It is incredibly sad how little is known or understood about the monetary system. I'm sure that is by design as the intent is to have the vast majority trading their labor at a subsistence level while the rest is stripmined by the owners of capital. The financial ingenuity of debt slavery, the growing hurdles and complexity of the administrative state and the highlighting of the few success stories keeps the masses locked in. But I wonder if it is reaching a blowoff top where it is no longer possible to expand it. Not everything that counts can be counted, try as they might...
When things get too lopsided the "peasants are revolting" (punchline follows)...
We are there again, but the monkeylike owners can't let go of the handful of sweet rice to get their hand out of the trap.
FDR was a "class traitor" and sort of saved their bacon, but they kept trying to kill him. Some think they succeeded. Stalin sure thought FDR "was poisoned by Churchill's gang".
Thank you, John! This is a great explanation of what the system does in reality, and the sheep do not know how it works. It may as well be string theory or quantum physics. It really is not that complicated to understand if you just do some reading. Ellen Browns web of debt is a good start or Michael Hudson. So, what is the end game? It is the great reset, and if anyone does not know yet, then you are not paying attention. The biosecurity state is systematically enslaving all of humanity into a digital prison. No boundaries, no states, no human rights, nothing but a one world government that will by injection kill off most of the human race in favor of the elite's offspring and whatever technocrats they need for whatever. 911 led to the Patriot Act, that led to the NSAA, that led to the loss of individual rights, that led to the government's ability to use the Constitution as toilet paper. Homeland security was enacted not to protect us from terrorists from other countries, but to protect the enslaving system they plan for us. Now we have the WHO vying for the control of our health decisions so we will not even have autonomy over our own health. The WEF states plainly that we will own nothing and be happy! Someone will own everything, just not us. They will dictate what we will be injected with after they develop another virus or ten, and then by force, not choice make us all get these clot shots that will kill hundreds of millions of us without notice. Some excuse will be put forth to explain the deaths, just like covid, mere coincidence, nothing to see here, move along all you cattle, do what you are told, be afraid, be verry afraid, but worry not because gig daddy will look after you, like the guards at Dachau did. I cannot think what the Latin term is at present, but it goes something loke this, just because B follows A does not mean that A caused B! But this is not always the case, it actually does in the alphabet, right? World class athletes dropping dead on the field in numbers never seen before, but it has nothing to do with the jabs, right? Finance is not the problem to focus on. It is like the Doctor saying to Mr. Jones, do not worry about the hangnail, it is nothing compared to the gang green eating your leg off. I warn you that three sides of the cage have been built and the final one is halfway finished. time to wake up!
The question to ask avaricious bankers is simple: 'What is more valuable to you: $10bn or the lives of your children and the integrity of your genitalia?'
You won't win playing bankers at their own game.
You will win if you wipe out their bloodlines.
Bankers know this and are terrified of the day when someone makes them choose between obscene wealth and basic human dignity.
Most of this and past social rape has occurred because of greed. To make it go faster and remove checks and balances those in power also use bribery and blackmail.
Most objectionable material is trivial for the power structures to monitor on phones and the cloud or in transit on the Internet but it is not used to legally charge perpetratrs with crimes that repulse everyone, it is instead used to get dirt on leaders and new (YGL) leaders to allow them to be controlled when it is time to promote some new angle that will allow for more control or profit.
There are too many politicians that have apparently willingly done things that make no sense to a school child but benefit the powerful. How is that possible unless all politicians who have real power are beholden to the hidden rulers?
Well JD, you did it again! Thanks! The big exploitation machine steams ever onward because of our consensus that dollars (and their debt-based counterparts) have value. Its like we're under some kind of spell or something. Fun fact: we humans are the only species on the planet that uses a metaphor for energy (money in all forms). All the other life forms use actual energy (embedded / potential and kinetic).
You're absolutely right. Muammar Gaddafi had a pair, didn't he? But here's the thing; fiat currencies are inherently failure prone and the outlook for CBDC doesn't look very good. The crypto-bros have an interesting approach, but as a final solution, it doesn't feel quite right to me.
'Cryptocurrencies are cheaper to keep safe than precious metals. The biggest threat to their use as a store of value is CBDCs, owned by rapacious elites, more than willing to render them worthless through uncontrolled 'coin creation' at an unspecified time in the future'. Discuss....
Yes, if you stress test crypto it may 'not be available' if a 'terrorist attack' brings down the internet. Gold and silver will survive that unscathed.
I have seen people offering their house for sale requesting payment in Bitcoin though. And there are those who ask for donations for their website output, offering payment in 'normal fiat currencies' or Bitcoin or Ethereum.
I dislike the term WEED, there are so few of them that I would say they are an exception. I prefer the term PIONEER PLANTS to more closely reflect the value they provide. Weeds will grow where nothing else will and will collonise disturbed soil to protect from runoff and add mulch over the years until there is enough for some valuable plant to grow.
You are right that they cannot be eradicated and will pop up where they are needed and others are not able to survive.
Dunno where you got the idea that the RNC or the DNC are part of the solution. It seems pretty plain to me that they are very much a part of the problem.
I don't trust RFK Jr., though - no matter how many of his relatives were assassinated. Not only saintliness can be deadly, there are other scenarios. He should be evaluated completely in isolation from his family history which is difficult for people, and his statements about under what potential (not exclusively "climatic") circumstances he would be in favor of lockdowns and vaccine mandates should be a part of that assessment.
So far RFK Jr. has shown the most willingness to oppose systematic abuse of regular people. I do not know that he has a intelligence plant like that other charismatic fellow who makes grand promises but never seems to deliver fully.
He may not be perfect and I could care less about his family but I think he is the best thing on offer. Is he a controlled opposition, perhaps, certainly is very deep cover. Will he be removed if he get access to real power, there is that likelyhood sadly.
Sadly the system is nearly impossible to sanitise with just a few noble people, having one right at the top would offer tha small chance though.
Thanks Rhys. I watched that. This is a US military veteran explaining how the trees burning from inside out in California, Canada and Hawaii are caused by microwave Directed Energy Weapons heating the tree sap to blowing holes in the tree and burning, and that they also induce currents in household wiring and metal pipes, also leading to superheating and fires.
When he says "Maser" it is like a "laser" but with microwaves, instead of visible light. Energy beam weapons don't need to be "coherent" waves like lasers or masers, just a lot of energy.
Talk about synchronicity! Today, I was catching up on "Canadian Prepper" and came on this ... which basically says the same thing ... ... particularly a few minutes beginning at 21:45.
Actually, for purely pragmatic reasons after consideration also of his apparent personality as well as of his and his wives' ancestry: Trump. Not that thrilled by his son in law, though.
Trump has shown that he is easy to manipulate. I would not take that chance a second time, that trust was broken and the airtime the mainstream media is giving to his followers is deliberately to take it away from real leaders.
Why would he be in the news any more if he was a danger to the system?
Why is RFK Jr. NOT in the news if he was a person the elite could trust.
Everything partisan is a joke, RFK Jr. has to play by one or other party just to get a foot in the door but he speaks of working TOGETHER with the opposition. Both parties are EQUALLY complicit and unless there is a way to get a wedge into the system it will simply alternate between blue and red elite sycophants until society crumbles.
An independent would be best but the media keeps the voters fearful of the OTHER party and they are told that voting independent will give to the other party (it does not but it wasted if the independent has no chance).
RFK Jr. outspoken about wanting to fix his OWN party to be better. Trump has not stood back from the vaccines yet and never stood up for Ivermectin after he got egg on his face so he is a waste of time. Totally captured or controlled and simply used now to pull people away from other candidates until the media chooses the one to promote.
Oh, by now I think the elites would know that our interest is piqued when the candidate is ostracized. I found it quite remarkable that Tucker interviewed him and then Tucker was gone. That's exactly the kind of thing that the elites would know makes us think the elites don't want him. But I think by now, things have gotten more difficult because there is little authenticity left. Everything can and has been calculated.
Very interesting times just ahead... Sad, Strange and Scary. Too many people will get hurt. Of course, the 'Masters of the Universe' may have more tricks in their trick box to pull out a winning situation... but who knows ?
😳Wow! I’m reading a little historical narrative on gold and miners and how hard it was to carry around.
The next thing .......then ‘they ‘created’ gold, causing the rest of us to die’. I mean it’s kinda like reading “Deliverance”. 😱.
Oh well, thought about this many times. But really I worked in a lab at a gold mine. They get those bars made pretty readily,...didn’t think much about it then as gold mines were plentiful. Until the new millennium....then as John CLEARLY shows, it’s downhill from there.
The globalists control the money flow, and through about 160 their central banks, governments. Apart from that, they own and/or control everything else that matters, so disrupting the supply chain would result in total breakdown of civilization...
The private bank, the Federal Reserve, has been issuing the USD since 1913, in the form of loans (the Treasury prints the bills, but that amount is inconsequential). It has already issued more loans at the taxpayer's expense than whatever the whole country is worth. According to those contracts, the collateral is the people's assets, labor, and "lives and limbs."
It is incredibly sad how little is known or understood about the monetary system. I'm sure that is by design as the intent is to have the vast majority trading their labor at a subsistence level while the rest is stripmined by the owners of capital. The financial ingenuity of debt slavery, the growing hurdles and complexity of the administrative state and the highlighting of the few success stories keeps the masses locked in. But I wonder if it is reaching a blowoff top where it is no longer possible to expand it. Not everything that counts can be counted, try as they might...
Nice of you to visit, Amy.
When things get too lopsided the "peasants are revolting" (punchline follows)...
We are there again, but the monkeylike owners can't let go of the handful of sweet rice to get their hand out of the trap.
FDR was a "class traitor" and sort of saved their bacon, but they kept trying to kill him. Some think they succeeded. Stalin sure thought FDR "was poisoned by Churchill's gang".
Do secure your needs and those of your family.
Thank you, John! This is a great explanation of what the system does in reality, and the sheep do not know how it works. It may as well be string theory or quantum physics. It really is not that complicated to understand if you just do some reading. Ellen Browns web of debt is a good start or Michael Hudson. So, what is the end game? It is the great reset, and if anyone does not know yet, then you are not paying attention. The biosecurity state is systematically enslaving all of humanity into a digital prison. No boundaries, no states, no human rights, nothing but a one world government that will by injection kill off most of the human race in favor of the elite's offspring and whatever technocrats they need for whatever. 911 led to the Patriot Act, that led to the NSAA, that led to the loss of individual rights, that led to the government's ability to use the Constitution as toilet paper. Homeland security was enacted not to protect us from terrorists from other countries, but to protect the enslaving system they plan for us. Now we have the WHO vying for the control of our health decisions so we will not even have autonomy over our own health. The WEF states plainly that we will own nothing and be happy! Someone will own everything, just not us. They will dictate what we will be injected with after they develop another virus or ten, and then by force, not choice make us all get these clot shots that will kill hundreds of millions of us without notice. Some excuse will be put forth to explain the deaths, just like covid, mere coincidence, nothing to see here, move along all you cattle, do what you are told, be afraid, be verry afraid, but worry not because gig daddy will look after you, like the guards at Dachau did. I cannot think what the Latin term is at present, but it goes something loke this, just because B follows A does not mean that A caused B! But this is not always the case, it actually does in the alphabet, right? World class athletes dropping dead on the field in numbers never seen before, but it has nothing to do with the jabs, right? Finance is not the problem to focus on. It is like the Doctor saying to Mr. Jones, do not worry about the hangnail, it is nothing compared to the gang green eating your leg off. I warn you that three sides of the cage have been built and the final one is halfway finished. time to wake up!
The question to ask avaricious bankers is simple: 'What is more valuable to you: $10bn or the lives of your children and the integrity of your genitalia?'
You won't win playing bankers at their own game.
You will win if you wipe out their bloodlines.
Bankers know this and are terrified of the day when someone makes them choose between obscene wealth and basic human dignity.
I think that’s why they hide behind the spiders web
Most of this and past social rape has occurred because of greed. To make it go faster and remove checks and balances those in power also use bribery and blackmail.
Most objectionable material is trivial for the power structures to monitor on phones and the cloud or in transit on the Internet but it is not used to legally charge perpetratrs with crimes that repulse everyone, it is instead used to get dirt on leaders and new (YGL) leaders to allow them to be controlled when it is time to promote some new angle that will allow for more control or profit.
There are too many politicians that have apparently willingly done things that make no sense to a school child but benefit the powerful. How is that possible unless all politicians who have real power are beholden to the hidden rulers?
Well JD, you did it again! Thanks! The big exploitation machine steams ever onward because of our consensus that dollars (and their debt-based counterparts) have value. Its like we're under some kind of spell or something. Fun fact: we humans are the only species on the planet that uses a metaphor for energy (money in all forms). All the other life forms use actual energy (embedded / potential and kinetic).
Perhaps you should ask Libyans what happened to them when they wished to start trading outside the dollar system?
The only reason people keep using it is through fear of being murdered by US psychopaths.
You're absolutely right. Muammar Gaddafi had a pair, didn't he? But here's the thing; fiat currencies are inherently failure prone and the outlook for CBDC doesn't look very good. The crypto-bros have an interesting approach, but as a final solution, it doesn't feel quite right to me.
Surely, somebody will come up with something....
Gold and Silver are the real asset it keeps Politicians in a straitjacket !!!!!!
'Cryptocurrencies are cheaper to keep safe than precious metals. The biggest threat to their use as a store of value is CBDCs, owned by rapacious elites, more than willing to render them worthless through uncontrolled 'coin creation' at an unspecified time in the future'. Discuss....
Gotta have a working internernet, though.
Crypto is good for central banks and big transactions only, IMHO.
Yes, if you stress test crypto it may 'not be available' if a 'terrorist attack' brings down the internet. Gold and silver will survive that unscathed.
I have seen people offering their house for sale requesting payment in Bitcoin though. And there are those who ask for donations for their website output, offering payment in 'normal fiat currencies' or Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Am I an externalised cost? Also the thing about weeds is you NEVER get rid of them.
We be weeds.
Loved this line of thought
Off to work for my supper. Laters John
I dislike the term WEED, there are so few of them that I would say they are an exception. I prefer the term PIONEER PLANTS to more closely reflect the value they provide. Weeds will grow where nothing else will and will collonise disturbed soil to protect from runoff and add mulch over the years until there is enough for some valuable plant to grow.
You are right that they cannot be eradicated and will pop up where they are needed and others are not able to survive.
I feel you. I know that angle deeply being a 30 year permaculture professional. But THEY don’t see us that way. Peace x
"Weed" is what I pull so it does not crowd out my food plants.
Dunno where you got the idea that the RNC or the DNC are part of the solution. It seems pretty plain to me that they are very much a part of the problem.
I was being facetious, or trying to be...
I don't trust RFK Jr., though - no matter how many of his relatives were assassinated. Not only saintliness can be deadly, there are other scenarios. He should be evaluated completely in isolation from his family history which is difficult for people, and his statements about under what potential (not exclusively "climatic") circumstances he would be in favor of lockdowns and vaccine mandates should be a part of that assessment.
I am watching all of this closely. "Trust" might not be appropriate ever in politics, right?
What I see is disagreement between oligarchic groups, and the nationalist-rationalist faction seems less cancerous and destructive to me now.
Both Kennedy and Trump seem rational, nationalist and populist to me.
So far RFK Jr. has shown the most willingness to oppose systematic abuse of regular people. I do not know that he has a intelligence plant like that other charismatic fellow who makes grand promises but never seems to deliver fully.
He may not be perfect and I could care less about his family but I think he is the best thing on offer. Is he a controlled opposition, perhaps, certainly is very deep cover. Will he be removed if he get access to real power, there is that likelyhood sadly.
Sadly the system is nearly impossible to sanitise with just a few noble people, having one right at the top would offer tha small chance though.
I thought so! (But I wasn't sure...)
This American has trenchant things to say, and I recommend highly that all here listen to him.
Thanks Rhys. I watched that. This is a US military veteran explaining how the trees burning from inside out in California, Canada and Hawaii are caused by microwave Directed Energy Weapons heating the tree sap to blowing holes in the tree and burning, and that they also induce currents in household wiring and metal pipes, also leading to superheating and fires.
This is the same argument I presented in "Lahaina Tree Burns Inside Out". Indeed, he uses that and other similar videos.
When he says "Maser" it is like a "laser" but with microwaves, instead of visible light. Energy beam weapons don't need to be "coherent" waves like lasers or masers, just a lot of energy.
Sorry, John, I don't get to read 100% of your articles and must have missed that one.
No harm done.
That's my most viewed post yet, over 8000 views.
Yeah - I'm a contrarian, that way lol)
Hi John.
Talk about synchronicity! Today, I was catching up on "Canadian Prepper" and came on this ... which basically says the same thing ... ... particularly a few minutes beginning at 21:45.
And yesterday, Japan time, I came upon this substack and short, but infuriating video ...
Thank You, Steve.
The first commenter thinks there is no conspiracy to make wars, but "bored people with a lot of power".
The second link is quite to the point, and unusually frank.
I am not trusting RFK Jr.
In the current system we need leaders, who would you back that has even a slim hope of becoming a leader.
Actually, for purely pragmatic reasons after consideration also of his apparent personality as well as of his and his wives' ancestry: Trump. Not that thrilled by his son in law, though.
Trump has shown that he is easy to manipulate. I would not take that chance a second time, that trust was broken and the airtime the mainstream media is giving to his followers is deliberately to take it away from real leaders.
Why would he be in the news any more if he was a danger to the system?
Why is RFK Jr. NOT in the news if he was a person the elite could trust.
Everything partisan is a joke, RFK Jr. has to play by one or other party just to get a foot in the door but he speaks of working TOGETHER with the opposition. Both parties are EQUALLY complicit and unless there is a way to get a wedge into the system it will simply alternate between blue and red elite sycophants until society crumbles.
An independent would be best but the media keeps the voters fearful of the OTHER party and they are told that voting independent will give to the other party (it does not but it wasted if the independent has no chance).
RFK Jr. outspoken about wanting to fix his OWN party to be better. Trump has not stood back from the vaccines yet and never stood up for Ivermectin after he got egg on his face so he is a waste of time. Totally captured or controlled and simply used now to pull people away from other candidates until the media chooses the one to promote.
Oh, by now I think the elites would know that our interest is piqued when the candidate is ostracized. I found it quite remarkable that Tucker interviewed him and then Tucker was gone. That's exactly the kind of thing that the elites would know makes us think the elites don't want him. But I think by now, things have gotten more difficult because there is little authenticity left. Everything can and has been calculated.
Very interesting times just ahead... Sad, Strange and Scary. Too many people will get hurt. Of course, the 'Masters of the Universe' may have more tricks in their trick box to pull out a winning situation... but who knows ?
😳Wow! I’m reading a little historical narrative on gold and miners and how hard it was to carry around.
The next thing .......then ‘they ‘created’ gold, causing the rest of us to die’. I mean it’s kinda like reading “Deliverance”. 😱.
Oh well, thought about this many times. But really I worked in a lab at a gold mine. They get those bars made pretty readily,...didn’t think much about it then as gold mines were plentiful. Until the new millennium....then as John CLEARLY shows, it’s downhill from there.
Is that Yoakum, Texas?
Yes, the town, not the county.
The globalists control the money flow, and through about 160 their central banks, governments. Apart from that, they own and/or control everything else that matters, so disrupting the supply chain would result in total breakdown of civilization...
The private bank, the Federal Reserve, has been issuing the USD since 1913, in the form of loans (the Treasury prints the bills, but that amount is inconsequential). It has already issued more loans at the taxpayer's expense than whatever the whole country is worth. According to those contracts, the collateral is the people's assets, labor, and "lives and limbs."
Returning to a gold-based currency is not impossible: