I do not believe any Zionist talking about ending the war in Ukraine. First, Israel has deep interests in Ukraine and appears to fully back the Ukrainian Nazis. Second, these people -- whether it's Biden or Trump or Vance -- are fully owned and operated by Israel and will do what they are told. I don't know if Israel has the foreign policy smarts to know when to back off, but I rather doubt it.

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We shall see. The US is over-extended, bleeding resources. Trump and Vance want to play the Nationalist game. I think they are on the right side of history in that.

People who think for themselves are never completely-owned, are they?

The CIA keeps discovering this about their "moderate terrorist" proteges...

We'll see. The world should have spiraled down forever, but there keep being turnarounds.

The US is due for a turnaround.

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I'll say! I would love to read Ufkotte's book about being bought by the CIA (banned in the U.S.A.). He didn't even know he was being bought, it was so subtle. But once he was bought, he was fully owned. Articles got published under his name that he had not written. People wondered if he was murdered, but apparently not, he just died shortly after the book was published. The only reason I know anything about this was an article on Informationclearinghouse, tried to get the book and failed.

Do you really think any of those men or women "think for themselves"? Thinking for yourself is extremely dangerous if you worship money and / or power as Biden, Trump, Vance, Harris do. These people go to great lengths to be sure they never think, never feel, and unfortunately much of the public follows this same life prescription.

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Players, "live players" exist and can be coerced, bribed, threatened, constrained and killed, but not strictly "owned", right?

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No, I think they are owned, they are slaves who will apparently do anything to please their owners. If one is coerced, bribed, threatened, constrained and killed, what agency does one have? There are many forms of slavery, and it saddens me deeply that so many people are willing slaves. As Emma Goldman said, people love their chains. Once you sell your soul for money and power, you are no longer free.

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My friend, Dan, quite a military historian, related to me the first assassination attempt against Charles De Gaulle early this afternoon. He said there were about 100 attempts, including by the CIA, of course.

This first one was in 1943, in Algeria, just before the Americans and British invaded, and the Vichy-French politicians decided they needed to be rid of De Gaulle, because was was a major nuisance, so they hired an assassin, which was easier to do in those simpler days.

The guy had a good perch and a good rifle, and was listening to De Gaulle speak, when he decided, "This guy is right, I can't kill him", and he did not...

He eventually told the story much later, in the 1960s.

That man was a live player. Many people are live players, not just top elites.

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An assassin who can walk away from "his job" and not be murdered is not bought. When you are bought, you realize you have no recourse, as Ufkotte did, but then he was owned by the CIA and he couldn't walk away. What was pathetic is the process of buying journalists who at the time don't even realize they've been bought.

Aren't the stories about de Gaulle amazing? I never realized he was such an interesting person. And was it easier to hire an assassin in those days? or just easier to hire an outside assassin? I see that the assassin in question kept his mouth shut for quite a while!

We seem to be having little trouble murdering whistleblowers, heads of state, dissidents such as Andre Vltchek, etc. I think we're working almost entirely on the organized crime model these days, which is why anyone who questions the military- or medical-industrial complex may get a bullet in the back of the head and have it called suicide. Or how about five bullets in the gut?

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Iz 2 Orange Jesus! You can't take that aw ay from me!!!!


So it looks like JDVance is Obama Redux, heavily bankrolled by some of Jeff Epstein's worst offenders.

They are determined to take Trump out. Probably will. Maybe a false flag terrorist rally disruption after a few months of Trump in office, waiting just long enough for Trump to be Trump and say shit like, "I could fuck everyone's mother in the streets with my dead daddy's dick and you'd still love me."

A little walk-by mist of aerosol LSD half an hour before a major press conference, some other well-timed psych stimulus triggers, and Trump is out there making catatonic Biden look almost good. Something gonna happen: they want him OUT and Vance in.

If there's gonna be a military coup, we're riding the cusp.


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Boscohorowitz opined: "A little walk-by mist of aerosol LSD half an hour before a major press conference, some other well-timed psych stimulus triggers, and Trump is out there making catatonic Biden look almost good."

MDA works better. The US military secretly tried stuff under Governor Reagan during the Watts riots. I knew a Vietnam era Army Medic, an X-ray tech when I met him, who they recruited to be part of the team. They needed people who were "experienced", in the Jimi Hendrix sense of the word. He said that a few minutes after they would fog a crowd with MDA, people would all just sort of wander away.

Your tax dollars at work.

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Just MDA aerosol, before MDMA was known. This was a Vietnam vet, radiology tech where I was doing a 4th year radiology rotation in Houston. Interesting guy. We watched the Challenger take off and blow-up in the patient lounge.

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You can probably rule out a military coup, although I am less certain than I was in 2020

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It seems like the military has a lot of internal divisions and mistrust, but who knows?

There would need to be some core of trust and cooperation, but the creature is so vast and multi-headed...

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The military, when I served (1970-1990), suffered from public hatred and distrust through the end of the Vietnam War. That was a case of leaders in the military being unable to accept that the national leadership didn't know what it was doing. Under Reagan things changed. Reagan trusted the military, and while some people betrayed that trust, most of us trusted back.

For an idea of the flavor of my career, see Secret Warriors: Inside the Covert Military Operations of the Reagan Era by Steven Emerson. The author got every fact wrong, but the story right. I was involved in about half of the events.

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How did you serve in the military during med school and internship years?

I missed that.

I remember canine-Cody jumping the fence to bite a lawyer and jumping back into the back yard again...


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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by John Day MD

What you appeared to have missed is the $1.5 billion surge of those stocks in his media company after this 'assassination attempt' of which Trump owns 60%...Nice smoking gun, excuse the pun.. Only 5 million shares out of the 123 million were available for shorting too so zero risk.

Now SHOW TIME! We have him literally pointing everyone to look away for minutes, the oldest trick in the book, an SS that doesn't whisk the principle away immediately after an attempt on his life, instead they allow him to risk their lives in a group hug, allowing him to call the shots, so he can pop his head up and make sure to 'divide some more' with FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Oh and get that epic photo op, just like the flag raising on Iwo Jima!. Then the 'accidental' Nazi salute when rolling off... and a high speed camera on site just in the right place and time to catch the bullet! Wow, its almost as if AI doesn't exist? Strange no blood on his hands, as the most natural thing to do is grab the location of the pain when injured, and it was congealed instantly. Must be that thick blood from all his injections!!

So we have the guy from The Apprentice and The WWF Battle of the Billionaires. This guy is a literal reality TV star AND the guy who throws conspiracy theories left right and center when it suits him, Eg The Obama birth cert set up showpiece - or the 'stolen election' that led to Jan 6 and the freedom crackdowns. 'FAKE NEWS' every one!

So, the father of the Vax, Mr Warp speed, who spent at least the next year after leaving office boasting about his involvement and pushing the vax HAARD, who now hires a VP who is a recently converted 'catholic', previous hater of Trump, a VP who is deep invested in mRNA biotec and military connections using such tech is going to be the savior ..Whoops - almost forgot being Mr Epsteins best mate for over 15 years when it was cool to be, lucky he had a new York address as well so no need for inconvenient flight logs... Mr Trump the Democrat of the time inviting Hillary and Bill to his 2005 wedding! How short are peoples memories? The next headline?

Yet you write such things - commenting on the show - like it is a reality and democracy exists, leaning towards 'a side'.

What this event has shown to me, is that a lot of people on here are either cognitively blind, or jammed in their beliefs in their hope for 'a strong man' to save them.

Also, if the SS are in on it and the Cabal wanted him dead, there are plenty of other ways to kill him without providing martyrdom, profit and photo ops....

Now I can really see how that absolute tool media man fooled the Italians en mass - Mussolini - the guy was an obvious egomaniac, but he talked a big talk and the lemmings followed.

You obviously see him as not a member in the club. Disappointing John, have they got to you too? Huge money on the table for influencers after all .....

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

I did not miss that the stock went way up after the presumably "naked" shorting of those shares, and Trump surviving intact. They are forced to actually buy enough shares to cover.

The company is likely ruined by that "clerical error", as they describe it.

As to the behavior of the "Secret Service" on the stage (Why remove and toss his shoes?), it has come out that this was the "b team" and the A-team were detailed away to Harris and Jill Biden, but that half of this b-team were just Homeland Security investigators, not SS.

Yes, Trump is "Mr Reality TV", but because he has a sense for it. As he stood after his experience on the deck, covered by security bodies, he got his bearings and remembered he was on camera, and seized the moment, quite effectively.

The point of CNN cameras being at a Trump rally was to show the Twin Towers (Trump) crashing down again and again for shock value, I think... Instead, the whole world saw "God-Saved-Donald-Trump-From-Evil". This is an insurmountable own-goal for the Globalists...

Yes, learning more about JD Vance. He is poor-white-trash. He did spend 4 years in the USMC, rising to Corporal (not much) as a "combat reporter". He IS very intelligent, graduating with a Summa Cum Laude Philosophy/Political Science degree in 2 years on the GI bill, then going to Yale Law for a degree, then catching the attention of strategic-financial-capitalist, Peter Thiele, which means that he has talent at that level.

Is he "owned"? A lot of interests now want to own him, but I suspect that he is a player, maybe more of a free agent than Trump. The Hindu Machine will be trying to get hooks in him, too. [I find a Cyrus Vance connection to Epstein, but not JD Vance. Link?]

We shall see over time. I am very interested in intelligence regarding the "most intelligent" (Tucker) Senator Vance.

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Jul 21Liked by John Day MD

Everybody has an opinion, and there are lots of loose ends, and lots of interests, so there are lots of opinions posted.

30% of Democrats seem to think Trump staged his assassination.

That protects a lot of other beliefs those people may have. Nobody wants the cognitive dissonance of rearranging their whole worldview.


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The Democrats are no longer "the Democrats." They form the nucleus of the Left-authoritarian regime. The most intolerant group since the Know Nothings. The Republicans are not anything; Trump now owns his own political party. Me, I'm a libertarian. You're correct about a need to rearrange entire worldviews.

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We are similarly "independent", Bill.


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Jul 21Liked by John Day MD

'Democrats' vs 'Republicans' is an actual reality and not a planned show? I'm going to presume you didn't actually read the below points in those articles, most linked with evidence, because "Nobody wants the cognitive dissonance of rearranging their whole worldview." ?? Lets see if that is self reflection.

Trump is free of corporate control? Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M while he lied about NOT taking donations

Trump is an outsider?

a. Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative who bailed Trump out of his casino endeavors and debts in Atlantic City in the 90s was appointed secretary of Commerce by Trump.

b. the Trumps children attend the Bilderberg meetings

c. Ivanka Trump is identified as a WEF Young Global Leader!

Trump give $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO

Trump made significant contributions to the Clinton Global initiative

Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

Trump signed the PREP Act (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act)3 granting indefinite liability immunity to all the Big Pharma companies.

Trump orchestrated or allowed the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir to be classified the only recommended treatment for hospitalized COVID patients, resulting in huge numbers of unnecessary deaths

Trump signed the $2 Trillion CARES Act (The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)4 which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will

Trump’s National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gave FEMA and the CDC what I believe to be unconstitutional federal executive authority over the federal government.

The combination of the CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:

a. A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital

b. Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis

c. Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital

d. A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin

e. Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated

f. More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19

g. A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said, "take the guns now then have due process later". Over 100 Republican Representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House, and it passed.

Trump banned bump stocks. That ban was subsequently overturned by the Supreme Court

Trump appointed Alex Azar, a former Big Pharma executive. as his Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Trump issued Executive Order 13887 on September 19, 2019, militarizing vaccine production in the US before anyone had even heard the word “covid”, which allegedly did not exist until late that year.

Scott Gottlieb and Steven Hanh were both appointed as FDA Commissioners by Trump. Both were Big Pharma executives, assuring total regulatory capture

CDC changed COVID reports and policies under political pressure from Trump administration8 See: -Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found:


Numerous investigations found inappropriate meddling with health policies and information by the Trump administration. See, for example, “The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law”

Trump authorized over $12B in "covid vaccine relief” to disseminate a US-generated bioweapon under the guise of humanitarian aide not only in the US but to countries around the world

Trump signed Operation Warp Speed agreeing to purchase more than $2.5 Billion in vaccines even before clinical trials were completed.

The extraordinary speed with which the novel vaccines were developed for the novel virus is belied by similar patents from US government-funded researchers who patented corona virus mRNA vaccines in 2016 and 2017.

Operation Warp Speed used Americans' taxes to fund a known genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th when it was clear that Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes

Trump signed Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products Executive Order which joined Bayer and Monsanto in creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO oversite and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution12.13

Trump pardoned Aviem Sella, Jonathan Pollard’s handler14, cronies Paul Manfort and Roger Stone, his son-in-law’s father, Charles Kushner and Lil Wayne.15 He failed to pardon Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history

Marxists took to the streets in entire country, often looting and burning entire sectors of cities. These episodes were labeled “peaceful protests” and nothing was done about it other than frequent tweets while the Department of Justice and the FBI did nothing.

Enjoy the show.

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"Democrats" and "Republicans" are common political-identity groups. You must acknowledge the lived realities of people.

Do you assume that all of the people whose worldviews integrate a political-identity into their worldview don't-mean-it, or don't-believe-it?

Let's say something like 47% of Americans can't stand Trump, and project a lot of the negativity in their lived experience onto him, "Trump Derangement Syndrome".

I am not one of them, nor do I idolize him. I have never voted for him, nor been angered by him. His political stances are not mine, particularly on Palestinian Rights, so I will vote my opinion, as usual in the national opinion poll this November.

I do not get much cognitive dissonance, because I observe a lot, without firmly fixed expectations, but more working-hypotheses, which I keep adjusting as new information comes in.

It's how my mind works. Moving every 1-3 years to a new military base my whole childhood (Vietnam years) may have been part of that. You can come home from school any day and discover that "we got orders today".

My eyes glazed over reading your long list, but I kept blinking and reading. Most of that I knew as it happened, or shortly thereafter.

Some of it I don't know to be factual, but it isn't something I know to be wrong, either

What are "Marxists"? I think we can agree that George Soros seemed to fund groups, such as "Black Lives Matter", which destroyed a lot of black businesses and neighborhoods, and most American blacks backed off from those antics pretty quickly, seeing the trap of getting pulled into street-mayhem. "Black-Block" and "Antifa" groups seem to be agents-provocateurs most of the time, right. "Agitators", "instigators"...

Most of the statistics you cite as being worse under Trump, may or may not have been, but are clearly worse still under "Biden", which is "Obama's third term" to many analysts.

I'm not sure what you want to get at, or what you think my views to be, but we may see things more similarly than you suspect.

Stuff is happening. Change is going through human societies like a shock wave through high-explosive, if I might use a dramatic analogy.

This is the same kind of year of rapid change as 1968 was, and I remember it well. I was 10. Dad (USMC Major) had just gotten back from 1967 in Vietnam and we moved to North Carolina just in time for Martin Luther King's assassination, in a "deep south" and "racist" culture I had never experienced before.

Real people kill other real people on both sides in real "race riots". It's not identity-politics like today. I'm glad it's gone.

Back to Trump. It is clear that he is a "live player" and a "loose cannon", too. He has been bribed, but he is erratic.

He has had a life of having to make deals with mafias, including Jewish mafia, and labor unions, and civil-rights organizations like the Black Panthers in the 1960s. The dude has been around the block, and he's still a live player, which some other live players needed to kill, so he wouldn't mess up their plans, like for WW-3. Investments are investments, and it is getting really close to the financial crash that really will be a "great reset". they want it to go their way, not negotiable, and they don't want a loose-cannon-live-player like Trump screwing up their very specific arrangements like a bull in a China shop.

Trump is not "Orange Jesus", but he is not the programmed operator the current upper-management "political elites" need, like Obama/Biden or Harris, or Newsome, or Trudeau in Canada, etc.

The enemy of my enemy may not be trustworthy for me, either, but there is a war already going on. Be aware and try to stay alive to come out the other end of it.

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Jul 20Liked by John Day MD

Today I watched a Catherine Austin Fitts "Money and Markets" video filmed on Wednesday July 17. She and John Titus are of the opinion that Trump was part of a theater production, the assassination attempt. They point out that he asked the audience to look not at him but at a powerpoint at the moment of the gunshot. Also, instead of the security people around Trump protecting him from another shot, his head is fully visible and he puts his fist in the air to create a perfect photo (also staged) with an upside down American flag. Wouldn't this be hugely dangerous in a real situation? I don't know if CAF is right, but it is something to consider. She thinks Trump will be a willing partner in the next phase of our troubles.

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I read it as a botched attempt to do a JFK on him, an embarrassment to the CIA in front of the whole oppressed world...

Maybe I'm off the mark, but that fits all of the observations pretty well, and it's easy to see who would benefit, and it looks like they had a low risk of failure, but they failed on CNN.

I'll keep paying attention and revising.

Truth is the main thing; best we can ascertain...

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Jul 20Liked by John Day MD

Yes, discerning the truth is the main thing.

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I agree entirely. Chris Martenson pretty much proves there were 2 shooters and Crooks only fired the first 3 shots.


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Thanks for the quality round up John

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Notice who just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in...


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Hope for the best but expect the worst. After observing the lead-up to Trump’s attempted assassination and listening to him praise nearby security and . . . not demand to “Lock her up!” for the SS administrator indicates, to me, that he knows he is living on borrowed time. He has seen his mountain top. If Trump is for real, he knows he only has one shot at the deep state before they bury him. If not, he will do as told.

It doesn’t matter if we disagree with war, genocide, surveillance or mandate policies. The intended message to the 99% from the 01% is: “Resistance is Futile”. They are going to kill, most if not, all humans. By any and all means necessary . . . while preserving a habbital planet for themselves.

But they can’t do it all at once. Imagine 8+ billion people all decomposing at the same time.

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Thanks Til. I mostly agree, but Trump seems calmer than I have ever seen him. He can clearly feel-the-love. He is also bound to be in various negotiations, not showing his hand, keeping his options open.

The incompetent people assigned to his detail that day were really just borrowed from elsewhere, not bad people. He likely bonded with them.

The higher functionaries need to be pursued more carefully, and deals will need to be negotiated. Some will need to be "sacrificed" to facilitate the change-of-management actually taking hold at all levels. It is staged to be possible now, after this failed assassination by the current management.

When elites are in deadly competition against each other, as is now the case, one side will usually offer non-elites a considerably better deal than the other side will.

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