And Kit Knightly of Off-Guardian has published a piece saying that the PTB are trying to eliminate home gardening to grow food.


Apparently, they want to license you to be allowed to grow vegetables, but they'll let everyone eat GMO crops, meat injected with mRNA etc.

Climate change, you see.

It's all those peasants around the globe that actually feed the world that are the root cause of this climate change problem. All those vegetables they grow are done in a dangerous way.

This is what I believe is called 'client-directed research report writing'....

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Kissinger famously observed to Nixon, "control the food and you control the people".

The most basic survival tasks, like growing vegetables MUST be intermediated by a control-apparatus to maintain and insure elite power.

I'd rather not...

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Home grown food is my best shot at ensuring healthy food, without poisons or GMOs or any other corporate horror. Take that away and you are telling me that I am being deliberately poisoned. NO THANK YOU!

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I wondered how the govt. could monitor our home growing of food. And then thought of drones. Egads. Will I have to install an anti-drone system in order to grow herbs and vegies?

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They have already rolled out a program in the US to register your garden, presented as a pride thing, social status, green example. I don't want to register a vegetable garden.

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I have no intention of registering anything. That is all they need to prevent you from doing something.

Why register a marriage? So they can require you to pay a fee? I guess it is the govt. that registers births and deaths, as I cannot recall any fee associated with them. Ah handguns, some want those to be registered, and some oppose the notion. Any record of such a registration is bound to fall into the "wrong" hands - examples abound. I am still agog at the notion of registering a veggie garden. How many veggies does it take to make a veggie garden? What if "they" find a parsley plant in your flowers?

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Oh dear. At 28:20, it now appears that rice fields are as deadly to humanity as cow burps. The horror. I can see why comments are turned off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5MKCctDRM4

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Jan 24, 2024
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Just guessing, but you don't live in Japan.


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Thanks Steve! This looks like a good paper.

"Korea needs to reform its current policy, and a publicity

campaign should take place to inform the general public,

municipal government, local farmers, and local residents

about the value of rice fields as wetland ecosystem

and benefit of sustainable agricultural activity in each

region. "

"The Old Ways are the Best Ways." Mr. Natural


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Hi John. Just sorry I can't keep up more with all the reading. Buried under a flood of subscriptions to substack. And yeah, a lot of Japanese are incensed at that 'specialist's' report about rice paddies. Just wondering how he got that gig at Davos.

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Jan 27, 2024Edited
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Jan 27, 2024
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It has been a long time since I watched that video. I am a fan of Fukuoka's work, and tried to start out mimicking it as much as possible, but I found that everything has to be specific to your garden and each garden is different, and each year is different.

"First get a yield" is the first rule of permaculture.

I knew and know a lot, but knowing what will work in your garden/farm is the most important knowledge, which gets you crops.

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Interesting video. I have heard his name, but not dug into some intriguing ideas that sound good on first listen. But at most, I am a fisherman, not a farmer, and will have to explore more deeply before having anything of value to say.

The Davos video was much too brief and less detailed. I immediately suspected, and still suspect, that the man asked to give his 2 minutes is implying to replace, relocate, or allocate rice farming to the large-scale corporate-industrial model of the U.S. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_production_in_the_United_States ... not to small scale, independent farmers such as Fukuoka. Otherwise, I don't think he would have even been invited to Davos.

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Small scale rice farmers and water buffalo are not the enemy of mother earth.


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Jan 28, 2024Edited
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Jan 26, 2024
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Anyone who has seen or lived in Japan (like myself and John) know that the kind of rice and cultivation methods that the corporate-shill 'expert' at Davos is suggesting would be impossible to implement given:

1 — Japan's geographical features (mostly small terraced rice paddies nestled between mountains and on hillsides) and

2 — limited resources (though lots of water).

And if it were even remotely possible, Japanese scientists, and then the business opportunists, are perfectly capable of having long since implemented such measures.

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Jan 27, 2024
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You farmed the land you had in the old days, before Cargill...


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Jan 24, 2024
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What might happen, indeed? I keep seeing Mad Max predictions, but I'm not sure what actually will happen in life. I don't mean to be coy or anything, but real human behaviors in crises are usually different from what is predicted ahead of time,

I think the gub'mint is still trying to improve their models ever since Katrina.

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John you might have to share your garden.

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The law of biological limits affords no exceptions; cheap energy has fueled this brief technological age. Chris Small's "Small Farm Future" presents a likely agrarian, distributist future, but that may be a tad optimistic. :)

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"All farmers are optimists", I hear.

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(Farmer) Wendell Berry has written that "There is no such thing as optimist versus pessimist; there is only realist versus fantasist." As a farmer, I know I can't feed 25 cows on ten acres of land -- and cows don't watch flatscreens, mow lawns, chat on computers and phones, or tool around in jets and EVs. Wendell's writings teach that humanity must not treat finite resources as if they were infinite. He also said our only hope may be in our collapse -- optimistic? :)

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We could probably save some energy by banning (most) advertising;

We could probably save some energy by not turning food into processed muck;

We could probably save some energy by banning those energy guzzling big

data collection & storage centres (they use Enormous Amounts of Energy);

We could probably save some energy by transitioning to a Bamboo & Hemp

based economy;

We could probably save some energy by not producing new car models every

year or so, by producing a basic T-model Ford all-purpose means of transport.

restoring the ideas of durability (instead of built-in obsolescence) and that cars

are for transportation.

We gotta start somewhere...

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Toyota Matrix. Bring it back, please.

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Thank you for this extensive information. Do other energy sources play no role like Nuclearie battery that lasts 50 years that recently became known, solar panels, windmills, batteries?

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An atomic battery, nuclear battery, radioisotope battery or radioisotope generator is a device which uses energy from the decay of a radioactive isotope to generate electricity. Like nuclear reactors, they generate electricity from nuclear energy, but differ in that they do not use a chain reaction. Although commonly called batteries, they are technically not electrochemical and cannot be charged or recharged. They are very costly, but have an extremely long life and high energy density, and so they are typically used as power sources for equipment that must operate unattended for long periods of time, such as spacecraft, pacemakers, underwater systems and automated scientific stations in remote parts of the world.


Nothing is as easy to use and well worked out as coal, oil and gas.


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Yes. Well said. There are many paths home to our Source and we just need to keep ours eyes open and with discernment for the right one for us.

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Oil might be nearing the end in the USA (certainly fracked oil) and areas US or euro companies drill but certainly not in Russia. Unless it’s really true oil came from dead plankton, trees and dinosaur skeletons, 90,000 feet down?

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Russia has a unique position going forward, with lots of natural resources and land, a military to hold them, and a population on the upswing from their 1990s crash, with motivation, intelligence and expertise. Yes, lots of mafia, too.

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Do you not hang your as-yet-unripe tomatoes in the garage where they can ripen? I have read about this technique, but never tried it.

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I let them sit on the counter. Some have invisibly begun ripening. Others never will. All that have visibly started ripening will continue, unless they rot.

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BTW, "death" could indeed have been a visitation by the visitors. One thing they don't like is people who aren't afraid of them. They'll move on to the next candidate and work to intimidate them or convince them of their godlike abilities. They are incarnate just as we are. It's just that they have a big bag of high tech tricks.

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Mysteries persist. That experience taught me that life and death are in the hands of God, but we are responsible to do our honest best, not make excuses.

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I am glad to hear you talk of God and also of 'mysteries'. I am grateful for the 'mystery' and not being able to reduce all questions to a pat answer. I am also a big fan of God--or Knowledge as my spiritual path would call it. Knowledge is that inner-knowing that many of us think of as instinct, but is much greater than that. We see it as the deeper Intelligence of our Source that all sentient beings have been endowed with--even our alien visitors. It is just that they have left their connection to their spiritual nature behind in exchange for the god of technology. The spiritual path I am on is called the Greater Community Way of Knowledge and it has two main focuses--as given to the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. One is that humanity is destroying our world and that there is no other world out there that would be suited as well to our race. We must clean up our world and learn to live sustainably on Earth. The second is that an alien Intervention is occurring in our world and that we must connect more deeply with Knowledge to be aware of their intentions and ways in which to reject their agenda. As you said, there really is no way to know what their intentions are unless it is through divine revelation. God wants us to win this one, but their plan is advancing quickly. In my 18 years as a student of Knowledge, I have come to know that God really does care for all of Creation--but that humanity is a special race. We have been able to keep Knowledge alive in our world when it has died out in many others in the Greater Community of intelligent life. Free worlds are rare in the GC and the few Free worlds in our galaxy would like to have the support of others. The link to AlliesofHumanity[dot]org gives you access to 4 books of briefings sent to Marshall Vian Summers from representatives of several free races who have actually been asked to help humanity understand the Intervention occurring here and to provide information that might be helpful in resisting it. First and foremost is to become more deeply connected to Knowledge within. We are dealing with a very intelligent enemy and humanity must become much more intelligent to resist them--and once we accomplish this feat, to be intelligent enough to remain free within the very much larger and more competitive arena of the Greater Community of intelligent life. A great and demanding challenge but also an incredibly inviting adventure. When you have a chance, and if you are up for a great adventure and a more tangible connection to the Creator, please look into the Allies books--and there is also NewMessage[dot]org--the more spiritual side of the adventure. Sorry for the length of these comments--but it is exciting to actually have engagement with an intelligent human being on this subject. Marshall's son, Reed, is an amazingly intelligent and articulate spokesperson on the Intervention if you'd like to hear more. https://x.com/ophello/status/1748996834566279200?s=20

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I drilled down into that a little bit and found this good advice for our moment in history:

"In a more united state, you will preserve your resources and share them equitably because you will have realized that you must establish a state of stability and security. What other nations in the universe have established to maintain peace and equanimity is what humanity will have to establish within your own world. The choice here is fundamental. It is the greatest choice you will have to make, and it will have to be made repeatedly—to choose either war and conflict or agreement and cooperation.

Your declining resources will help you in this regard, for if any nation in your world seeks to remain aggressive and hostile, its resources can be denied to it by the rest of the world. This is what happens in the Greater Community should any nation become aggressive and hostile, seeking to dominate or overwhelm other nations, seeking conquest of territory or seeking to eliminate its competitors. Such a nation will have to face a united opposition by all others who are involved in their networks of trade. This has effectively eliminated a great deal of conflict in the universe.

It is necessity, then, that drives such cooperation. Yet humanity has not yet established such agreements, for it has not had to face what all advancing nations in the universe must face, and that is the depletion of their resources."


This reminds me of The Urantia Book, sent by helpful aliens through ESP to sleeping savants from around 1930-1950. "The NASA Bible" as a NASA programmer friend of mine referred to it. I started with Paper 42, "Energy, Mind and Matter", because "the answer to life, the universe and everything", is "42". The detailed story of the life of Jesus ("Christ Michael") on earth, and just preceding his human incarnation, is long, but easy to read.


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Thank you for looking into the Briefings. You are unusual, in that you were willing to look. It is good to know that we do have Allies in the Greater Community (GC) who are helping us--from a distance--to know what is happening and to encourage action. Thank you for the info on the Urantia Book. I did dip into it years ago, around the same time as A Course in Miracles. Neither of them felt right for me and the Urantia Book actually made me feel uncomfortable. It was not long after that that I found the NewMessage--and I only go deeper. For me, the spiritual message is the meat of the more than 9,000 pages of Revelation that Marshall has received--but we must remain free to be able to learn from these works and so we must deal with this Intervention and the WEF. :)) One of the things that I like best about the NM is that it puts the responsibility squarely on the individual--no excuses. :)

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I don't learn much with eyes closed. :-)

I think each individual path to truth has to fit the internal composition of the individual at the start, right? "Feels right" vs. "feels uncomfortable".

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I love it! John Day, you are not a sissy and it will take people of courage who are willing to face the brave new world coming--and stare it in the face and declare we have a better idea. Yes, I remember the Twilight Zone episode and I think of it often as well. But demonic this isn't. These are just beings who have used up their planets just as we are doing and are using a tried and true method for manipulating the naive residents of the objective planet so that they will eventually give themselves over. So sad, but many of the upper ruling class in our world would be doing the same thing if they were able to cruise around the galaxy. As above, so below. We are entering a much bigger and more competitive arena--if we can avoid extinction on our home world. I say, let's make sure we do. There is certainly no turning back. We have been discovered and our isolation is over.

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Thanks Dariel. Some sadistic humans embody this "demonic" trait.

I don't know about aliens. Rumors of reptilians and a couple of types of "grays" are evident.

I have known two military officers, a naval commander and a USAF colonel, who spoke quite frankly to me about their experiential knowledge of aliens, one instance each, one a flying-hovering-glowing craft, and one bodies in cold storage.

The difficulties of time spent in space travel suggest some alien bodies might be robotic-living-android hybrids.

Another suggestion is life forms that are trans-dimensional, non-corporeal, which gets to seeming like angels and demons.

Again, I don't have a way to know, myself.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Are you CERTAIN?


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Jan 25, 2024Edited
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Too much conversion of matter to energy is needed to approach a significant fraction of lightspeed to accomplish time-dilation. It is cost-prohibitive, just not "worth it", and bodies would still become very weak and unhealthy. Distances are very long. Consciousness -transplants would be more practical.

Physical stuff just doesn't have so much value at relativistic travel distances, hell, barely so in our solar system. Mining tritium for fusion on the moon might work out, but propelling a fusion reactor to near lightspeed? Possible at all?

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Jan 25, 2024Edited
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Thank you John Day. Your articles always feel beyond my comprehension--but I can't quit reading. As you describe the 'end of oil as we know it' and the party's over--coming up soon, I'd like to introduce another complication into the picture. You have probably heard it suggested before, but I'd like you to consider that the many complications and challenges we are seeing in our world are being further exasperated by an alien Intervention that has been present in our world for at least 8 decades. They are a very patient group of beings--actually resource explorers and collectives with plans to study our race, find its weaknesses and strengths--capitalize on the former and undermine the latter with the culminating agenda of taking control of our world. They will be happy to keep those best suited to become good slaves and will dispose of the rest. They are exceptionally adept at manipulating us mentally and those who are the most power hungry and greedy are most susceptible. They make good puppets as they are doing the work of corralling the world population but they will eventually be sacrificed as well. As I heard someone say, the overlords are "saving them for dessert." But that isn't much comfort to those of us who will go first. Our visitors are also good at sewing divisiveness and keeping us at each other's throats and occupied. This is not hard at this point as most of the world population is to busy just keeping a roof over their head and food on the table to do much else than snap at their neighbors. Yes, this may sound far-fetched, but is there any other theory for the world going mad as fast--and actually as far back as the planning for this totalitarian takeover seems to imply--that has any more credible, rational perspective than this? I love the thoroughness of your look at our resource-poor future. It is indeed bleak. But even more bleak would be the coup de grace when our visitors come to our aid--our saviors--in the midst of a freezing winter or a roasting summer and they offer us energy that they can provide in abundance, if we only entrust ourselves to them. The moral is, Never take candy from strangers. There is a means to rid our world of this scourge but humanity must awaken to the danger first. AlliesofHumanity[dot]org.

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That makes me think of two things, the first being "demonic" entities which crave the energy of human (and animal) suffering, called "Loosh" https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/

The second is this Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone)

I don't "know", but I try to be aware of ideas. It is very hard to really know, but one can live well and honorably, and keep one's eyes open. I don't particularly think we are alone in the universe, and I once experienced being interviewed by "Death", an empty, cold entity which was sort of pissed off, because I wasn't afraid, and it wasn't my time. What was that?

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