I have pondered whether 5G has the right frequencies to be used to implement a grid of lower power transmitters that, used together, could act to replace HAARP? Hide in plain sight. Implement localized weather modification, or if used in a large enough grid, larger areas.
The phased-array beam-locating effects of 5G have similar targeting characteristics to the phased array targeting of the ionosphere with HAARP, but the antenna arrays f HAARP are vast, and powered by vast banks of very high powered amplifiers. HAARP is all about bringing a lot of power to bear on targeted but large areas of the ionosphere.
5G is about pinpointing electronic information signals at a smart-phone at as low a power as will be functional.
That's all I know right there, but it doesn't seem like they can do each other's jobs.
GOD bless you John & Jenny - thank you for being a true TRUTH Warrior ...
Thank You, Susan.
You are doing me good with those garden reminders John! Teza from Sydney Australia
I have pondered whether 5G has the right frequencies to be used to implement a grid of lower power transmitters that, used together, could act to replace HAARP? Hide in plain sight. Implement localized weather modification, or if used in a large enough grid, larger areas.
The phased-array beam-locating effects of 5G have similar targeting characteristics to the phased array targeting of the ionosphere with HAARP, but the antenna arrays f HAARP are vast, and powered by vast banks of very high powered amplifiers. HAARP is all about bringing a lot of power to bear on targeted but large areas of the ionosphere.
5G is about pinpointing electronic information signals at a smart-phone at as low a power as will be functional.
That's all I know right there, but it doesn't seem like they can do each other's jobs.
Pootin's plane ordeal is interesting.