Recovering Military Brat

John - I applaud your noble efforts here in your second career as a journalist/blogger/commentator. As this world becomes more contentious and confusing, your posts act as koans which keep me tethered to terra firma.

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Thanks freshquest.

Koans are supposed to bust you loose from terra firma into a world of enhanced perception of underlying reality.



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John - when I clap with one hand, I inevitably slap myself in the face. On the other hand:

"Not knowing is most intimate."

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Whoever was Truman’s military chief of staff back in 1947 warned him about getting involved with Israel, but, alas, you’ll be fighting or creating havoc for them in perpetuity it seems. Britain, Palestines occupier at the time, couldn’t believe its luck that somebody else would take responsibility for them. I can’t believe people are so daft they still believe this promised land bs, or the faked bibles the evangelicals read and absorb,,need I go on.

As for that other poisoned chalice Ukraine,,Putin did warn it may take 10 years.

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Truman was foist upon FDR by his many enemies.

Truman was not able to play in that league, and was completely manipulated.

FDR (not an angel, but complex schemer) never trusted Truman at all, not in the slightest. Truman said FDR was "the coldest man he ever met".

Truman was completely manipulated by Zionists and the same interests that tried to assassinate FDR before his inauguration, and which Stalin believed did poison him. This would be the imperialist interests in the East Coast elites and City of London, always the nemesis of American independence...

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Thanks for replying, I always suspected this sort of thing. The Zionist/ financial interests of London- east coast influence is insidious. I spent a year and a half in Iraq wondering why ‘somebody’ was working so hard to make it all fail leaving a failed state no use to anyone apart from the central bank in Baghdad, the TBI, where all oil receipts have to go through.

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Cheney wanted to destroy demand directly above the "easy oil", and Saddam wanted to sell oil for not-$US, so Iraqi oil demand got destroyed and Iraq started having to bank in New York, which it still does.

Cheney saved Iraq's easy-oil for later.

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Thanks for this truth bomb! You are exactly right.

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The first amend is the one upon which all our other freedoms rest, God willing...

Also the fourteen gives us sovereign immunity, no scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape depopulation viruganda agenda required,no lockdowns, no masks.

Who ever mentions this about sovereign immunity the 14th other than Grasshopper?


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2024: When LARPing goes horribly wrong - Zionist Edition.

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I can't hold my breath for anything, but this looks like it will be a busy year, like 1968, perhaps.

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Love your both smile like Roses...

The Complexity of a Complex problem fueled by complex Issues perplexing the Individual cannot hide from the simplicity of truth behind such a complex system.

You been in the Military.

You know the Chain of Command.


The Chain of Command is clear:

The Government has to report to its Citizens.

Yet it acts like a Dictator.

This is Treason.

The Government exists only to gain power.

The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.

The Government NEVER gives up this power.

When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.

They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.

The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.

The WHO gives then the Government which had no Authority to begin with more Authority than ever only now on behalf of the WHO.

This is a scam and TREASON punishable by death.

It is a Coup d'état: The greatest Political Heist of all times.


The simple Truth remains that I have the absolute power over myself.

And no one will take this away from me.

No Government.

No God.


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"The Government serves only itself and to extent this power. The Government NEVER gives up this power. When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government. They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater. The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO. The WHO gives then the Government which had no Authority to begin with more Authority than ever only now on behalf of the WHO."

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The Hobbs book, Leviathan is about the state! The state will do anything in order to protect itself from the citizenry, anything!

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I have to say that in all this that not one word about the fraud of virology is mentioned! I have asked all the health freedom fighters this question without any reply at all, and I find this verry telling. Dr. Bailey has shown clearly and scientifically that no such creature exists at all. The scientific method is not used in virology, and in fact it is closer to alchemy or Unicorn Ology than to science. If you dare watch the evidence, it will be clear that virology is and has been a fraud worth trillions of dollars. I challenge any of you to refute the evidence, and then reply to my post with your evidence for or against, Jack Williams.

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