Good content and great reminders we will have a heck of a genetic bottleneck going forward. Think we are encountering the massive weight of denial those affected will display as they try to grieve.

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I'm sure we will all be affected and grieving...


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Somehow the sense of change is around us today. We can question the meaning of "Head Girl" -that is- the sanctity of the bureaucracy! We are in a limnal space as David Spangler writes.


Liminal space is the threshold between two states, neither fully here nor fully there but somewhere in transition. For someone in such a space, a “liminalite,” it can be an exciting place, full of novelty and opportunity, and it can be a terrifying place as well. The familiar and the old are falling away but the new hasn’t taken shape yet. Promise and peril seem equally possible.

All around us, if we look, we can see the seeds of a new consciousness, a new way of being in the world, beginning to appear, taking root, forming sprouts. Some are more robust than others; some, like the seeds in Jesus’s parable, have fallen on inhospitable soil and others on fertile soil.

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That "liminal space" sounds like the between-life transition in Tibetan Buddhism, the "Bardo".

Thanks for checking in here, Mary. I've seen your comments elsewhere for many years.

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That "liminal space" sounds like the between-life transition in Tibetan Buddhism, the "Bardo".

..or purgatory.

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I think Jordan Peterson has also said something about how women in politics will show different style of power-wielding. He referred to movie mean girls, if I remember right. Headgirls can be nasty, too.

As to the what keeps our elites ticking: our prime minister has lost weight, likewise Jacinda Ardern, and I think there are others too, who have a reputation of using the white floury stuff to keep them going. Round here our partygirl prime minister parties with folks who are users, but of course, she never knew and never used. They must have something to keep their conscience asleep.

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What country are you in?

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Oh, right. The country that dropped decades of military non-alignment and scrambled to become a NATO member in May, after Russia invaded Ukraine! That's handy.

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Kristiina is a serious and thoughtful person. She's not a cog in that system, just as we are not cogs in any particular war-machine decision-engine. :-)

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We humanist humans are on our own now. No mystery anymore how the events leading to last major war in Europe happened. Opposition is just munchies in the jaws of the beast. The ancestors of humans survived as mice when dinosaurs went under. That has stuck to my mind. As to our political leadership : I vacillate between money,&opportunism, drugs, stupidity and mental illness as explaining factiors. We used to know history, but obviously those in power learned nothing. I could go on...a lot, but what does that matter? Feels like a layer of sick-slime has descended upon the country.

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Interesting comment. The only good choice now is to take care of yourself. The system has spiraled out of control and all those who try to bring it under control are only fooling themselves. Start a garden to begin the process of disconnection.

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I like the vision of the mice surviving! Perhaps I should start preparing my bolt hole now and stock up on cheese. As for the leaders, I think of them as managers obeying orders from the executive.

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You write: "Originality of thought and independent problem-solving are not desired" anywhere in mainstream circles. Certainly not in Basketball.

The international kleptocrats have thoroughly lost the plot. Wonder what they really do to fry their brains at Davos?

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"Wonder what they really do to fry their brains at Davos?"


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It will be interesting when these try to take these bags of cash with them.

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I think regular, ordinary paychecks work better to keep people in-line.

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Yes, well maybe they can mange to take bags of paychecks with them. Doubt if they will find many ways of cashing them. Who knows?

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Whose genetic code is being installed?

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The mRNA "vaccines" are able to reverse transcribe into human DNA when they get into human cells. This was supposed to not-happen, but it appears to happen. If that cell is an egg in an ovary, or a sperm, then this DNA encoded trait could be passed to offspring.

The code is [Make Spike Protein].

It is already a huge problem that they made these mRNA pieces to not turn off, and not break down. They can be actively telling the human body for months to [Make Spike Protein].

Again, this spike protein being pumped into the bloodstream is a known toxin, especially to blood vessels, the heart and other vascular organs.

That's why people are dying of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death.

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If it passes down from mother, then all those injected are tainted blood lines. Reads like a dead end for human beings.

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It might not be compatible with life in the fetus, depending on how much it was expressed.

Drops in fertility and birth defects are already being seen, a they were seen in mice and the early studies, but pregnant women were hurriedly cut from the studies when this started to show.

Ssshhh, It's a secret ...

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KFC and the secret recipe.

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KFC changed the recipe, I heard.

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