What sane American would go to the meat grinder FFS?

Ukraine is half way around the world, there is zero threat to the territorial integrity of the USA, hence it is unconstitutional to force US citizens to go and die just because a few Ukro-Nazi immigrants hate Russians pathologically.

This is Vietnam all over again, except this time the war IS existential for the enemy, whereas I am sure that the Soviet Union didn't see Vietnam as in any way equivalent to Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Kaliningrad nor Crimea. I can't see any situation where this can end well for Americans.

I'm sure, after all, that you will find the vast majority of sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters miraculously avoiding the draft, meaning that those who ordain death and destruction bear zero cost personally for their fatalistic decisions.

Are we really going to see the spectacle of 'conscientious objection' being cancelled by the tyrannical overlords? Anyone with a conscience knows that the Ukraine-Russia dispute can be settled diplomatically, but that the USA has machinated for 9 years to prevent that happening. Therefore 'not in my name' is a valid justification for conscientious objection.

Another defence is: 'until every single member of the media under 40 is on the front line, not reporting, but fighting, then you have no right to force me to go either.' Very important to see the salivating wordsmiths show how brave they all are, after all. Brave with rifles, with tanks, facing up to Russian missiles. Can you see that happening? Me neither.

It is of course another way to 'depopulate' if you grind 3000 a day - that's a million a year. Not a great dent in 330 million, but they're all of reproductive age, so it'll amplify over a generation, won't it??

When was the last time Russia fired a lethal missile into an EU state?

When did Russia ever fire a lethal missile into the lower 48?

Not much form of Russia where 'Clear and Present Danger' is concerned, is there???

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Russia is not giving the empire a good excuse to mobilize for total war.


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True. "We" are already discussing "rebuilding" Ukraine. In fact there is little to rebuild in nazi Ukraine proper: the Russians have kept it intact bar a few tactical strikes. The destruction is in the east, now Russian, after 11 years of war.

"Rebuilding" is code for Monsanto, Vanguard, Blackrock etc to grab whatever wealth remains west of the contact line, ie mines etc.. The plan is for the EU to fund this; meanwhile their banking arms will receive payment with interest from Ukraine's massive war loans.

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I really don't want Bio-tech and Globo-Cap to get all that fine soil.

I sincerely hope they are thwarted.

Russians know they are the core enemy.

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It is my impression that Blackrock's many Ag co.s now own most of it. Meanwhile the whole country is planted with GMO.

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I don’t think its ‘Ukro-Nazi immigrants behind this conflict

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Do Nuland and Freeland count?

They's sure "helping".

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Good example

Nuland and her ilk

Free land and memories of the NKND

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Oct 5, 2023
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I think they have been there all along, but it's hush hush.

Bunches of them "die in helicotper crashes" far far away...

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Good essay.

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Thanks Aaron. I read your longer comment in my email, but I guess you changed your mind.

Let's just not do the big war they are pushing us into.

Let's not have all those damaged souls who know how to kill other people, OK?

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Did anyone notice Glenn Greenwald's report on McCarthy's ouster?


At about 18:16 min in McHenry (sporting a bow-tie) slams the gavel down but in Democracy Now's, long ago captured by the DNC, coverage he is restrained and wearing a regular tie. So one was a re-enactment? And why would the Dems vote out McCarthy after he just made a secret deal with them against his own party?

And, wouldn't any relative change in the position or magnitude of Earth's magnetic field heat up all the iron ore? Like inductive heating.

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McCarthy going away may be a signal, but it may be a signal of discord. It might help unfund Ukraine, like if he made a secret deal to fund Ukraine, but now he's gone...

I saw some footage of McHenry whacking the gavel down hard. Maybe he brought it down other times, too.

There's a lot of elite discord.

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Hamburgers more dangerous than drones!

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Drones with bombs can convert husbands to hamburgers.


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but when 10 or more potential hamburgers gather together, my head off that they plan to mimic a Wagner assault on Kiev, the canon fodder drone cannot be kept in the air too long before they turn their backs on the enemy from home. Lessons not learned from history Apocalyps Vietnam, where missions had to be organised to neutralise runaways in deep Cambodia, cannot get it that there are military still denying these mutinies…..🥩

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Tell me about "neutralizing" the runaways in Cambodia. I don't know about that.

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Theme from Francis Coppola’s movie “Apocalyps Now” 1979 with Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando, these mutinies and private armies in exile or refugees in Cambodia happened, there’s mentioning of it by Douglas Valentine in Operation Phoenix.

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Thanks, I had not heard about it being real. I may ask a special forces friend of mine about it. He was "there" for 2 years.

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Ukraine is a totally different war and I don’t feel good with it, I don’t feel good at all. German minister of internal affairs said the war can still be won with a total mobilisation of 2 to 3 million civilians, children, elderly, crippled and many times innocent people hijacked from their cars or just leaving their homes! These people’s destiny is none other than a Ukrainian Holocaust. It takes between 1 and 2 years for a minimum military training, and for a coherent strategy in modern warfare maybe more than 2 years. Civilians can be good in wargames on the internet but when in the middle of a war zone we’re talking completely different. Here we don’t talk about mutiny or desertion or insubordination but about naked killing of the masses. The thinktanks don’t care about human sacrifice and forgive me, Russians are more willing to die than westerners even though one dead soldier is one too many.

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