The reduction of the Western World? Examine the countries with the highest uptake of the corrosive gene therapies. I’ve been wrestling with this too. Is the ascendancy of Russia and China part of the plan? The leveling of the populations, that historically had greater wealth and a greater sense of personal rights and liberties? The CIA works for the Rockefellers after all. Perhaps at a certain level there is acquiescence to the reduction of America. It certainly seems like there is far too much observationally to be coincidence. The controlled destruction of American mythologies and philosophies has been underway for some time.
I love how Chomsky penetrates appearances with real insight and concern for the poor, and also promotes Paolo Freire who made some good points but was otherwise quite insane in his role architecting delusional utopian religion now hollowing out schools, churches, etc. Even our geniuses must be taken with a grain of salt, our lesser lights even more so.
Like the raccoon, we must wash every morsel of information we consume.
The reduction of the Western World? Examine the countries with the highest uptake of the corrosive gene therapies. I’ve been wrestling with this too. Is the ascendancy of Russia and China part of the plan? The leveling of the populations, that historically had greater wealth and a greater sense of personal rights and liberties? The CIA works for the Rockefellers after all. Perhaps at a certain level there is acquiescence to the reduction of America. It certainly seems like there is far too much observationally to be coincidence. The controlled destruction of American mythologies and philosophies has been underway for some time.
Make your own practical plans, please. Grow some food. Be a friend.
Pay attention to the other stuff, but that big scale stuff is out of our league.
I love how Chomsky penetrates appearances with real insight and concern for the poor, and also promotes Paolo Freire who made some good points but was otherwise quite insane in his role architecting delusional utopian religion now hollowing out schools, churches, etc. Even our geniuses must be taken with a grain of salt, our lesser lights even more so.
Like the raccoon, we must wash every morsel of information we consume.