What is needed is a clandestine spy in the room all the time with the global collectivist psychopath elites. Every single global crisis now has been mapped out decades earlier. It’s always too late for the rest of us by the time their Machiavellian schemes manifest in the present. These demons have been

on this planet long before the first human soul appeared. They’ve had an eternity to plot and scheme our demise.

Just remember, they were cast out of Heaven before landing here. That means THEY ALREADY LOST. The God drops us in behind enemy lines, perhaps just to remind them they are lost for eternity.

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I'm more in favor of not using clandestine means, but seeking and accepting divine guidance.

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That works even better. Hard to stay occult amongst occultists. That was best portrayed in Eyes Wide Shut.

Divine guidance has gotten me through life, even when I didn’t realize it.

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"Divine guidance has gotten me through life, even when I didn’t realize it. "

Truer than true! Thank you for that :-)

This may seem unconnected - please bear with me - but many analysts are asking in frustration why Russia doesn't "serve EU right" / retaliate by simply cutting the gas flow to Europe. Russia doesn't do that because 1) unlike some it observes its contracts and 2) actions speak louder than words: by upholding the legal and moral law a great power demonstrates that it is worthy of trust.

So it could be that doing the right thing is a step in the right direction....

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Thanks Eleni.

People don't understand why Russia didn't obliterate Ukraine in a week like they had predicted. They said "Russia is going so slowly; they are struggling:, because they did not know Russian intentions or plans. They knew only their own projections, what they might plan if they were in Russian shoes.

Russia is going for the whole strategic 50 year win, not a short-term tactical victory.

Russia wants healthy international relationships, a beneficial relationship between peoples and nations, which will not be based on a master-slave financial colonization model, but a healthy model, which can foster peace and adaptation to the many planetary exigencies which threaten us and other species of animals and plants.

Do I overstate it and project my own hopes?

Maybe, but not too much, I think.

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Even the bad things and the evil ones serve God’s purpose, no matter how much they desire to usurp their Creator.

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They fooled a lot of people with "Covid," so they think they can just lie, lie, lie, and we'll all just believe it, always and forever, regardless of how absurd it gets. It'll be fun to see their reactions when the circus winds down...

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