20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by John Day MD

Is there some psychology trickery going on ?

Two "failed attempts" to assassinate Trump have stoked fears They

wont stop till They succeed...

Now, if i was a solid Trump supporter i might be thinking 'i dont want

to see Trump assassinated, so i wont vote for him, wont vote at all, so

They'll stop trying to assassinate him.'

All eyes are on 'the security failures', but honestly, both 'failed attempts'

come across as having had failure built into them...

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"They" must take Trump/Kennedy/Vance/Gabbard out or lose power... The battle is NOW.

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“So with object-oriented ontology, we’re dealing with the real truth, not with a lie. For the first time, modernity has told the truth about itself. What was before was a lie of modernity. Modernity lied to everybody. “Oh, we’re in favour of humanity. We’re in favour of life. We are trying to liberate human beings and nature from the transcendental fascist God”. That was a lie and not in favour of humanity but against humanity and God. The main idea was to liberate the Devil from the chains with which he was fixed in Hell. This was the liberation of the Devil, not of man, and now comes the moment to liberate the Devil from humanity and life. And that is object-oriented ontology that clearly, openly, explicitly affirms that, and they are object-oriented philosophers. They are closer to us traditionalists because we always saw in modernity this devilish, demonic aspect.

So for traditionalists, modernity was not neutral. Modernity from the very beginning was a satanic creation, and that is the main traditional line. Now there appear among the most progressivist philosophers schools of thought that say the same, but in favour of Satan. It is not “masses or LaVey — the real black magic is modern science and modern culture. Modern civilisation is a kind of preparation for the advent of the Antichrist, and Islamic tradition identifies it as Dajjal. Christians see it as the Antichrist. I think that this appeal to Lovecraft, to black magic and to the extermination of mankind and nature is disclosed by Nick Land as the real nature of science and modernity as well, and this is why it serves the Great Awakening.

Object-oriented ontology is the other side of the Great Awakening, when our consciousness is awakened to the fact what progress in reality is. It mobilises our spiritual power, which awakens the rest of our human dignity, and that is the real fight. But it is much better to deal with people who tell the truth about their negative purposes and principles than with liars. So, inside of the lie, there appears the most radical truth about life. That is why I could not condemn it the same way that I hate analytical philosophy, positivism or the natural sciences of Newton or Galileo, which were a pure catastrophe and a lie about nature and humanity. For example, I hate Biden and Kamala Harris, but I could not hate Reza Negarestani or Nick Land or Harman who are real and conscious Satanists. So better to deal with the reality as it is than with all these lies. If, for example, a progressivist in the United States would declare that they serve Satan, and Satan should return, it’s much easier for us to deal with him. So I always prefer the truth, even when the truth is very dark and very terrible. I always prefer the truth to the comfortable lie that tries to seep into our thoughts. The evil helps to awaken because it’s terrible, and I think that what Americans are now experiencing with Kamala Harris and the Democrats is the real horror. The more horror, the better, I think.”

Excerpt From

Great Awakening Vs the Great Reset (9781914208492)

Dugin, Alexander

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Florid, dramatic, inflammatory, not particularly loving or compassionate...

Hates natural sciences, Newton and Galileo?

Is this projection?

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He was considered a voice of resistance to the West. Not too many years ago at that. Today, in this hour, another side is discussed. https://canopyforum.org/2024/08/22/the-illiberalism-of-aleksandr-dugin-romantic-anti-capitalism-occult-fascism-and-the-war-in-ukraine/

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I probably won't read any of his books...

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Oddly I just encountered a few moments ago his Substack. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149006477?source=queue

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He just says a lot of stuff like it's true and he's the authority.

He should read some Frank Herbert and work on subtlety, insight, nuance and gentle persuasion; painting landscapes of the truth he sees, stuff like that.

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1917! David Burliuk, Alexander Kruchenykh, Vladmir Mayakovsky, Victor Khlebnikov 1917

A Slap in the Face of Public Taste

Source: http://www.unknown.nu/futurism/.

To the readers of our New First Unexpected.

We alone was the face of our Time. Through us the horn of time blows in the art of the world.

The past is too tight. The Academy and Pushkin are less intelligible than hieroglyphics.

Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, etc., etc. overboard from the Ship of Modernity.

He who does not forget his first love will not recognize his last.

Who, trustingly, would turn his last love toward Balmont’s perfumed lechery? Is this the reflection of today’s virile soul?

Who, faint-heartedly, would fear tearing from warrior Bryusov’s black tuxedo the paper armor-plate? Or does the dawn of unknown beauties shine from it?

Wash your hands which have touched the filthy slime of the books written by the countless Leonid Andreyevs.

All those Maxim Gorkys, Krupins, Bloks, Sologubs, Remizovs, Averchenkos, Chornys, Kuzmins, Bunins, etc. need only a dacha on the river. Such is the reward fate gives tailors.

From the heights of skyscrapers we gaze at their insignificance!...

We order that the poets’ rights be revered:

To enlarge the scope of the poet’s vocabulary with arbitrary and derivative words (Word-novelty).

To feel an insurmountable hatred for the language existing before their time.

To push with horror off their proud brow the Wreath of cheap fame that You have made from bathhouse switches.

To stand on the rock of the word “we” amidst the sea of boos and outrage.

And if for the time being the filthy stigmas of your “common sense” and “good taste” are still present in our lines, these same lines for the first time already glimmer with the Summer Lightning of the New Coming Beauty of the Self-sufficient (self-centered) Word.

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On the brink of total madness

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