 or 3?

Other Parties (including George Galloway's Workers' Party of Britain): 1% of votes for no seats - should have had 6 or 7.

What this result shows is that the UK electoral system is completely broken, completely unfit for purpose and absolutely fails to represent the will of the people in their Parliament.

The interesting thing will be the attitude of Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats. For decades, this party and its predecessors (the Liberal Party and the Social Democrat Party) secured significantly higher percentages of the national vote for significantly fewer seats in Parliament. This time, by a quirk of fate and significant tactical voting amongst 'anyone but Tory' voters, they have actually secured more seats than their national vote share would suggest they are entitled to.

The Liberal Democrats have for decades demanded Proportional Representation voting for UK General Elections and I wonder if Ed Davey will prove himself to be an unprincipled chancer by suddenly staying quiet about it, when this time it is the Labour Party that has benefitted unfairly and Reform UK has been discriminated against. Either he believes in proportional voting or he doesn't. He only has one chance to prove that he does and it is right now.....

This election sees Labour share of the vote being lower than that secured by Jeremy Corbyn, the apparently 'unelectable' 'far left' leader in 2019. How Starmer can say that he is electable but Corbyn isn't one can only imagine, but I expect people to call him a liar in public, to not grant any deference to him as a Prime Minister lacking a mandate. He has won 34% of the popular vote on a turn out of about 60%, so 1 in 5 of those entitled to vote actually voted for his party. One in five. If that's a mandate then Joe Biden is running the USA.....

I am sanguine about all of this - everyone knew what was coming, but Starmer must be the weakest Prime Minister in history with a 170+ majority. He knows he hasn't won, everyone knows he hasn't won. A farcical electoral system has delivered the most ridiculous false result of my voting lifetime.

I do hope that plenty of those not in the Labour Party in Parliament openly call him 'dishonorable' for claiming that he won a General Election.

For those unfamiliar with the UK Parliamentary conventions, you are supposed to refer to every MP as 'the Honorable Member for (their constituency)' or 'the Rt Honorable Member for (their constituency)' if they are a senior minister. To call them 'dishonorable' is regarded as a 'naming' offence, for which the MP 'named' must either withdraw their previous comments or be banished from the House of Commons until such time as they do.

It's pretty obvious that they can call Starmer the 'Dishonorable Member for Holborn and St Pancras' outside the Parliamentary Chamber and everyone in Parliament will know exactly what is going on....

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Sorry, where 'Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru' are described, I should have said 'each party should have 4 or 5 MPs', rather than saying they should have 4 or 5 between them.

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Thanks for the explanation, Rhys.

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Jul 5Liked by John Day MD

POTUS must be terribly envious of Big Pharma's Total

Immunity, the way Big Pharma gets away will murder,

and has 110% onside mass media not reporting on

the murder !!

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Thak you Dr. John, as ever. The news gets sillier - frog boiling, gaslighting - and worse by the week 20 years ago we wouldn't have stood for it.

some comments:

1) The 4th July was marked here in Greece by unprecedented torrential rain and thunderstorms that have - of course! naturally! - wiped out most of the fruit harvest since the storms were conveniently located in those areas. In the old pre-geoengineering days before 2000 there was never a drop of rain between April and September. There still isn't much rain but in 20 years of chemtrails we have gone from absolute dryness in which 105-110+F is actually bearable to unbearable humidity. Because the "owners" holiday in Greece they normally stop spraying from 1st July to 3rd week August but this year we are still waiting.

2) Re the article on al Sisi / Egypt keep in mind that Middle East Eye is a CIA publication. The author of this article writes regularly for Open Democracy (Soros) and MME. The "clue" is that all these publications arre in English - LOL. Just like good ole Radio Free Europe which broadcasted on a continent where English is not a native laguage ;-)

3) on a happier note we have a year with LOTS of Eurasian Hoopoe. These beautiful and seemingly exotic but actually common birds make peacocks pale in comparison. Ours migrate to the Sahel in winter, Unusually,, they migrate at night, Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIwqAYb7j5Q

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More hoopoe images -


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Dr. Suess must have seen these birds at a formative age.


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Thanks for this reference point, Eleni:

"Re the article on al Sisi / Egypt keep in mind that Middle East Eye is a CIA publication. The author of this article writes regularly for Open Democracy (Soros) and MME."


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Jul 5Liked by John Day MD

This article, “Something is coming, and we must stop it.” is well worth reading: https://philharper.substack.com/p/something-is-coming-and-we-must-stop

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Thank you, a very good analysis but incredibly Bitish-centric, which is its failing since Britain is the home and hub of the 'Illumined' and USA its mere fighting force. The British people are as brainwashed as the Germans, though differently. Unfortunately outsiders view these evil capitals - London, Berlin and occupied Paris - as "Europe" 9a monumental misreading) whereas the first 2 especially have always been the enemies of Europe. The brainwashing he describes really only applies to these places and the surrounding protestant and/or anti-Russian northern rim. Despite the externally imposed EU superstructure which is totally divorced from the 28 countries national realities and equally unrepresentative, the actual Europe (of which 23 countries remain outside EU) is a rather complex place which will eventually post-EU/NATO break into its more natural zones. So, for example, at least 40 European countries understood clearly and well before the war; that Syria [ditto Lebanon, Egypt] was under attack by Murder Incorporated [USA-UK-ISR]; ditto Yugoslavia / Serbia; ditto Greece / Cyprus; ditto Italy and Spain; ditto Georgia, Armenia, Turkey; ditto ukraine and Belarus - and forever Russia. Clear to the targetted 13 countries and a good deal more.

So from our perspective the author is engaged bravely in pushing a Sysiphean stone uphill against his culture's lies, whilst still mired unconciously in its assumptions. Keep in mind that both Britain and USA are islands - ie they are cut off from siblings so to speak, corrective reality - so their absurd fairy tales ring loud and convincing in their isolation. In contrast we can see and experience everyday that what they do has no relation to what they say.

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Jul 6Liked by John Day MD

Thanks for this.

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Yes Americans would accede to a JOB. Income for 18-80 is important. Selective Service may find due to AARP pressure that seniors fully registered and drafted thereby are exclusively at the the Home Front. As the Talking Heads remind us "the same as it ever was." Could the elimination of money alter the structures of society?

1959, Minutes To Go I wrote: “I’m absolutely weak I can only just totter home darling the dollar has collapsed.” Minutes To Go which incorporates the first cut-up experiments, has turned out to be a prophetic book. You see there is something wrong with the whole concept of money. It takes always more and more to buy less and less. Money is like junk. A dose that fixes you on Monday won’t fix you on Friday. We are being swept with vertiginous speed into a worldwide inflation comparable to what happened in Germany after World War I. The rich are desperately stockpiling gold, diamonds, antiques, paintings, first editions, stamps, food, liquor, medicines, tools, weapons.

The scion of a well-known banking family once told me a family secret. When a certain stage of responsibility and awareness has been reached by a young banker he is taken to a room lined with family portraits in the middle of which is an ornate gilded toilet. Here he comes every day to defecate surrounded by the family portraits until he realizes that money is shit. And what does the money machine eat to shit it out? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty and above all it eats creativity. It eats quality and shits out quantity. There was a time when the machine ate in moderation from a plentiful larder and what it ate was replaced. Now the machine is eating faster much faster than what it eats can be replaced. That is why by its nature money is worth always less. People want money to buy what the machine eats to shit money out. The more the machine eats the less remains. So your money buys always less. This process is now escalating geometrically. If the West does not start a nuclear war first their monetary system will fall apart through the inexorable consumption by the machine of life art flavor beauty to make more and more shit which buys less and less life art flavor beauty because there is less and less to buy. The machine is eating it all. The time must come when money will buy nothing because there will be nothing left for money to buy. Money will eliminate itself. https://www.pwf.cz/archivy/texts/excerpts/william-s-burroughs-the-job_612.html

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Talking Heads, Life During Wartime may apply better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLwZvg46jms

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I miss having a standalone mailbox! Here's mine:


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Jul 4Liked by John Day MD

The sentiment needed to support another overseas war just isn’t there anymore. That genie can’t be placed back in the bottle.

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