Selling Cancer as the cure...

How do you hide a mass murder Genocide?

By Mass Immigration.

By the same lot that poisons your Food... Genocides you and controls the Government

Evil beyond Imagination.

What next?

AI Government.


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Chaos hides a lot of crimes...


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Yes my friend... and good old fascism doe the rest!

Ordo Ab Chao

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One fact of which many seem unaware is that the European (and specifically English and French) upper classes have always regarded it as their right to have sex with children of both sexes...For example, in the 1400s, Marshal of France Gilles de Rais had raped and murdered at least 250 children of the lower classes, which was ignored by the ruling class...only when the protests and stink got too great did the King reluctantly ordered him drawn and quartered...Even in Victorian times, child sex trafficking was common...And this attitude hasn't changed, as the compete indifference of Parliament and law enforcement to the ongoing Paki and Gypsy rape gangs demonstrates...It's only the workers' kids....

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I used to think having British or French royal ancestry would be really cool :-(

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Since "judaism" clearly believes in not only an eye-for-an-eye, but 30,000 eyes for one eye, may their gods see fit to obliterate Israel and Israelis in like manner SQUARED. Let the world look away while this is happening.

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We shall see. I would like there to be as few ongoing violent reverberations as possible...

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The conclusion that we all face austerity in coming years is warranted by comparison of financial claims with the real resources that must ultimately satisfy those claims.

But there may be an out if vastly more efficient technologies become available. It is my belief that some segment of humanity has energy technologies that could create sustainable abundance for 8 billion people, and that they are keeping these technologies secret, sometimes using bribery and murder to suppress the knowledge.



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Thank you, Josh. Like Micky Mouse, I think we're not ready, and I'm sure that the folks who would be in control of such technology ARE ready to engage it with full-hubris-ahead, so to speak.

I'm just going to try to keep living here on the surface of this planet, though I expect it to get complicated.


I remember that cold-fusion thing in the late 1980s. It seemed interesting, but then it was officially debunked, but then this other expert said it Did work, then somebody died of natural causes or something. "A mind is a terrible thing..."

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Shit John, the freeze! I feel for ya brother but as basically stubborn people we shall soldier on, no? Never surrender! Besides what else are we to do with our spare time?

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Thanks Red. I'm living a human life, as a human. It's something to do, isn't it?

It is 35F now, before dawn, but the tomato plants are all shot. Still, they had a long run of it, and seedlings have been coming up under the glass bowls in the cabbage-family row to replace them when them aphids hit that family hard in about 3 months.

We had about 6 hours of 28F in both Austin and Yoakum yesterday.

That is not such a hard freeze, is it?

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Well I guess it's not if you're waiting on the ponds to freeze for a little pond hockey. It is a bit more than a lot of veggies can stand. Keep on being human, it's the only way.

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We have a tub on the back patio in Austin, which catches rainwater. It has not gotten even a little layer of ice on the surface, for perspective.

The cabbage family are all doing well, and chard, and onions and garlic.

I think a lot of the unpicked-peppers, the kinds that dry well, are going to be usable, too. I do have a lot dry and drying, already.

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You need to learn a very simple lesson. The USA is NOT a moral beacon, Elon Musk is a corporate mafioso and the UK does not answer now or ever to Elon Musk.

Elon Musk can sort out child sexual abuse in the USA, the death sentence is what he needs if he thinks, ever again, that as a non-citizen, he has any role, ever, to play in UK national government.

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Elon Musk was born in South Africa to a Canadian & South African mother, and largely grew up in Canada. He is a product of the old UK Commonwealth, not the US.

Elon has a mouth on him, doesn't he?

He is striking where and while the iron is hot to bring about change.

Musk is an enigmatic historical actor on the global stage.

He is neither all good nor all evil, a wild-card, like Trump in that respect, and has his own mind...

Oh, I DO agree that the USA is not a moral beacon, or has long presented an immoral and hypocritical video promo. of itself. Pedophiles in all of that, too. Did you notice the Biden-Border-Guatemalan child-trafficking thing?

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When they replace Starmer with Sadiq Khan or if you’re lucky Jess Philips will you stick up for them as well? Most normal countries welcome outside help whether it’s from a loud mouthed billionaire or mother Teresa to get rid of somebody like Starmer, nobody in Germany is sticking up for Scholz and he’s almost normal compared to Starmer. God help our country if you can’t see Starmers no good.

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