Jul 16Liked by John Day MD

Trump is not a 'threat The Establishment' !

Trump represents the Republican wing of the US Uniparty,

Biden represents the Democrat wing of the US Uniparty...

Trump is only a 'threat' to the Democrat wing...

If Trump was ever really a Threat to The Establishment he'd

have been deleted by now...

And given every reveal about The Lone Gunman's lack of actual

training, and limitations of the weapon he allegedly

used, plus weather conditions, the Real Miracle is that he hit

anywhere near "The Bullseye"...

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I'm not sure who fired the shots, and there may have been multiple shooters, even a robot somewhere. I don't feel like the odd bits are all fitting yet.

It seems like there are different elite factions, notably globalists and nationalists, but others, and they like to own a broad range of candidates wherever they might come in handy later.

We are going into an upset, with pure-evil kicking, screaming and hissing.

Wars get started suddenly in this setting.


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Well in India it makes electricity. I’ve always felt methane as a useful gas for small scale self-reliance has been terribly under-utilised.

Bill Mollison had good working units decades ago but we just went electric and coal

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Having methane concentrated to burn for cooking, heat or power generation is a good thing.

Cows belch their farts, mostly.

Thanks for clarifying.

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Cow fart rule

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Do elaborate...

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Here's my song of the day:


Double Down News is terrific! as is Lowkey who did a great analysis of Zionist money in UK politics.

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Jul 15Liked by John Day MD

The toxic degeneration of the Amerikan Mind and its violent outcome and it reminds me also that (The evils of Government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the People ???? Frank Kent

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